Naruto followed Bai's guidance, condensing wind chakra and water chakra in his hands, and then slowly combined the two chakras into his palms.

Bai didn't learn Zabuza, no, it should be Taogakure, Taogakure could only lay a good foundation for Bai to be a ninja. It can be said that she had to figure out the ice escape technique by herself.

After a while, Naruto felt his hands were very hot, and a ball of water gently floated in the middle of his palms, and the ball of water was still sparkling, and it looked like it was glowing in the moonlight.

"Success!" Taoyin and Bai said in unison. Naruto and the Nine-Tails in the inner space were so surprised that their eyes almost popped out. Sasuke, Kakashi, Sakura, Fuuka, Koyuki, and Santaifu were all shocked.

"This, wait, why is it so easy? It worked just like that, Sister Bai?"Naruto's words made Kakashi and Momogakure stunned instantly.

The two of them came over and punched Naruto in a bad mood!

Momogakure said:"You idiot, isn't it good enough if it's easy? How many ninjas want the ability of Bloodline Limit but can't get it, and you are still showing off here!"

Kakashi said:"Bloodline Limit, even the Sharingan can't copy it, Naruto, according to what you said, you are being Versailles!"

Naruto rubbed his head,"I know it's difficult to develop Bloodline Limit, so I feel strange that it's so easy!"

"Could it be that someone in my father's ancestors was from the Ice Clan?" Naruto asked Kyuubi in his mind. Kyuubi said,"I don't know. Who knows if your father, the fourth generation, was really from the Ice Clan. But in your case, I think there is a high probability that it should be attributed to Ivan!"

""Ivan?!" Naruto said softly.

Kyuubi explained:"Maybe we all misunderstood. Ivan's innate outstanding chakra attributes are water and wind, and Naruto, your own innate outstanding attribute is also wind, so we overlooked it. It can also be said that the bloodline limit of ice escape is very likely Ivan's talent!"

"Is this Ivan's talent?"Naruto understood instantly and knew why he could master Ice Escape so easily. According to the saying in Ivan's world, it was his own talent.

Developing Ice Escape, a bloodline limit, was really a pleasant surprise. One night before leaving the Snow Country, Bai sorted out some of her knowledge about Ice Escape for Naruto, and even compiled the Ice Escape Secret Technique Magic Mirror Ice Crystal she developed into a scroll and gave it to Naruto.

The next day, Team 7 bid farewell to the Snow Country and embarked on the journey back to the village.

At the dock of the Snow Country, the big ship that Naruto and the other four took with the director had already gone out of sight. Fenghua Xiaoxue and Bai were still standing there, unable to come back to their senses for a long time.

Taoyin said to Bai:"Bai, since you like that kid, why don't you go with him? I don't think it's easy for that single-celled organism to notice your thoughts!"

Bai shook her head gently. She chose to hide her feelings in her heart. When Fenghua Xiaoxue provoked her before, she realized her feelings.

"Alas, he left in the end, but fortunately, Bai didn't see the photo!"Fenghua Xiaoxue was secretly delighted. Bai's rage yesterday made her dare not provoke this gentle and particularly beautiful girl. And because Naruto trusted Bai, Fenghua Xiaoxue was going to shamelessly ask Bai to be an official in the Snow Country.


On the other side, on the boat, the four members of Class 7 took out the envelope that Fenghua Xiaoxue had prepared for them. The photo inside was their group photo at that time, and there was also Fenghua Xiaoxue's autograph on it.

"How can I hang this photo and signature on the wall!"Naruto's face turned red at first, but then he lowered his head in disappointment.

Sasuke suddenly pointed at the back of Naruto's photo and said,"There are words on the back of your photo!"

"What?"Naruto turned it over and saw Kakashi, Sakura, and Sasuke also came over. It was written with a blessing from Fenghua Xiaoxue to him, 'You must become an excellent Hokage.’


In the Hokage's office in Konoha Village, Tsunade sat in her seat without saying a word, her cold eyes without a trace of emotion.

The two elders of Konoha, Utane Koharu and Mito Kado En, glared at Tsunade. Shizune, who was standing by, hugged Tun Tun and didn't dare to make a sound. The atmosphere in the office was tense.

Utane Koharu slammed the desk and glared at Tsunade,"Tsunade, do you know what you are doing? Why do you want to restore the position of that guy Danzo and re-activate the root of the organization? Danzo had long been dismissed from all his positions by Sarutobi. Don't you know that Danzo is very dangerous?"

Mito Kado En said aggressively,"Even if you want to re-activate the root, you have to discuss it with us. Why did you make the decision on your own!"

Facing the pressure from the two elders, Tsunade said fearlessly,"Elder, I am the Hokage!"

In just one sentence, everything was revealed. Utane Koharu and Mito Kado En looked unhappy.

"Tsunade, you will regret this!"


Utane Koharu and Mitomon En left a message and slammed the door.

"These two damn old guys are so annoying, bossing around all day long!"Tsunade held her forehead with her hand, looking like she had a headache.

Shizune also asked at this time:"Lady Tsunade, is Danzo the Shimura Danzo who is known as the Darkness of the Ninja World?"

"Yes, that's him!" Tsunade exhaled a breath, feeling a little tired, and said to Shizune:"He was dismissed from all his positions by the old man, but the Root was not disbanded, but hidden. Danzo, when I saw his ninja inscription book, he was very handsome when he was young, but now he has turned into a gloomy old man."

Shizune asked tentatively:"Lady Tsunade, is it because you need the power of the Root?"

"That's right!

" Tsunade said with a headache:"After the Konoha collapse plan, Konoha is now short of manpower, and Konoha's fresh blood has not yet grown up.

More importantly, those two old guys really annoy me.

They are there to make decisions.

Am I the Hokage or are they the Hokage?" This is the more important reason why Tsunade activated Danzo, to fight for power.

Although she has become the Hokage now, in fact, a large part of Konoha's power is still in the hands of Utatane Koharu and Mito Kado En.

She does not have the ability and prestige of the third generation to easily suppress these two people, but she will not always sit back and do nothing.

Activating Danzo is her counterattack against Utatane Koharu and Mito Kado En.

"Alas, Shizune, Naruto once said that the greatest accomplishment of an elder is to control the desire to criticize the young, but look at these two old guys, they have no accomplishment at all!"Tsunade did not hide her dislike for Utane Koharu and Mito Kado En.

Shizune just laughed it off. How dare she be like Tsunade, who could freely arrange the elders of Konoha!

Knock, knock!

Suddenly, there was a knock on the door!

"Come in!"

After getting Tsunade's permission, the door opened and Nara Shikamaru came in wearing a ninja vest.

"Lord Hokage, the Konoha Chunin Nara Shikamaru is here to report!"

"Well, very good, very energetic, but after Naruto comes back from the Snow Country, I'm afraid there will be trouble again!"Tsunade said to Shizune with a smile.

Shizune also nodded in agreement!

"Naruto, that's really a problem!"Shikamaru looked completely unmotivated when he thought of Naruto.


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