The National Director is Mr. Perfect

Chapter 1601: Seems to be scolding it

Jiang Yi was out of anger: "Shut me your mouth!"

Hearing the three words "Prince Concubine", the fire came.

You say Jiang Yiwan, after all, it was really bend because of Junci.

But in some ways it is not straightforward.

For example, he was very resistant to using the term "girl chirping" on himself.

Gulu: Huh, the princess doesn’t like people

Last star:...

Junci simply set himself up, and then said to Jiang Yi: "I will let the end star take care of you in the future, will you be on a mission after you get engaged? There is no danger that the end star will help you monitor your mission at that time? Yes, do you know your specific mission plan?"

Jiang Yi shook his head: "I don't know, but I know roughly, this mission is related to drugs."

Jun Ci paused, and remembered what the old man had said, Jiang Yi might go out.

It should be the same.

"Are you afraid that something will happen to me?" Jiang Yi felt that Jun Ci was caring about him. He didn't feel that his future tasks might be dangerous, and he was not afraid in his heart.

Instead, he felt that Junci's caring attitude made him feel happy.

Jun Ci chuckled, "Not obvious?"

It's not very afraid of something, but an inevitable concern.

After all, it is a dangerous task, even if Jiang Yi's identity is extraordinary, no matter how protected he is, the fact that this task is dangerous cannot be concealed.

Although Mr. Jiang can use his power to set Jiang Yi with a relaxed task, he is also afraid of being criticized. Moreover, Jiang Yi himself does not need such protection.

He is very good and his performance in the military academy is obvious to all.

"I am very happy."

Jiang Yi let out a pleasant low laugh, came forward to hug the boy's waist, his nose was pressed against the boy's cheek, "I really want to marry you home soon!"

"Isn't it the same after getting engaged in a few days."

Jun Ci touched Jiang Yi's cheek: "Don't act like a baby after all, there are still a few netizens waiting in the hotel."

She went out with Jiang Yi and didn't pay much attention to a few netizens Junci. It was just because of the little spies that she needed to take care of them twice. Maybe there will be no intersection in future life, but at this time, it's okay for everyone to play together.

Just like Hades.

Originally, Jun Ci wanted to see her, but unfortunately this person stayed at Lucifer's house for a few days and then left.

Jun Ci still didn't see anyone, although she knew who Hades was from beginning to end.


I went to the hotel Junci by car. There were three netizens. Jiang Yi sat in the co-pilot just behind him, but the piano had to follow, so Junci took the piano with him.

But now that the piano has become perfect, Jiang Yi's attitude is different from before.

The piano sitting under the co-pilot was very disgusted by Jiang Yi. After moving a little, Jiang Yi yelled, "Don't move!"


MMP people can't move yet, what kind of person is this!

It can be said to be a very wicked person.

Jun Ci drove the car, saw Jiang Yi's attitude, and chuckled, "Why did it provoke you? Anyway, you raised it since childhood."

The piano raised his chin proudly: Exactly! Anyway, he was raised from childhood to adulthood!

Jiang Yi silently said, "That's different. I used to raise a husky, a pure breed, but now it is not pure, it looks like a person."

Junci: "..."


I always feel that this sentence seems to be cursing it.

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