forty nine

There are four o'clock in the sky, the scenery is different, the spring water is flowing, the autumn moon is shining, and the Jinguan city has a long year of low temperature, the most common ones are Xiling Suxue and green cold pine, and the people are proud of it. , The never-freezing Guiyue Lake.

"Deng Tianguan invited you to visit the lake and watch the moon?"

Ye Huaiyang seemed a little surprised, and the book he was holding was slowly put back on his lap. Chu Jinglan sat at the table and looked at the investigation report submitted by the shadow guard. He didn't elaborate, but only said slightly. Asked: "It's only us and Deng's house, do you want to go?"

"Okay." She answered happily, but a ray of worry floated in her eyes.

Pei Yuanshu has been away for two days, and I don’t know if Deng Tianguan has noticed it. The more casual and harmless invitations, the more you have to be careful. She said nothing would let Chu Jinglan go alone, but The bad thing is to get on the ship, I wonder if she can overcome that **** heart disease...

Well, let's watch on the spot.

In a blink of an eye, into the night.

The snow that had been falling intermittently for a few days finally stopped. A round of Yuchan hung up on the sky, full and bright, which made people very happy. The carriage walked on the road and looked at it several times at night, but it was soon The rush of cold air was defeated, and she turned around and withdrew into Chu Jinglan's arms, as if she was too cold.

"Is the Northland colder than here?"

Chu Jinglan nodded.

"Then you go and remember to bring me next time." Ye Huaiyang smiled and reached into his cloak, wrapped around his waist and whispered, "I will be your intimate little padded jacket from now on, I am not afraid of the cold. "

Chu Jinglan glanced at her and teased: "The little padded jacket hiding in my big cloak?"

"I hate it, but it will be unspeakable." Ye Huaiyang secretly pinched his waist, but couldn't help but giggle.

The carriage has quietly come to the shore of Guiyue Lake. There are dozens of sheepskin ice lanterns hanging above the trestle bridge. The light is dim and the wind is swinging. At the end of the water, there is a huge pleasure boat that can be seen from a distance. The bronze-colored ship's side and colored glaze lights above, reflected the surrounding area, full of brilliance.

Chu Jinglan led Ye Huaiyang across the trestle bridge and looked far into the distance. There are many ships on the lake that have left the shore, and the shadows of clothes and temples shuttle among them. The silk and bamboo singing and dancing are endless, and it is extremely lively. It seems that the winter tour of the lake is really this. Customs of the side.

Deng Tianguan immediately took his wife out of the cabin to greet them when he received the report from his servant. The moment he saw Ye Huaiyang, a stunning spark flashed across his eyes.

There is a beautiful person, Qing Yang Wanxi.

Did he not know that Chu Jinglan had a beautiful concubine next to him, but he did not expect that she would be so charming, with a pink neck and slender waist, peach cheeks and red lips, and a pair of phoenix eyes that are hard to ignore. I don't know how seductively he was, he was sucked away in an instant!

Deng Lin's face next to him coughed slightly stiffly.

Deng Tianguan reacted instantly, hung up his signature smile and bent over to salute: "The minister and his wife will see the prince."

The princess didn't mention anything, it seemed that he really didn't know the identity of Ye Huaiyang.

But this is not surprising. Outsiders have many questions about Ye Huaiyang’s marriage to Chu Jinglan, and they say everything, but most of the speculations are based on one point-husband and wife are not in harmony, which is known from far and near. So Deng Tianguan never expected that Chu Jinglan would come out with Ye Huaiyang, let alone be so close to her, the woman in front of him should be the concubine he had before he got married.

Little did he know that his misunderstanding was exactly what they wanted. Chu Jinglan felt that it was safer for Ye Huaiyang to hide his identity, but Ye Huaiyang was happy and fun, so the two acquiesced in the wrong way.

"There are no outsiders here, and King Qiyang doesn't need to be polite."

"Yes." Deng Tianguan turned slightly and gave way to the boat. "Lord, please."

