The National Director is Mr. Perfect

Chapter 352: Who are you looking down on

This is the first time he has seen such a strange student since he has been a professor for so many years.


The entrance examination regulations are very strict, and the Dragon Mansion is even stricter. No one has the guts to expel it once.

Ability to take high scores, not actively participating in scientific research projects...

Even if this grade is placed in any college, it is against the sky.

After seeing the transcripts submitted by the instructors of various subjects, he thought for a while and asked Junci's head teacher to talk to Junci and come to see him this afternoon.

He needs to talk carefully to see what the student thinks.

In the morning, the results were hung up.

The ranking of each college is only compared with that of its own college, so this time is also the most lively time on the forum.

When the Department of Physics Junci topped the list with a total score of 500, a classic image of loneliness and defeat appeared in front of all the people in the Department of Physics at that moment...

[Wori, the school grass can surprise my eyes every time]

[Full score in the Department of Physics, this score is terrible, the comprehensive three subjects plus the major courses of the Department of Physics are full, more than a horror! 】

[Who said that the school grass does not listen to class and sleep every day, I hate such shameless people who study secretly! 】

[The junior dog of the Physics Department said he was terrified]

[The Institute of Physics expressed the same panic]

[Such a score is more than enough to enter the well-known research team of PPI or WHM in the Department of Physics? 】

[According to the people of the PPI research team, Junci was invited as soon as the results came out. Junci said that he was not interested in physics research. Then I would like to ask him why he chose the physics department? 】

"Comprehensive three subjects plus professional courses full marks?"

Jiang Yi was also a little shocked after seeing Junci's score on the forum.

It was just as daunting as I learned about Junci's college entrance examination results.

"It's all like this, the research institute of the physics department hasn't moved?"

Jing Fuxiao was holding a professional book, frowning, he was a little surprised.

Even the children of top clan like them have to admit that this Junci is too terrifying.

"Moved, I heard that Jun Ci did not agree, does he really just want to make a movie?"

Xia Yunhan also slightly guessed.

"What is a good test score, what if one can take the test?"

Ji Moyin curled his lips, thinking they were making a fuss.

Jiang Yi seldom rolled his eyes and asked Ji Moyin: "If you are ugly, you have to read more. Don’t show your IQ soon. The main scores of their professional courses are on experimental projects. The experimental projects are not good enough to be perfect. Full marks, people who can get full marks on the experimental projects of the Longfu Physics Department can count with one hand."

Ji Moyin bit the apple and couldn't swallow for a while: "You actually said I was ugly."

"..." Jiang Yi was silent, and then cast a condescending glance at Ji Moyin: "Compare with me, isn't it?"

Ji Moyin: "..."

That narcissistic tone of undue beating, really, wanted to kill someone.

Jing Fuxiao smiled slightly and closed the book: "Interesting, Boss Jiang, you are not very familiar with him. Ask him if he wants to work in our family company after graduation, and you will not treat him badly."

Jiang Yi took out his mobile phone to send a message to Jun Ci, and snorted by the way: "I am still a producer for the movie he made. When I enter your company, who are you looking down on?"

Jing Fuxiao: "..."

As a member of the team who is rarely directly attacked by Jiang Yi, he has a subtle feeling in his heart at this time.

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