The National Director is Mr. Perfect

Chapter 475: Burning evaluation!

At 2:20 am on December 1st, Huaguo, the first wave of comments on the Records of Life and Death in Xianzhong was released.

[Audiences who haven’t bought tickets advise you to buy tickets for Xianzhong's Life and Death Record. Don’t even think about watching this movie at a good time for ten days or half a month.]

[One word, explosion, two words, explosion! 】

[I sincerely apologize to the emperor for my previous remarks, sorry! 】

[Hahahahaha Wanxian is a hammer! ! ! ! This is going to blow up the sky! ! 】

[The movie tickets on December 2 have already begun to be popular across the board. Will the movie theaters not increase the number of films waiting to eat? 】

[I actually supported the Xianzhong Life and Death Record, and I once again feel grateful for my wise choice. I bought a good position in gold]

[Really, domestic films are in their heads, domestic films are really in their heads! ! 】

[I have a hunch that the golden age of domestic blockbusters will begin with the emperor]

[Don’t pay attention to the bad reviews of Xianzhong’s Life and Death Record, it’s definitely left without appreciation, or it’s the Ten Thousand Immortals Water Army. Let’s just say that this movie is destined to explode, and it’s not easy to say anything, Hollywood is waiting for dumb ! 】


Other Weibo commenters were dumbfounded.

Some of them waited to see the jokes, and some of them waited to see the comments before deciding whether to buy a ticket.

But these comments are too exaggerated, right?

How can it be so powerful...

It was like a comment left by the navy.

However, just because the remarks are too exaggerated, it makes people hesitate.

But one thing is that comments can be brushed, and the box office is not easy to fake.

Especially when movie reviews just came out, the box office is the most intuitive reaction.

At first glance at the major movie box office apps, the people were directly confused.

Sure enough, starting from December 1st, the tickets for the day, from morning to afternoon, began to increase at a terrifying rate.

You know, most of the viewers who reviewed the Record of Life and Death in Xianzhong immediately decided to buy a second ticket.

There are also some new viewers who quickly saw the comments. The box office has soared at a speed that almost dumped the Wanxian Eight Streets next door.

If it is said that during the pre-sale period, it is the record of life and death of Wanxian hanging from the immortal, then now, it is simply the record of life and death from the immortal, hanging from the streets of Wanxian.

After watching the movie, Wan Xian commented.


Very subtle.

[Cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough and cough, I saw all the screaming in the next hall, I don’t know why, and then a large number of people rushed to the front desk to buy tickets immediately. I really don’t understand what is going on.]

[According to the popular science of Xianzhong's fans at the scene, the excitement is almost going to heaven, and they are all saying that they are so good-looking, and the special effects are almost exploding. If you watch Hollywood blockbusters, you must definitely go to see Xianzhong. My mother, I am Wan Xian dead. Fan, I scolded Xianzhong before, but now I don’t see it, it’s really tangled...]

[I didn't want to look at Wanxian next door when I saw Xianzhong, just like that, Xianzhong Er brushed away! 】

[First watch Wanxian and then go to see Xianzhong, is the best choice. If you watch Xianzhong, you won’t be able to sit down for a few minutes. Don’t say it, as a fan of Wanxian, this time I said Du The defeat of Jianluo]

[Xianzhong's special effects are very good, the plot is seven points, a domestic blockbuster worthy of brushing, Wanxian's special effects are two points directly compared to Xianzhong, the plot...Anyway, I first watched Xianzhong, Wanxian didn't sit on my **** for a few minutes I'm leaving, I really didn't get a ticket in the second brush fairy]

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