Chu Jinglan nodded slightly, and immediately led Ye Huaiyang to the boat. Ye Huaiyang's steps noticeably stopped when he passed the suspended springboard on the way. Chu Jinglan looked back, she was staring at the glorious surging water. Without letting it go, the cold wind blew, and her delicate body seemed to sway, he immediately clenched her hand.

"what happened?"

Ye Huaiyang suddenly returned to his senses, and smiled at him: "It's okay."

Chu Jinglan glanced at her deeply, and then continued to move forward.

When it was not too long, the four of them entered and took their seats. The boat also slid towards the middle of the lake, shaking violently in the middle, and Ye Huaiyang suddenly felt uncomfortable. In order to divert her attention, she began to look at the entire cabin. The space inside is still very large. There are four xuan windows on each side. The mint green curtains are trolled along the windowsill. There are several crystal lotus lamps next to them. There are also several jade basins carrying five needles of pine, narcissus and Southern sky bamboo, adorned with pebbles, woven into a dense green color, looks very gratifying in this severe winter.

The cups, bowls and chopsticks on the table are made of Begonia red porcelain. The color is full but unassuming. Just like the other decorations, it does not reveal the wealth of the Deng family. Obviously, it has been adjusted after some adjustment. This Deng Tianguan is really dripping. No wonder there is no problem in the accounts of the salt and iron.

Ye Huaiyang was immersed in her thoughts, not knowing that the feast was already open. Deng Tianguan's eyes always drifted past where she was. She speaks.

"Chen looked like Madam did not move the chopsticks, but this dish is not to the taste?"

As soon as the voice fell, Chu Jinglan's dark eyes suddenly burst into waves. It seemed that a pot of ice water was poured down for three or nine days, and the cold was in the bones. Deng Lin immediately sighed: "Just tell us to eat vegetables. , Aren’t you men drinking? Come, let us join in the fun too, like Madam, I will toast you first."

After that, she slowly drank the wine with her sleeves covering her lips, and then looked at each other with a smile, but Ye Huaiyang didn't even move her hand, winking slightly, overflowing with a lazy pride.

"Madam, forgive me, I'm conditioning my body recently to prepare for the baby, so I can't drink alcohol."

The coldness in Chu Jinglan's eyes suddenly dissipated, and then a very shallow pleasant color flashed through, too fast for people to catch.

He knew that she had always been side-by-side with people regardless of time and place, but he didn't know that she could open her mouth without a single word, and she was so strict with her righteousness that she just choked and made her face blue and irritable. Make him amazed.

Having said that, the reason why she is so horrible is because she must have seen that Deng Tianguan was moved by her.

The people present all understood in their hearts that Deng Lin’s family seemed even more miserable. On the one hand, they had to endure the blatant coveting of their husband, and on the other hand, they had to suffer from Ye Huaiyang’s "concubine". They almost broke out on the spot. Chu Jinglan spoke slowly.

"The insider has always been arrogant and indulgent, making the lady laugh."

Deng Lin’s breath was slightly calm, and a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth, "The prince must not betray his concubine. The birth of children is a top priority. Take it seriously. It is a concubine that is abrupt, like a wife."

Ye Huaiyang curled her lips, her smile was very faint, seemingly indifferent, but in fact she didn't bother to talk to her more. With a bare hand, the soup bowl in front of Chu Jinglan was moved to her, and she sipped her taste. He looked elegant and graceful, completely treating the people around him as air.

Deng Lin's eyes were about to stare out.

Presumptuous, it's too presumptuous! This woman was just a humble concubine, she didn't want to prepare dishes for Chu Jinglan, she dared to drink soup from his bowl, more than arrogance? It's just bold! However, Chu Jinglan didn't react at all, and just defended her like that. According to this situation, I am afraid that the scene of doting on his concubine and destroying his wife has been performed countless times in Prince Lan's Mansion!

Deng Tianguan squinted his eyes and observed for a long time. He vaguely understood what, but he became more curious about Ye Huaiyang. She was like the deep and charming jungle waiting for him to explore and take possession of him. It is a pity that reason still exists, constantly Reminding him not to fall out with Chu Jinglan at this time, he put away his rippling mind and quietly changed the subject.

