The National Director is Mr. Perfect

Chapter 345: Playing with you, are you worthy?

When Jun Ci passed by here, a small scream broke out.

Today's Junci wears a white hooded sweater, even if it is low-key enough, he will be recognized at a glance.

The boys who were playing basketball originally enjoyed the gaze that the girls admired, but suddenly saw the girls' gaze suddenly shifted and looked at it now.

When Jun Ci came over, the boys were a little upset.

This group of students belonged to other colleges, far away from Junci, and only heard some rumors.

I know that Junci didn't go to military training and joined a garbage club to do mobile games.

It looks like a kind of dead house style, very weak.

Seeing just passing by now easily attracts the attention of all girls, and now some boys feel unbalanced in their hearts.

They glanced at each other, exchanged a strange glance, and then a boy hooked the corner of his mouth, caught the ball, and suddenly threw it at Junci!

The basketball came with the sound of the wind. Jun Ci lowered his head while playing on his mobile phone, and suddenly heard a panic scream next to him.

"Be careful, school grass!"

"Be careful, Master Porcelain!"


There are voices that the girls care about, but they don't actually need to be reminded. Junci has already noticed the movement.

For more than 20 years, this kind of foresight of danger has become instinct. She doesn't even need to look up to know what is coming. She didn't even turn her head, raised her right hand, and with a violent wave, the basketball seemed to be mixed With the momentum of thunder, he was directly hit back!

Most people know that basketball has weight. If you want to be easily knocked back, the strength is bound to weaken.

However, the boys saw that the basketball turned back like a giant rock from the carrier, and directly hit the opposite basketball frame pole with a loud "boom."


"Oh my God is so handsome and dizzy just now!"

"I didn't even lift my head, it was so cool that it exploded!"

"Ah, ah, Junci, I love you! Can I marry you?"

"Master Porcelain, I want to be your girlfriend!!!"

The screams of girls and the dumbfounded expressions of boys broke out on the sidelines.

Jun Ci put the phone down directly, this ball clearly was someone looking for something, just ignore it, it's not her style.

She walked over to meet the crowd and looked at the group of young basketball players with indifferent, slightly sharp eyes: "Who threw it?"

The tone is very slight, but full of inexplicable danger.

A boy smiled deliberately: "It's just a miss, do you know how to play basketball? Do you want to play ball with us, sir?"

The last few words were extremely heavy, and the boys in the middle of the field all laughed.

After the basketball bounced from the pillar, it rolled back directly. I don't know if it happened to fall at Jun Ci's feet.

Jun Ci directly raised his foot and stepped on it.

I didn't see how she used it, as if it was just kicking the ball, but the ball was directly kicked up by a strong force.

There was a sudden violent, but it was in the direction of the boys in front of him.

No one expected the ball to burst suddenly, and was hit in the chest by the force of its sudden bounce. The boy who was hit by the ball screamed and overturned the other two people and fell to the ground together.

In the dumbfounded gaze of the audience, the young man held his chin slightly, his body seemed to be against the light, full of the taste of loftyness, thin lips, and contemptuously spit out a clear, cold word that everyone present could hear ——

"Playing with you, are you worthy?"

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