The National Director is Mr. Perfect

Chapter 1638: Wicked animal!

When everyone was eating in depression, Junci had already greeted him at the table.

After all, it was an engagement banquet, and I didn't greet me when I came. Now that such an exciting thing is announced, I must greet and appease.

The first table was that of Sula and the others. Jun Ci glanced at it and ignored it.

The people at this table know it anyway.

In terms of partners, she came to Boris's table first.

"Cheers, thank you for coming to my engagement party."

Jun Ci was still relatively polite at this time, and Jiang Yi next to him nodded in response to Gao Leng, and raised his wine glass, his perfunctory attitude was obvious.

Mainly he is such a person.

Of course, the wine glass is not wine, Jun Ci does not drink, and Jiang Yi does not drink either.

Some people at the scene would drink, but no one would dare to persuade the two to drink.

Even if Jun Ci changed back to women's clothing, she still seemed so lethal.

That kind of calm deterrence puts pressure on people from top to bottom.

Boris and several people were still dizzy after the bombing. They were not surprised by men's or women's men, but they were a bit embarrassed to suddenly switch genders for this kind of people who had been stereotyped since childhood.

What's more, this person is still his own partner.

The emperor is a woman, who would dare to believe it, but this is the truth!

Taking a sip of the juice in the glass, Jun Ci smiled and said, "You continue to drink, I will go to the next table."

"Go and go, I wish you a happy engagement and a happy wedding soon!"

"Happy engagement!"


After the surprise, those who should be blessed still have to be blessed. Amidst the sound of blessing, Junci came to the second table.

Employees of his company looked at her silently.

Yao kitten covered her face, as if unwilling to accept this fact.

Fu Ziyan is already demented.

When she came over, it was Mo Chaoyang who pushed Fu Ziyan and she reacted. When she toasted, she looked at Junci's face, um, ah, a few times, and then I didn’t know...

After the table is down, Jun Ci has discovered it, and the more familiar it is, the greater the reaction.

I've probably experienced so much, I can't believe this is true.

A male **** becomes a goddess!

In particular, I might have had **** with myself, the contrast is simply too tragic.

I want to hammer myself to death.

When Jun Ci came to Gou's table, the public execution began.

Jun Ci greeted Claire first: "Auntie."

She said in English: "I'm sorry I couldn't tell me at the time, but there are some things that I can't handle on my side. I can only tell you this way by taking this opportunity."

Claire looked at Junci, her eyes were bright, but there were some tears.

After a long time, he whispered: "Liar!"

But after speaking, she hugged Jun Ci's waist again.

The others immediately looked over, and Jiang Yi fixed his eyes on Claire calmly.

Junci patted Claire's back comfortably twice. Claire quickly recovered, wiped the corners of his eyes with a tissue, and said: "I know that your Huaguo red means celebration, so I know you are engaged. I wore a red dress specially."

Jun Ci chuckled, "Aunt, very beautiful."

Clairton was shocked.

Even if she is wearing women's clothing, her natural expression seems to be able to catch people's hearts, and the low-mellow and elegant words sound with incomparable sincerity.

It's hard not to be moved.

The dog next to him has tears in his eyes: Naughty animal!

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