"The beautiful scenery of the night is the same as if you drink or not. It's a pity that Dad Pei couldn't come here because he was sick. I don't know how his condition is? Is there a serious problem?"

Ye Huaiyang had her long eyelashes down, her eyes suddenly drenched when she heard these words, and she almost broke out of the shadows with her stern sharpness, and then she heard Chu Jinglan smile indifferently.

"What's sick, it's just that I had a conflict with Master Hu when I went to check Yantie's account that day. I was afraid that I would be embarrassed at the dinner tonight, so I could not come. I hope that King Qiyang will not blame him. What is Pei Qing? It's all good, but the skin is thinner."

"It turned out to be like this." Deng Tianguan also smiled, his narrow eyes overflowing with a gleam of energy, "Master Pei don't need to care too much. After all, it is the first time that everyone cooperates, and there will inevitably be friction. Everything must be done first. It's better to let Master Pei visit the Yamen tomorrow, and the minister will be a peacemaker, let him and Master Hu untie the knot."

"Okay, this king will let someone tell him."

Chu Jinglan deserved it happily, but Ye Huaiyang's heartstrings tightened when he heard it-Pei Yuan and Shu Mingming hadn't returned yet, could it be possible that someone would change to the Yamen tomorrow?

She quietly grabbed Chu Jinglan's hand under the table, but was shook with his backhand. Before she could feel his temperature, the fireworks outside the window burst, and large petals and bright golden beads spewed out in the air, only to hear Deng Lin The cried out in surprise: "Husband, these fireworks are so beautiful!"

"They were specially asked to prepare." Deng Tianguan raised his lips slightly, then turned his head and said to Chu Jinglan, "Master, the line of sight here is blocked, why don't you go outside?"

Chu Jinglan nodded and agreed, and then took Ye Huaiyang onto the deck.

The moon shadow slanted, the silver light shining, the sparkling lake lightly patted the hull, but the sound was overwhelmed by the endless noise. Chu Jinglan held Ye Huaiyang quietly and stopped to look up on the scattered sides of the ship. , The depths of the eyes are constantly brightened by fireworks of various colors, which is gorgeous and colorful.

It was a great situation, but a rash cargo appeared from nowhere. The ship didn’t know how to drive, turned its head and ran into it. The boat suddenly staggered, Ye Huaiyang lost his balance and fell into the lake, Chu Jinglan quickly moved She took her into her arms and buckled the railing with her left hand to stop the decline. After the hull stabilized, she looked down at her situation, who knew her face was pale.

"Have you hit it?" he asked anxiously.

She shook her head reluctantly, and whispered two words: "It's okay."

His face is so ugly, and the palms of his hands are still leaking sweat, where does it look like nothing? Chu Jinglan pursed her thin lips displeasedly, thinking that her stinking problem had come out again, suddenly there was a flash of light in her mind, and the mist dissipated.

Why did he forget her fear of water?

Chu Jinglan didn't say much now, and directly let Deng Tianguan dock and park the boat, and then led her back to her carriage with Ye Huaiyang's discomfort. She fell back to the carriage wall as soon as the curtain was lowered, with her long eyelashes hanging down. , Breathing lightly, he stretched out his long arms, moved the soft body into his arms, and coldly ordered Ci Yuan to drive back home.

On the way, he only asked her one sentence: "Why didn't you say it before?"

She was silent and shrank into his shoulder as a tortoise.

After arriving at the residence, before he had time to settle accounts with her, Tang Qingfeng greeted her first, and his low voice contained uncontrollable joy: "Master, Master Pei is back."


Although Pei Yuanshu is a idiot in private, he will never get confused when doing business, and he is smart and upright, and is a very capable minister. Ye Huaiyang knows this very well. But she just didn't understand why Chu Sanghuai sent such a person to monitor Chu Jinglan, and Chu Jinglan was really relieved to leave the matter of life and death to him. Is there something that she doesn't know?

Thinking of this, the pen in her hand stopped unconsciously, the thin letterhead was lifted by the evening breeze, and the ink quickly dried out, and she didn't bother to add more words, simply rolled it up and stuffed it into a dark brown In the bamboo tube.

"Crescent Moon, tie this to the carrier pigeon and send it away soon."

