The New Order of Azeroth

Vol 2 Chapter 399: Heart of Magron

Kromog was shaking, he had been asleep for too long, his body was so stiff, and he was hungry, very hungry!

"Hungry! Kromog is hungry!" He was like a beast that came out of the ancient times. He looked around with his huge head, and happened to see the transport ship of the Star Consortium.

The Star Consortium collects animals from the entire outer domain. Their favorite commodity is the thunder elephant of Nagrand. This kind of creature is sold on many planets. Whether it is working, domesticating, or eating meat, thunder elephants are extremely high-quality Products of.

At this time, Kromog discovered the breath of life in the transport ship, and he didn't care what it was. His huge palm slapped on the transport ship's shell, and three fingers like stone pillars tore at it, breaking the transport ship's alloy shell. Like eating a snack, he caught a thunder elephant in front of his eyes, opened his mouth wide, and swallowed it in one gulp.

powerful! Really strong! Vanessa looked sideways, who said the physics profession is weak? Once the physical power is strong to the extreme, it is also very fierce!

She wasn't worried about herself, she ran away long before Kromog came out.

As Kromog frantically destroyed, the mercenaries of the Star Consortium also launched a counterattack. This group of people has all kinds of races, including orcs that Vanessa has seen, and more humanoid creatures that she has never seen before. .

A group of mercenaries stormed Kromog with laser weapons. Kromog, whose skin was harder than a rock, was a little annoyed. His thick arms slammed into the ground. With an earth-shattering explosion, the shock wave swept across the battlefield from south to north. , the muddy ground became the last remnants of many mercenaries.



The ethereal engineers of the Astral Consortium used mercenaries to delay time, and they activated various powerful technological weapons one after another.

Hearing a light "poof", the main cannon on the top of the Storm Spire emitted an orange-red fluorescent light, which was about **** thick and extremely fast. After penetrating Kromog's body, it flew back thousands of times. rice before running out of energy.

Is it toxin? Or some kind of energy? Vanessa took the second generation King Gulu Gulu to watch from a distance.

Ordinarily, a two-finger-thick wound is nothing to a fifty-meter-tall giant like Kromog, but the wound caused by the fluorescence cannot heal for a long time. The tissue was like a paste, turning into a lump of unknown substance.

Terrible terrible! Vanessa doesn't think it's a big deal to watch the excitement, and while watching her, she also commented on the second generation King Gulu Gulu.

"This giant is actually quite smart. Look at him, he knows he should push the tower."

"Oh, oh, what a pity, I still have no brains, the enemy's warships are already in the air, why are you still hitting them with your head!"

"Awesome! Awesome! Tear the battleship with your hands, this is too fierce!"

Kromog has been fighting the Star Boundary Consortium. His rocky body was severely damaged, and the Star Boundary Consortium was also beaten badly. Three expensive armed ships were destroyed, two transport ships were destroyed, and one A capital ship was also severely damaged. The Light Star Consortium's own Ethereal people were killed or injured more than a hundred, and countless hired soldiers died.

Their sacrifices were great, but they proved the power of science and technology with practical actions. Even just awakened, Kromog's power level is completely enough to be at the demigod level. This big guy suffered even more serious injuries, with a huge head A little half was knocked out by the capital ship, and now he was on the verge of death, losing a lot of vitality.

The star consortium's capital ship was damaged by more than 70%, and the main guns were blown up due to overload. The capital ship did not dare to stay in a place like the void storm. After the battle, it immediately opened the wormhole and returned to The base of the foundation is being repaired.

The engineers, workers, and mercenaries left by the Star Consortium on the scene were all limp on the ground, rejoicing that they survived the catastrophe.

Vanessa quietly went over to pick up the bargain.

She dug a big hole on the side of Kromog's heart, and then frantically extracted the energy in his heart, creating the heart of Magron in the way Rukhmar remembered.

The Heart of the Magron is both the Heart of the Magron and arguably not.

How big is the heart of a fifty-meter-tall creature? How many hearts does he have? The action of cutting open the heart is quite in line with the rough style of the Margorons, but the hearts are very fragile and not easy to preserve. The ancient Margorons used their simple brains, gathered their wisdom, and thought of a way to take the essence and discard the others. Dross!

Vanessa is also doing this secretly now. She uses her sensitivity to life elements to create a small cyclone, and continuously absorbs the essence of life in Margoron's heart that has a great deterrent effect on Goron.

The golden energy slowly converged into a huge disc as tall as a person. Kromog felt the loss of his last bit of vitality. His body shook twice slightly, which startled the soldiers of the Star Consortium outside. Just like a conditioned reflex, another burst of missiles and lasers hit Kromog, and the last magnaron of Draenor died.

"What's there?" The Star Consortium's people are not fools. According to their calculations, Kromog has a strange vitality reaction. Who is this?

A group of soldiers searched with high-tech weapons, and they quickly discovered the big hole in the side of Kromog's body.

The seventh engineer of the Storm Spire immediately stood up and issued an order. There was no way, the first six seats were all dead, and he ordered the scene to be sealed off to find out this shameful thief!

I searched and searched, wishing I could turn over the land, but I still couldn't find any useful Only Kromog's huge body was left at the scene, and no shadow of the suspect was seen.

Of course, Vanessa will not be found by them. She does not deny the power of technology, but extraordinary power also has its own unique features. She turns into a cheetah, mixes with those panicked beasts, cleverly out of sight, and flies far away. gone.

She stayed away from the sphere of influence of the Star Consortium, found a cave on the edge of Blade's Edge Mountain and began to retreat to create the Heart of Magron.

Once the main ingredients of the Heart of Magron are obtained, the rest of the work will be much easier.

With the ability of the archdruid, it is not difficult for her to create artifacts, especially the heart of Magron is still a single-purpose artifact.

"Well, let me think about it, what kind of process is it, let's purify it first..." Rukhmar once watched those magnarons kill their companions from afar and used them to make magolon hearts, but At that time, Rukhmar just had nothing to do and just looked around, and didn't take it to heart at all. Margaron and Gron were all trash, and she didn't bother to care about them.

Even if this part of memory is inherited by Vanessa, it is still very vague, and she can only rely on her feelings.

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