The New Order of Azeroth

Vol 2 Chapter 614: setting sun pass

I hope Lao Niu was not beaten to death at that time! Vanessa murmured secretly.

Not all pandaren are monks, and there are only a few who can resist the mantid at the critical moment. There are priorities. Since you said that everything is expected, let's put aside the Niuzao Temple outside the customs and concentrate our forces to defend the Serpentine Spine. The Setting Sun Pass above, if this pass was breached and tens of thousands of mantid entered the pandaren's hinterland, the casualties would be too serious.

"...That's what I want to say, you follow slowly, I'll go to the rescue first!" Vanessa secretly prayed for the old cow, hoping that he can persist for a while.

Zhu Taran went to contact various forces to go to the Setting Sun Pass, Vanessa was flying fast, and rushed to the setting sun pass on Panlongji first.

To the west of the Gate of the Setting Sun is the dread wastes of the mantid, and to the east is the Vale of Eternal Blossoms, considered the cradle of all intelligent life in Pandaria.

Pandaren, Mogu, Jinyu, and Hozen, the birthplaces of many races are in the Vale of Eternal Blossoms, which was once an ecological base established by the Titan Guardian Freya.

The Mogu clan rose and fell, and the Pandaren later established a country. However, after two thousand years of rule, the indifferent Pandaren also split up what was once a huge empire.

The Four Heavenly Gods sealed off the Valley of Eternal Blossoms, allowing only pandaren monks from the Golden Lotus to rule over the area.

The closure of the Vale of Eternal Blossoms does not exist for Vanessa. Leaving aside her relationship with the Four Heavenly Gods, how can the closed gate on land affect her?

The Golden Eagle crossed the Valley of Eternal Blossoms, causing many remaining mogu to exclaim.

She kept in mind the place where several mogu gathered. This is a real titan guardian creation. Who is she? She is the Titan Guardian now, and she still has an authorization code. Although this ID belongs to Azadas, a lot of Titan equipment in the Furnace of Will recognizes it. It is difficult for the creation of the Titan Guardian to refuse her order. This is written Instructions in the core.

If the mogu had already turned into flesh and blood, then this order would naturally be ineffective, but Thor had a big brain, and with the help of the Nalaksha engine, he lifted the curse of flesh and blood from the mogu. These guys are all rock bodies now, Fanny Sha looked over with sharp eyes, and several mogu subconsciously bowed their heads.

She smiled very satisfied, she didn't have time to pay attention to the mogu now, she quickly landed on the city wall of Setting Sun Pass.

The pandaren's information transmission speed is too slow. I thought the mantid was still on the way, but when she arrived, I saw it, huh? It was found that the city walls were almost occupied!

The Shado-Pan Monastery, Golden Lotus Sect, as well as the practitioners of the major temples, and the original guards on the Serpent's Spine were all fighting on the city wall, while the mantid relied on their absolute numerical advantage to attack the city.

The mantid are so densely packed that you can't see the edge at a glance, filling the entire field of vision. As far as the line of sight is concerned, there are brown carapaces, bright red compound eyes and dark yellow cicada wings.

Most of the mantid have degenerated into fully terrestrial creatures, but a small number of them can still fly. They climb the city walls and attack the weak points of the pandaren defense line. After death, they will burst out a large number of Green pus can often cause great damage.

The self-government of the village, coupled with the peaceful state of mind of the pandaren and the sudden attack of the mantid, led to the fact that there were not many defenders at the gate of the setting sun. Even with the full support of the Shado-Pan Temple and the Golden Lotus Sect, there were less than a thousand monks at the top of the city at this time. People, while ordinary pandaren soldiers add up to more than 2,000 points. Relying on a total of 3,000 troops, they have to resist more than ten times the enemy.

Vanessa is very experienced in defending the city, and she can see the plight of the pandaren just by looking at it.

The city is about to fall, and the command system of the pandaren is also extremely disorganized.

With her power of the earth, she can instantly kill three to five thousand mantids, but now that the two sides are mixed together, she is not very good at using big moves.

"Don't mess around! Listen to my command!" The power of the demigod radiated out, many mantid were shocked and trembled, and the determined pandaren monk also turned to look at her.

It's okay, there are many familiar pandaren at the scene, she is definitely not familiar with the defenders of Setting Sun Pass, but she basically knows these disciples of Zhu Taran in the Shado-Pan Monastery.

And the Golden Lotus Sect, as an organization that respects the Four Heavenly Gods, has been with the Four Heavenly Gods for so many days, and she also knows several high-ranking monks.

"Tao Shi, you lead a hundred people to block the gap ahead, and hold on for three minutes."

"Master Xueliu, you and your disciples have established a new line of defense behind Tao Shi."

"All of you, the rest of you, go get water, and then pour it on the city wall."

The monks were defending against the onslaught of the mantid, and the ordinary pandaren, under her orders, splashed water on the city walls in a daze.

In a hurry, I couldn't find so much water. In the end, I even spilled some wine, vegetable juice and other drinks.

Vanessa herself doesn't know ice skills, but she has a girlfriend named Jaina!

After tearing open a snowstorm magic scroll, there was a bang, and the temperature dropped by 30 degrees visible to the naked eye, and the dilapidated city wall was instantly covered with a layer of solid ice.

"It's not enough, splash it again!"

"Is there any water? Pour all that wine down!"

The pandaren couldn't care less about their distress at this time, and barrels of wine that they usually treasured were poured down. After the duration of the blizzard ended, the entire Setting Sun Pass was surrounded by ice and snow.

In fact, the combination of alcohol and fire is not bad, and it can save the consumption of scrolls, but Vanessa still gave up the fire attack plan considering the pandaren's fur and the mantid's hard carapace.

Splash, freeze, splash again, freeze again.

After using two blizzard magic scrolls in a row, the mantid's ground troops could no longer climb up. It was too slippery, and the low temperature environment was not comfortable for the Zerg. Their blood flow began to slow down, and their mobility and thinking speed also appeared. hysteresis of different magnitudes.

The low temperature environment also affects the pandaren, but the thick fur on their bodies can somewhat protect them from the cold, and the 'Qi' cultivated by the monks over the years can also resist the cold.

Under the leadership of Tao Shi and many monks from the Shado-Pan Monastery, they fought back the mantid who landed on the top of the city with difficulty, bringing back the situation that was on the verge of collapse.

"Who is the enemy's commander?" Vanessa asked Tao Shi, she was going to use the most traditional Azeroth combat method, that is to use her strong strength to rush to play beheading tactics.

Tao Shi had dinner with her, and said something like 'I'll invite you next time', so she wasn't a stranger.

The female monk gasped heavily, and she pointed to her nose.

"Do you think I look like a mantid?"

Why do you ask? Vanessa shook her head.

Tao Shi sighed: "So I don't know what the enemy commanders look like. In my opinion, they all look similar!"

The surrounding pandaren also nodded.

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