Crescent Moon asked, "Miss, the Queen Mother asked you to monitor the prince. Are you really ready to honestly report to her?"

Ye Huaiyang raised her brows slightly, showing a hint of helplessness and disgust, "Now that everything is uncertain, of course you must first stabilize her. You naturally don't know how powerful it is if you are not in the game... Don't worry, I have a sense of measure. "

"That's true. You have always been prudent in this matter. The slave and maid are too worried, and the slave and maid will send the letter. You can rest soon, didn't you feel uncomfortable just now?"

Ye Huaiyang waved her hand to let her go out, but she leaned back in the chair and didn't move.

I wonder if the two of them have finished talking?

The long night was long, and the drums had passed three times, the surrounding courtyard was silent, and the study was still dimly lit. Pei Yuanshu rushed back in the snow and drank a sip of hot tea and began to report to Chu Jinglan.

"Lord, everything is as you might expect. Chang Xin didn't turn to King Qiyang because of his ambition, but was sceptical about the court's treatment of her. She was shaken when the minister took out the letter of recognition. The minister confessed everything after he pressed her a little bit."

After hearing this, Chu Jinglan motioned for him to sit down, and then put his hand back on the tea lid, slowly spinning round and round, and then slowly said: "This king knows that Pei Qing is a loving and righteous person. It’s really hard for you to perform this play in front of your old friend, but you didn’t let this king down."

Pei Yuanshu lowered his eyes, his voice was bitter but full of firmness: "Weichen has an old friendship with her, but she can't let her leave the country."

There was a hint of appreciation in Chu Jinglan's eyes, and he closed the tea cup and said, "Go on."

"Later, the Weichen offered her a plan, saying that as long as King Qiyang was eliminated, she would be able to cover up her mistakes and win the admiration of the emperor and the court. She regretted it and immediately adopted the Weichen’s suggestion, and then a large number of people were brought in. The iron ore successfully entered Jingzhou in the name of forging weapons. King Qiyang did not defend her, and the two thousand men and horses are now approaching Jinguan City."

"Very good." Chu Jinglan turned his head to call Tang Qingfeng, and gave the order like a whirlwind, "Take twenty people to the foundry outside the city at night. Be sure to make a noise and let Deng Tianguan know."

"Subordinates obey!"

Now Pei Yuanshu can’t understand it. He originally thought that Chu Jinglan just wanted him to instigate Changxin, and then used his strength to let them fight and lose and find a way to win, but now it doesn’t seem like this, he So deliberately revealing the details, clearly trying to lure the enemy to do something at him, is it possible...

A flash of light flashed in Pei Yuanshu's mind before he blurted out: "Master, do you want to get rid of King Qiyang here?"

Chu Jinglan stared at him indifferently. Although he didn't speak, his sharp and sharp eyes explained everything.

It really is! He should have thought of it long ago! Chu Jinglan was not even ready to fight Deng Tianguan's time-consuming and laborious battle. He wanted to draw a salary from the bottom of the tank and took Deng Tianguan's life directly in this Jinguan city!

But this is the lair of others! If they are not careful, they will be chewed so that there are no bones left!

Pei Yuanshu felt that he was going crazy. The crackling flames in the stove seemed to splash on his face, making him sweat, but fortunately, his thoughts were not messed up. He raised his sleeve and wiped it on his forehead and analyzed calmly. Said: "Jingzhou has a total of 30,000 troops and Jinguan City occupies 8,000. Although Chang Xin has only 2,000 people with him, they are all elite soldiers and may have a chance to win."

Chu Jinglan smiled slowly, and the dim light of fire on his face looked deep and inexplicable.

"No need."

Pei Yuanshu was stunned for a while, but didn't react for a long time, "Why don't you need it? You are not going to..."

"Those two thousand people are nothing more than blindfolds. With Chang Xin's ability to play against Deng Tianguan, it is still far away. I am afraid that the entire army will be wiped out within half a day."

After hearing this, Pei Yuanshu's face couldn't help pale.

Although he had long known that what he led Chang Xin to a dead end, he did not expect that she would be treated as such a worthless pawn, with little use value, and it was even more embarrassing than he thought.

