The National Director is Mr. Perfect

Chapter 816: In the future, it is not sure who is the rival in love (monthly ticket 7200+)

School will start in a while, and Junci also has to pay attention to his studies.

Jiang Yi will come back when the school starts, and it will take a year after coming back this time, and he will return to the military area.

But this year he will spend the year in the military academy. Although he still gathers less and more, he is much better than in the military area.

On the day he was returning, Mother Jiang asked Jun Ci to wait at Jiang's house.

She was originally going to pick up Jiang Yi at the airport, but after receiving such a notice, she had nothing to do.

When I went to Jiang's house, Jiang's mother was there.

Elder Jiang is also there, and he is pouring the flowers in the yard with a pot of water.

Jun Ci hasn't seen Mr. Jiang for a long time, and she hasn't been to Jiang's house since Jiang Yi left.

Compared with half a year ago, Jiang Jianru's back looked a little rickety. Jun Ci stood behind him and whispered, "Grandpa Jiang."

"Oh, here it is."

Jiang Jianru held the kettle and didn't turn his head. In fact, if the guards didn't inform Junci and couldn't come in, he knew Junci was coming.

Jun Ci stood behind him and did not continue to speak.

He probably didn't say a word, Old Man Jiang turned his head and glanced at her: "I haven't seen anyone for half a year. I almost forgot what I looked like. Are you surnamed Jun?"

He seemed a little deliberate, and Jun Ci curled his lips: "Yes, Grandpa Jiang."

Jiang Jianru was a little puzzled.

When a group of young children came, at least they would at least point at Jiang Yi or his identity, and ask him questions.

This Junci has been here several times, but he doesn't ask, and doesn't speak easily.

She said that she didn't understand humanity and sophistication and she didn't like it, nor did she understand politeness. The child was impeccable in manners.

With such a personality, I don't know if she is in this way.

Anyway, a few words, are you in good health, should you say this?


After the old man poured the flowers, he flicked his sleeves into the house, and Junci followed in.

The servant in the house greeted him and asked enthusiastically: "Master Jun, what are you drinking?"

Look, even the servants recognize her.

"Juice is good."

As soon as she answered this sound, a person outside the house briskly stepped into the house: "Grandpa Jiang, what are you doing?"

Looking up, a magnificent, amazingly beautiful girl stepped into the house.

She dressed very well, and she was filled with a kind of extravagance. At a glance, she knew that she was not an ordinary girl. Her eyes were light, and she looked extra hydrated.

However, when she saw Junci inside the house, she was stunned.

The youth's handsome face like an elf was unforgettable, but the peach blossom-like brows and eyes that exuded scorching brilliance only glanced at her gently, and then moved away.

The girl lost her heart for no reason, but her expression was perfect and flawless, she just looked at her with curiosity.

"Grandpa Jiang, is this?"

"Xiao Yi's friend."

"Ah, your lord, your rival..."

On Gulu's side, the girl’s information has been quickly picked up. In such a large circle, it is naturally impossible to have only males. This girl is the lady of the Xia family. They have known Jiang Yi when they were young and have a very good relationship. The elders in the past also joked and wanted to pair the two together.

However, this girl went abroad and stayed for many years, and only recently came back.

The relationship between her and Jiang Yi is pretty good.

Knowing this level of identity, Jun Ci raised his eyes and then looked at the girl carefully: "My name is Jun Ci."

Her eyes were already deep, and she looked at people with a fatal attraction. The girl glanced twice. Although the education she had received abroad from her childhood was very Western, she still turned her eyes off a little embarrassingly.

Jun Ci said indifferently in his head: "I can't guarantee whether it is my rival or Jiang Yi's rival in the future."


Your Highness this trick, take it!

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