The National Director is Mr. Perfect

Chapter 514: The miracle of domestic films

"This there something wrong with your brain? Your Highness, do you need to clean up him?"

Although Jiang Yi didn't know, the conversation between Xiang Ao and his classmates had been heard by Gulu.

Intact transferred to Jun Ci's ears.

When Jun Ci heard the phrase "embroidered pillow a straw bag", he wanted to break Xiang Ao's mind to see what kind of tofu dregs were in his mind.

Even with those things about her, others guessed that Jiang Yi's power was borrowed.

However, his first place in the exam is solid. Compared with Xiang Ao, Jun Ciguang's academic performance has left him eighteen streets.

Where does Xiang Ao's self-confidence call Junci a idiot.

Junci is a straw bag, and the entire Dragon Mansion is almost mentally retarded.

"People's jealous face is really ugly."

You don't need to think about Junci to know why Xiang Ao is so upset with her.

It was probably the time when school started.

He was arrogant, and when Jun Ci first arrived, he did not show the politeness that a schoolboy should have, so he was remembered by Xiang Ao.

Now talking about her secretly, no matter how hard you try to conceal it, the jealousy in Xiang Ao's eyes cannot be concealed.

A person who is too good will naturally be jealous of narrow-minded people.

What's more, although Xiang Ao is the head of the Student Union Committee in the school, he is not too good.

After all, the most indispensable elite in Longfu.

"His Royal Highness, Gulu can't understand this kind of person!"

Momo Haw's back discussion, at that time, His Royal Highness should give him a lesson.

"Hey, in front of so many people, it is insulting to do it."

Jun Ci grunted like this, but his eyes were shining: "Someone will clean him up."

She had already noticed that when Xiang Ao threatened her, someone recorded it.

What is this recording?

Of course it can't be used against Junci.

And who is the president of the student union?

King dawn!

Jing Fuxiao is Jiang Yi's best friend. Now Xiang Ao is going to provoke Jun Ci. Once he is sued, will Xiang Ao die or not?

Xiang Ao thought that Jiang Yi would not attack him for no reason.

But Jing Fuxiao, to punish the insiders, he has the means.

However, Jun Ci is not sure whether Jing Fuxiao will really look at Jiang Yi’s face to deal with Xiang Ao. After all, she is only familiar with Jiang Yi, and Jing Fuxiao is not strictly familiar with Jing Fuxiao, or even knows him. .

It's the kind of nodding at best.

However, it is the easiest way to think of at present, so Junci has not attacked Xiang Ao for the time being.

She wasn't really a person with a small belly, Xiang Ao just rushed to her face to face, and there was no rumors behind her like Gu Ziyi last time.

If she really hit Xiang Ao, it would make her fall behind.

Anyway, to see if there will be moths behind this pride, there must be something to do, but Junci is not merciful in revenge.

After one day of class, Jun Ci glanced at his movie box office again.

On the fifth day of the show, the box office had already broken the one billion mark.

This exaggerated box office increase made a group of people stare.

It's already a Monday working day!

It stands to reason that when the box office is down, Xianzhong can exceed 200 million in a single day, which is more than an exaggeration to describe.

Hollywood, which didn't pay much attention to this matter, is now a little curious.

Even if it is a Hollywood movie, there is still no such unscientific box office treatment in China.

What they didn't do, but was first done by a domestic film?

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