"Then... how do we solve Deng Tianguan?"

Chu Jinglan picked up a few jade pieces from the chessboard next to them and placed them between them. The black ones circled in a circle, and the white ones were isolated. The remaining one was gently played between the slender fingers, and then raised his eyes to look at Pei Yuanshu. Said: "How much do you think Sunspot will dispatch if you want to deal with this round?"

Pei Yuanshu pondered for a moment, and whispered, "Since there is a siege, half of it is enough."

Chu Jinglan licked his lips and smiled, the bright flames converged in the deep face like a lake, raised his hand slightly, and the remaining white child flew into the crisis, just to make a gap in the siege.

"The king's hand is enough to deal with him."

Pei Yuanshu passed a few traces of his eyebrows and fell into a deeper chaos in a flash.

He knew that there were dozens of shadow guards lurking in Jinguan City, all of which were worth one hundred. If Deng Tianguan casually brought hundreds of soldiers to encircle and suppress them, the shadow guards would really fight back. But having said that, it would be too trivial to put his life on such a weak line of defense. He always felt that Chu Jinglan had other cards, but it didn't show up.

But this is all for the rest. The plan for the present is to hook out Deng Tianguan's killing intent. If he stays still, they will naturally have no chance to fight back.

Thinking of this, Pei Yuanshu didn’t guess anything, but secretly hoped that Tang Qingfeng’s actions in the night would go smoothly. After a while of silence, he got up and resigned, and his black boots stepped gently to the door, but stopped unexpectedly. After getting off, he turned around and looked at Chu Jinglan meaningfully.

"My lord, the minister dares to ask, is the commendation document... true or false?"

This question was strange. It was originally a trick to lure the enemy. Of course, the document was forged, but he felt that the stamp on it was too real to be true. If it was as he thought, then Chu Jinglan would be too terrifying...

At this moment, a shadow guard spun in and interrupted the conversation between the two. Pei Yuanshu saw that he was in a hurry as if he had something important to report, so he couldn't ask any more, so he bowed and bowed out. Up. The shadow guard closed the door and walked in. When he reached Chu Jinglan, he spread his hands directly, and a small bamboo tube appeared on it.

"Master, a homing pigeon flew out of the West Yard just now. When Commander Tang was away, his subordinates took it down at their own initiative. This is what was seized. Please have a look."

Chu Jinglan heard a sudden jump in the heart of the words Xiyuan, and took the bamboo tube without even thinking about it. The moment the letter was spread in his palm, the familiar font shook him violently, and his quiet face was faintly visible. The chill is coming.

The Shadow Guard tentatively asked, "Master, do you need to take someone to look up?"

"Get out."

The extremely light and extremely light words were like Thunderbolt pressing his head down. The Shadow Guard was frightened and did not dare to speak any more. He immediately turned and retreated. When he closed the door, he vaguely saw the flames in the copper furnace rising up, as if Something was being burned, and Chu Jinglan was sitting on the side watching, his profile was extremely cold and hard, like being shrouded in dark clouds, the mountain was about to rain.

There was a gust of wind outside the house, flapping the eaves and tiles, and the night seemed to be endless.

During the ugly period, Tang Qingfeng led a team to raided the foundry and took away several catalogues and craftsmen. When he left, he accidentally dropped his badge, was seized and passed to the higher level, and finally passed it to Deng Tianguan. At this hour, his face was ashen, and he immediately ordered the entire city to martial law, and called his generals and staff to discuss how to deal with Chu Jinglan.

On the severe winter night, the Snow Blast, Qiyang Palace quietly boiled, the lanterns were lit up for the first time, and the people came together one after another, but their complexions were not pretty.

"Master, what are you waiting for after all this? Let me lead my troops to level his residence, and keep half of the flies, but I can't fly out alive!"

It was the man who was dissatisfied on the table last time, that is, Liu Xin, the deputy commander of the Jingzhou Army. His voice was extremely loud, and he was a man in armor and a saber, and his mouth was fierce. When the anger came, the staff next to him stared at him.

