Because of Shu Jie's concealment, the piano is really fine for the time being.

But after all, there is an additional national staff on WeChat, and the piano is still scared enough for fear that it will be used for research and dissection.

Then it became a lot of low-key. For example, there are not often photos on WeChat and Weibo.

So as not to be discovered that the photo was not taken by the owner, but by a dog...

As this incident passed, Junci's "Interstellar Glory" finally came to an end.

The shooting for almost half a year is considered to be the longest filmed in Junci's current movie, because only the first part was shot on the plot, Junci is not in a hurry to continue with the second one.

Post-production is a matter of minutes for Gulu. When "Interstellar Glory" was officially completed, she did not make a high-key announcement of the world, but returned to China in a low-key manner.

After this period of time, apart from the Austin family and her disclosure of the identity of Silorie's boss, in general, the work was calm and there was no big news.

So when a black-clad Junci appeared in the airport low-key, there were still many people who did not react.

If the teenager wears a mask, if it is not for the porcelain white complexion and strong aura that is different from ordinary people, I am afraid that most people will just ignore her as a model.

But also because the arrival was so sudden, when the airport began to scream ‘the emperor appeared’, Junci had come to the underground parking lot and was picked up by the driver.

This is the pain of not knowing an idol’s itinerary. Even if there are fans waiting at the airport, after all, other stars’ INS will always reveal clues after they are released. They speculate that the emperor may return to China in the near future but they don’t know the specific time. It can only happen by coincidence.

I met now, but Junci left too fast and could only take a few photos that were not high-definition. The young man was tall and long and walked like a gust of wind.

Fans didn't have time to block people before they succeeded.

The driver from Jiang's family came to pick her up. Knowing that Jun Ci was going back to China today, Jiang's mother asked her to go back to Jiang's family for a meal.

By the way, Junci's parents were also picked up.

Jiang Yi naturally knew about Junci’s return to China, but he has been busy recently. The more he learns, the busier he will be. Basically, he doesn’t even spend much time chatting with Junci, let alone picking him up now. Porcelain.

But Jiang Yi is definitely coming home tonight for dinner.

When I arrived at Jiang's house, I got out of the car. Before Jun Chengbai and Lydia arrived, she arrived home first.

Mother Jiang at home has not yet returned. It was three o'clock in the afternoon. She was outside to receive visiting wives from other countries.

But the old man is here.

There are still guests in the house today, so Junci went to the old man's yard to say hello to him, and when he arrived at the yard, he saw an unexpected person.

If this person's status is even comparable to that of the original Junci, he is now the number one figure in the country, vice president and Yang Guohua.

Except for the top leader, this can be regarded as the second in command of China.

The status is simply detached.

Unexpectedly, I would meet here, Junci was a little surprised for a while.

She doesn't know this person either, and she has mainly seen it in the news media, plus the current Guru's whistleblowing.


Jun Ci spoke. The two old men who had been playing chess saw Jun Ci's return, and both turned their heads. Elder Jiang said, "Are you back?"

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