The National Director is Mr. Perfect

Chapter 409: Meet Ke Weiwei Again

Junci's restraint power is still relatively high, no matter how indulged in it, there is still a degree.

Fu Ziyan and a few others, including classmates from the club, were completely addicted to them, and even wanted to play games during eating and drinking.

And the NPC in the game is also a good chat partner. Talking about the gossip about the whole street with the neighbor aunt is the joy of life...

When Jun Ci went home in the evening, when Jiang Yi came, the first sentence was: "The seventh prince, that dog, is actually betraying Lao Tzu!"


I don't understand at all!

Jiang Yi has the highest status among the people who have tried so far. When others are still fighting for their own future, see Junci for details.

Jiang Yi has reached the pinnacle of life.

However, Jiang Yi is currently in the stage of fighting in the palace. He is still young when he comes out. The princes and concubines from all sides are stumbling on Jiang Yi. Generally speaking, he is in an environment that requires IQ very much. If someone else estimates it. Can be killed in just a few days of playing.

So a good birth is not necessarily a fate.

It depends on the environment and nature.

When sitting at the dinner table and eating, Jiang Yi was holding his mobile phone to play games. He had watched many mobile games and he was extremely concerned about this game, which was unexpectedly fun.

The independent development of the plot alone has already left other plot games on Eight Streets.

It's annoying to keep asking where Junci was born.

When Jun Ci asked him for the fifth time, he was finally willing to roll his eyes impatiently to him: "What are you asking for, you are not as high as you, are you happy?"

"Happy, why not happy?"

Jiang Yi smiled stupidly, "I'm so sorry for you!"

As a prince, it is instinct to care about life.

Junci: "..."

If you don't fight for three days, you will be able to go to the house in two days.

After eating, Junci felt that he needed to go out for a wave of musty spirits. Rarely pulled on the rope of the piano, and at the same time said to Jiang Yi on the sofa: "I'm going out for a piano walk, won't you?"

"No, I'll talk about the seven princes first tonight."

Now Jiang Yi is completely addicted to games and can't help himself.

Jun Ci didn't care about him either, and went out with the piano.

Going downstairs to disperse a wave of heart, in the quiet dark night, blowing a shivering cold wind, met a sneaky figure.

Wearing a thick down jacket and a big hat, the whole person is hidden in the dark and can not be seen clearly. When he approaches, or the other party first speaks, "The emperor?"

The voice is crisp, just a little low.

Jun Ci squinted his eyes slightly, and immediately recognized the person: "Ke Weiwei?"

"It's me! It's me."

Ke Wei was slightly happy, and took off his big hat, revealing his delicate face.

Jun Ci raised the corner of his mouth when he saw Ke Weiwei's dressing up: "Just went out?"

Recently, Ke Weiwei was put under house arrest by the company for helping her to speak up. She didn't receive any notice or work, just let her stay at home first.

Ke Weiwei is also a big red, even if she offends Du Jian, she is reluctant to discard Ke Weiwei, a profitable star, so she is to be honest now, in fact, there is no restriction on Ke Weiwei.

It's just that because there are too many paparazzi following, she has been very careful when she goes out recently.

When the movie was released, her situation would change, so Jun Ci didn't help Ke Weiwei in particular, because there was no need for such extra actions.

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