"General, acting like this will only disturb the people in the city. When the news spreads, the court will move northward on the charge of deliberately murdering King Lan. What should we do then?"

Liu Xin stunned and exclaimed: "What's the use of you cringing like this? At first, we wanted to fool around and let him go quickly. It was because he didn't know how to come to the door. Now there is evidence in hand, we move. It's also dead if you don't move, it's better to fight!"

The staff sighed and stopped arguing with him. He turned around and said to Deng Tianguan: "Master, I think we can hold King Lan for the time being, wait for an opportunity to lead him outside the city to kill and then pretend to be an accident, so that we can avoid it. The people talked and gave an explanation to the court. As for the emperor... I think he should be happy to see this ending."

Deng Tianguan thought about it for a long while with a calm face, and felt that the plan of the staff was feasible, but in order to make Chu Jinglan not suspicious, he still had to choose an appropriate time to invite him to go. As for the location... I seemed to have heard him and the woman on the ship before. Wushan watch the waterfall, it is better to choose there.

When he thought of Ye Huaiyang, a thin light flashed in his eyes suddenly.

The woman who was as clear as the blue sky had been affecting his heart all the time since the boat trip, and after the solution of Chu Jinglan, she would be his person.

fifty one

Cangshan verdant cypresses, rapid waterfalls, green plumage, white and crystal clear, intertwined into a spectacular winter scene, the end is delightful.

Ye Huaiyang didn’t know anyone who said that there is a rare whitebait in the clear pond at the bottom of the waterfall. If you catch it, it means good luck and long life. She will catch and play when she is boring, and Crescent will stay with her every step of the way. Then, the two were jumping around on the moss-covered rocks. The fish was not seen, but the water splashed all over.

There is a hexagonal pavilion on the shore. The bucket arches and cornices are very upright. It is surrounded by walls. There is a gap on the front and the back for people to enter and exit. Whenever the mist is over the hills, the five steps away are all misty. Only this pavilion stands tall and straight. Pulling up the clouds, it looks like a fairy residence from a distance, ethereal and quiet.

Chu Jinglan and Deng Tianguan sat on the railing and fishing.

Speaking of this, it has been several days, Deng Tianguan can be regarded as calm, except to strengthen the guards and inspections of the gates, there is no other action, it is only today that Chu Jinglan came to watch the waterfall, and he only brought him with him. After Liu Xin and some of his guards, they seemed more harmless than the little white rabbit. If he hadn't known his purpose for a long time, I would have been deceived by him.

Only Ye Huaiyang did not know the inside story, so he had the most fun, and the two people in the pavilion turned their eyes to her.

"It's a pity that my wife is not in good health these days, otherwise I can come and be a company with Madam Ru. She is so young, she must be bored with us fishing here, right?"

"King Qiyang doesn't have to worry too much, she always knows how to make fun by herself."

When I mentioned Ye Huaiyang in the past, Chu’s shocked voice always had a hint of spoiling temperature, but today it was inexplicably cold. Deng Tianguan didn’t hear it, but Tang Qingfeng did. She couldn’t help but frown and look towards the waterfall. I almost jumped up when I glanced at it.


The two people in the pavilion turned their heads as he shouted, and saw Shengxue in white, fluttering and falling into the water. The figure of Ci Yuan struck the water like a meteor and stopped her at the waist, and then Ling Ling Bo lightly leaped back to the shore and put her down safely.

Chu Jinglan's eyes narrowed for a moment, and then he withdrew his gaze indifferently, his wrists were as steady as before, and even the fishing float hadn't moved a bit, but the one next to him shook so badly. Obviously, the master was no longer in his heart. His face was covered with a thin layer of frost, spreading a boundless chill.

Deng Tianguan turned his head in hindsight and was shocked when he saw the expressionless ice face, as if there was an invisible pressure on the mask, even breathing was difficult, and he didn't know how to conceal his behavior. In this continuous silence, his heart has been hung in his throat.

At this moment, there was a sudden movement underwater.

"Master, your fish has been hooked."

Pei Yuanshu's voice was like a clear stream, breaking the icy situation in an instant. After Deng Tianguan reacted, he couldn't help cursing that he was not promising. How could he stop Chu Jinglan, a dying man? He slowed down, adjusted his mood and said: "The prince is really amazing, I haven't moved for a long time."

