The National Director is Mr. Perfect

Chapter 900: Not a good person (reward +)

While speaking, he pulled Claire farther away, Jiang Yi didn't care what Ji Moyin said, and he didn't even bother to give Claire his eyes.

No matter what Claire is, Jiang Yi's temper is the same as before.

For some people who he didn't want to talk to, he actually didn't even want to say anything.

When you are not with Junci, you will realize that Jiang Yi is the arrogant and difficult-to-reach prince, and he is not a fool around Junci.

All his patience was used against Junci.

When they were arguing, Jun Ci heard a little bit about it, seeing Claire being pulled away by Ji Moyin, Jun Ci turned his head and glanced at Jiang Yi.

Just now, Jiang Yi, who was still sullen and said that someone else had a bright smile, raised his hand and waved at Jun Ci.

"Is he your Chinese friend, director?"

Boris found an opportunity to come over and ask Jun Ci. Jun Ci nodded, and then said in a low voice to Boris: "The one who followed him is our partner in China. At that time, all the processes in China It will be handled by that gentleman."

Seeing a fat man approaching Jun Ci, Jiang Yi's face tightened again.

But after looking at this fat man, he was really not threatening in appearance, and Jiang Yi endured it.

After hearing Jun Ci's words, Boris' eyes lit up, and he immediately knew what to do, and walked towards Ji Moyin.

"Very well, this set of filming is over...Ten minutes off, and then another set of couple posters, the work is over today."

After one job came to an end, Jun Ci immediately ordered the next job. After the crew nodded, Jun Ci walked towards Jiang Yi.

"What did you arguing just now."

Since Gulu didn't notify Jiang Yi just now and was in a state of pretending to be dead, Jun Ci didn't let it adjust the call just now.

"No noise."

Jiang Yi didn't admit it. He looked at the people in Zhilan Yushu who came by, and the slight brows and eyes seemed to be tempting him. There were so many people here, he forcibly resisted holding Junci in his arms. I just couldn’t help but get closer, smelling the refreshing fragrance that belonged to the teenager that he missed, and said seriously: “I don’t think this aunt is a good person.”

As long as they are a bit opposed to him and Junci, they are not good things.

He said it so seriously that if Jun Ci investigated Claire's life, he would have believed it.

She probably knows that she must have had a dispute with Claire just now. Seeing this man complaining of vengeance, Jun Ci couldn't help but smile: "Are you a good person?"

Judging from what Jiang Yi did before, he can't be called a good person.

Jiang Yi didn't blush at all: "I am!"

Jun Ci itchy fingers, and nodded his forehead with a low smile.

In the end, Jiang Yi couldn't help it. The corners of his lips hooked and squeezed Jun Ci's palm. The boy didn't break free because there were others.

This made Ji Moyin, who was talking with Boris in the distance, saw it, his eyes were sharp, and he said in Chinese: "Bright day is simply vulgar..."

"Ah? What are you talking about, Mr. Josie?"

Boris didn’t understand how he suddenly spoke in Chinese. Ji Moyin glanced at Claire, who was so angry, and grinned. He said in English: "No, Mr. Boris, just keep talking. it is good."


As soon as he finished speaking, Claire gave a cold snort, turned and left.

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