The New Order of Azeroth

Vol 2 Chapter 365: meteor

"Long live the Regent!"

"May the Holy Light bless you, Your Highness Merciful!"

"Praise be to you, may your beauty and wisdom last forever!"

As soon as the Tweet Order was announced in the capital, a lot of second sons, eldest daughters, and third sons became Vanessa's loyal subjects.

They brought their own dry food to help spread the word, and the legal provisions of the Tweet Order were spread in Lordaeron at an exaggerated speed, and spread to the neighboring country Gilneas and the Kingdom of Stormwind in the south.

Since human beings have the concept of a country, laws and regulations have never been spread so fast and so widely. No one dares to say that the Tweet Order has indeed created an unprecedented record.

The children of the nobles who had no right to inherit were celebrating under the murderous eyes of the original heirs. They were afraid that Vanessa would change her mind, and they painted her portrait, wrote songs, took selfies and directed various operas, just to finalize this matter!

People's hearts are fleshy. Even if the nobles knew the hidden danger behind this order and wanted to scold Vanessa's 18th generation ancestors, they couldn't stand the turn of their sons, daughters and daughters-in-law. The final result was to divide five acres Land, five mu of land for the eldest daughter, and two mu of land for the third son.

The land that was originally gathered together was divided again. When these sons and daughters have descendants, they will experience another land division. The big lords will become big nobles, and the big nobles will become small noble families. The land will only become less and less! eventually become civilians.

"It's amazing how you came up with this method!" Jia Liya almost shouted 666, and several historians were full of admiration, without mentioning anything else. Enough to go down in the history books!

"It's just an idea, it's nothing!" She was so smug that she almost laughed out loud!

After Lordaeron's military god, she has the reputation of a virtuous monarch.

Faced with her endless political means, the nobles were collectively dumbfounded, but these were means within the rules, and they could not find any reason to object.

In the end, she could only thank God on behalf of the children in her family. As for what she thought, Vanessa didn't care.

The private visit continued, stopping and stopping all the way, and finally came to the Hillsbrad Hills, which is already the rear of the kingdom. Farmland is everywhere, and every household is filled with the joy of a good harvest.

The hills of Hillsbrad have not been destroyed by the undead. Coupled with the large population in the early stage, this place still retains the habit of planting wheat twice a year.

Vanessa arrived just in time to see the cartloads of wheat being loaded into the barn.

"Mayor Henimareb, Nanhai Town's harvest today is inseparable from your hard work. You are a hero of the kingdom." Vanessa affirmed the bushy-haired mayor.

This person's internal affairs and military capabilities are good, and he has a big picture. It is a bit exaggerated to say that he is the military **** of Nanhai Town, but it is estimated that he is also a character with 80+ attributes.

The other party said a few polite words.

"Is Mayor Marebu willing to serve in the Kingdom?"

"Your Highness, many townspeople in South Sea Town often have conflicts. Without my mediation, they will definitely fight. I also promised the blacksmith Vilintan to help him open another blacksmith shop and attend his son's wedding."

The middle-aged mayor talked eloquently, and the implication was very clear, I will not go!

Vanessa sighed. People these days are more capable and more stubborn. She is not too surprised by this result.

The Mayor of Mareb is a typical example of staying at home and farming.

Old Fording once sincerely invited him to serve as Stratholme's clerk, but the mayor of Marebu also refused. This had nothing to do with charisma or power, so he didn't want to leave!

Vanessa thought for a while, you don't want to go? If you don't want to leave, I will force out your internal affairs ability!

She looked delighted: "Well then, I think the scale of Nanhai Town is already very large, and it is very unfavorable to maintain the size of a town. I plan to expand Nanhai Town into Nanhai City and promote Mr. Ma Leibu as mayor. Fifteen surrounding villages and towns, Mr. Mayor, what do you mean?"

You just want me to do more?

Henimareb is not a fool either, he saw through her plan at a glance.

But when the words came to his lips, there was really no way to refuse them.

Nanhai Town was upgraded to Nanhai City, and the beneficiaries were all the people of Nanhai Town. He loves this town and the townspeople. Now that there are better opportunities, he will definitely seize them.

After formally accepting the appointment, Henimareb was promoted from mayor to mayor. Before, he only needed to manage one town. Now, for the future of the townspeople in Nanhai Town, he has to manage 16 surrounding villages and towns with more than 10,000 households. With a population of nearly 30,000, the workload has increased tenfold.

Able people should do more work! Vanessa is relieved.

Thus, Nanhai became the fourth city in Lordaeron after the capital, Andorhal, and Stratholme.

The next day, she also participated in the Harvest Festival in Nanhai Town, and there was a lot of excitement.

Nanhai Town has a reward for this year's farming champion, and she also rewarded ten bags of silver coins in the name of the kingdom. It seems that there are a lot of them, and they are not as cheap as copper coins.

"Seeing the smiles on your faces, I am really happy from the bottom of my heart. I hope that the people of Lordaeron will get rid of war and hunger, and I hope that you can rebuild your homeland with your own hands.

I read the Hillsbrad Manifesto drafted by the mayor of Henymareb. To be honest, I was very excited and very guilty. It was the failure of Lordaeron and the incompetence of the Menethil family. Can rely on each other, can only rely on the people around to resist the undead.

This is your and the disgrace of every ruler of Lordaeron. Fortunately, we still have time to correct all this. Fortunately, you are still willing to believe me.

I am here, and I solemnly promise today that I am not only the regent of Lordaeron, but also a friend of all of you. Anyone, at any time, as long as you encounter difficulties, you can come to Lordaeron. have a dream"

Vanessa is talking about her philosophies and governance policies in Barabara. The speech of "I have a dream" just started, when a fiery red shooting star pierced the sky, as if tearing the whole world apart, the tail flame was hot , the meteor fell obliquely to somewhere in the west.

So far away that even her good eyesight was useless, all she knew was that the meteor was falling to the west, somewhere in the far west.

The townspeople were not blind, and they whispered to each other, all discussing what this shooting star pierced the sky.

"I have a dream" can't go on, the original atmosphere is gone!

Vanessa could only make a concluding remark pretending to be relaxed: "Don't worry everyone, that thing has fallen to the west, far, far away, and has nothing to do with Lordaeron."

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