Chu Jinglan raised his hand and shook his rod. A big fish suddenly jumped out of the water. The silver scales were gleaming and the water splashed in all directions. It fell into the wooden barrel in a flash. Tang Qingfeng stepped forward and took off the hook. He almost took off his hands several times. He stared for a moment and suddenly said, "This seems to be the whitebait that the lady is going to catch..."

As soon as the voice fell, a soft voice came from behind: "Who caught the silver fish?"

Tang Qingfeng bowed to salute, and immediately stepped aside, Ye Huaiyang looked along the fishing line and found that it was connected to Chu Jinglan's pole, and immediately smiled and rushed to grab his neck.

"I said why I couldn't catch it. It turns out that this fish is the same as me. I like to go to the lord's place."

Chu Jinglan looked down at her, his expression slightly changed, but it was like midnight when the ice melted and snow melted. Even if the coldness subsided, there was still endless darkness at the end, and there was no light at all. Ye Huaiyang didn't feel his abnormality. After saying this, he squatted down and released the fish. The fish flopped twice, shook a few strings, and then plunged into the water and disappeared.

Deng Tianguan asked puzzledly: "Mrs. Ru, this is..."

"Since it has been blessed, there is no need to hurt it again."

Ye Huaiyang’s voice was faint, mixed with an obvious sense of alienation, but Deng Tianguan seemed unable to hear it, and still smiled and praised: “If Mrs. is kind-hearted, Deng is ashamed. It’s a pity that I haven’t caught a fish yet. Learn to be like a wife and release her life by the stream and accumulate merit."

"Wang Qiyang didn't want to be here, naturally there was little gain."

As soon as Chu Jinglan said this, the faces of the people present changed slightly, and Deng Tianguan instantly erected a defensive heart, staring at him closely and asking: "What does the prince mean?"

"What do you mean?" Chu Jinglan's mouth made a slight smile, full of ridicule, cold and intimidating, "Aren't you here to catch this king? What are you doing while hiding it? Let them all come out. stop."

Deng Tianguan's complexion changed suddenly. He couldn't believe that Chu Jinglan had noticed his attempt, but he couldn't even think about it. He slammed his sleeves away and knocked down countless cups. The moment the crackling sounded, hundreds of soldiers They sprung out of the forest like bamboo shoots after a rain, all wearing armor and knives, and they came fiercely.

The incident caught Ye Huaiyang by surprise, but she quickly calmed down. After carefully observing the surrounding situation, she suddenly sank and shouted, "Deng Tianguan, you are so bold!"

"You are not brave enough." Deng Tianguan smiled gloomily, and then shouted loudly, "All to this king, whoever captures the king will reward one hundred thousand silver!"

The soldiers waved their swords in response, rushing towards the hexagonal pavilion like a tide, and gradually formed a siege. However, the people in the pavilion reacted faster. Tang Qingfeng flashed in front of Deng Tianguan in the blink of an eye, and the long sword was unscathed and carried. A heavy murderous aura hit his chest, who knew that a sword suddenly pierced from the side, blocking his offensive for life, and Deng Tianguan took the opportunity to jump over and escaped his attack range.

Tang Qingfeng turned his head and looked. It turned out that the deputy commander-in-chief Liu Xin was blocking the way. Unexpectedly, this person's mind was not good at martial arts. A big sword made it extremely flexible, so he could not get out. I could watch Deng Tianguan fled to safety, protected by his soldiers in the center, and there was no chance of killing him.

"Ci Yuan, go help him."

Ye Huaiyang gave an order, and Ci Yuan immediately flew into the battle. A sharp sword aura condensed between the blades of light. He attacked Liu Xin's vitals, and Liu Xin hurriedly returned his sword to block him. Unexpectedly, Tang Qingfeng attacked from the side. Coming, the momentum was extremely violent, he was shocked, and he took a few steps along the wall to escape from the gap in the back. Unexpectedly, his chest was cold, he stiffly lowered his head, and was shocked to find that half of the blade had broken out of his chest.

