The National Director is Mr. Perfect

Chapter 313: Emp is the emperor

The owner of the voice is a sweet girl.

After hearing the words, Jun Ci lightly glanced at it, but he felt a little familiar.

"His Royal Highness, Ke Weiwei, the one that your hero saved the United States some time ago."

Junci: "..."

Does the hero save the beauty?

Jun Ci really forgot.

However, Ke Weiwei has not forgotten that even though Junci is very low-key now, the masks he wears, the diamond eyes that make people unforgettable at a glance, have been stuck in Ke Weiwei's heart.

When I saw people at this time, Ke Weiwei's heart suddenly swelled, and his heartbeat seemed to jump out quickly: "You...Hello, this is Ke Weiwei. You saved me last time, do you remember? In the previous building? Next, I was thrown off, and you caught me..."

For fear that Junci might not remember, Ke Weiwei also carefully described the situation at that time.

Jun Ci said calmly: "Remember."

Two simple words, even as cold as clear water, made Ke Weiwei extremely excited: "Yes...Is it? I always wanted to thank you for coming, but I didn't find a chance."

Ke Weiwei wanted to find Junci since that day, but she was a star and was too busy.

It happened that there was a TV series about to be filmed recently. She went for a long time. During the period, people asked about Junci’s news, but the property side refused to tell Ke Weiwei Junci’s information on the grounds that it could not disclose the owner’s information, even if Ke Weiwei was Big stars are not good.

With regret in her heart and no time, she can only let it go for the time being.

When I came back the day before yesterday, I was still busy after all, and I had no chance to run into Junci. I didn't expect to run into Junci this evening.

Seeing the young boy at this moment, Ke Weiwei was indescribably excited.

Even the charming and pure face glowed with strange brilliance in the dark night.

Upon hearing the words, Jun Ci shook his head lightly: "No thanks, just a small effort."

After she said this, she was ready to leave.

Seeing that she was about to leave, Ke Weiwei was disappointed in her heart, not caring about being a big star, and shouted cheeky: "Wait...wait."

She was very generous even to attend the awards ceremony, and now her tense fingers in front of the teenager were holding a corner of her tightly, and she said something difficult to say: "I...I really want to thank you, can you Can you give me a phone number or add me a WeChat account? I also live in your building."

Junci came down from upstairs that day, so she must also be a resident of a certain floor.

The other party talked about this, and he is a big star again. Junci thought about it, and there may be opportunities for cooperation in the future, nodded: "That's OK, you can add me to WeChat."

Hearing these words, Ke Weiwei felt like a treasure: "Well, I will add you."

She took out the phone and scanned Junci's WeChat. After adding people, she held the phone to her heart excitedly.

She actually went to the WeChat of the picturesque and beautiful young man, and added it.


Is this the other party's WeChat name?

So chic.

The boy's name must have other meanings. Ke Wei was slightly stunned. If the English is correct, remember that EMP English means electric pulse magnetism.

But this word also has a rare meaning.

It is an abbreviation of the English word Emperor.

Therefore, EMP stands for Emperor.


Ke Wei frowned slightly, and suddenly remembered that the movie that was going to be against Wanxian, which had been rioting on the Internet recently, was directed by the emperor!

Coincident...coincident right?

She still didn't believe it, shook her head and left with some doubts.

Maybe it's just a teenager who thinks this word is cool.

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