The whole process only took three seconds.

At the same time, densely packed soldiers had already arrived in front of the pavilion. Tang Qingfeng quickly opened a passage behind him, and then he said in a deep voice, "Master, it's time to go."

A group of people filed out and left the hexagonal pavilion at the fastest speed. Just as they were about to step on the stone to cross the pool of water, the soldiers behind them had already caught up with them, and the cold light was approaching, and the situation was critical.

Deng Tianguan's triumphant laughter came from the rear: "Chu Jinglan, if you surrender to this king, you may leave your corpse!"

Chu Jinglan stared at the front indifferently, without saying a word, only snapped his fingers lightly, and fifty shadow guards descended from the sky, instantly entering the battle!

He even ambushed people on this mountain!

Seeing the group of shadow guards rushing into their camp with swords, and even greeted his face, Deng Tianguan instantly became angry, regretting that he was missing someone, and the staff suddenly attached to his ear and said something, his expression was frozen for a moment. , And then raised the corners of his lips gently, the smile was extremely vague, almost imperceptible.

Something is wrong.

Pei Yuanshu has been observing the situation calmly from the beginning to the present. Although the enemy is crowded and the dazzling swords are pierced by the cracks, he has never been able to break through the shadow guard's line of defense. This is not an advantage for them, but Deng Tianguan is After getting angry, she became calm, which is abnormal.

He turned around and wanted to remind Chu Jinglan: "Master, Weichen feels..."

Before he finished speaking, he suddenly caught a glimpse of a gleam behind Ye Huaiyang, and before he had time to warn her, the sharp weapon had already been pierced towards her, and when he was about to touch her skin, Chu Jinglan Suddenly he pulled her to his chest and slapped her palms back. After a heavy muffled noise, the attacker vomited blood and fell to the ground.

Water fish was even arranged!

Pei Yuanshu knew that someone would deliberately train this kind of underwater assassin to complete certain special tasks, but he didn't expect to encounter it today. There are really wolves before and tigers!

He was scratching his head and thinking of a way, but the underwater was constantly changing, and the shadows shuttled through it, as agile as a fish. Ye Huaiyang hadn't slowed down here, but suddenly an ankle grabbed Crescent Moon came out over there. She stopped dragging her into the water, she screamed in horror, and Ci Yuan cut off the hand with a sword in time, and then quickly pulled her behind him.

Tang Qingfeng sank his face and stared at the water, occasionally raising his sword and stabs in the air. The pool was gradually stained red with blood, but the water fish still appeared in endlessly. After a while, everyone's body became colorful to varying degrees.

Sooner or later it will be finished.

After killing an assassin again, Chu Jinglan pushed Ye Huaiyang towards Ci Yuan and said, "You **** the princess and Lord Pei to go first."

Ye Huaiyang suddenly widened his eyes, and returned with a single sentence: "I won't go!"

"You stay here will only drag me down." Chu Jinglan flicked her away again, and at the same time turned around and said to Pei Yuanshu, "After you go down the mountain, go to Chang Xin."

Pei Yuanshu nodded solemnly.

Although he didn't know what arrangements Chu Jinglan made, according to the current situation, it seemed that the other party had the upper hand. It would be very unfavorable for them to drag it any longer. He must let Chang Xin come and relieve them as soon as possible, otherwise no one can leave. Thinking of this, he hurriedly persuaded: "Princess, please go down the mountain with your ministers. You can't delay any longer!"

Ye Huaiyang remained unmoved, staring at Chu Jinglan scorchingly and said, "I will not leave you."

Ci Yuan killed another assassin who rushed behind her, and immediately joined the persuasion ranks, "Miss, if you stay here, the prince will be helpless. It's better to go down the mountain immediately, and you can also transfer some people from Yejia to come to support you. ."

This sentence can be regarded as hitting Ye Huaiyang's heart, Ye Family still has some hidden power in Jinguan City, but it needs the Patriarch to activate it, and she will not go.

Seeing that she was struggling, Chu Jinglan immediately signaled to Ci Yuan to take her away. Just as Ci Yuan was about to start her hands, she suddenly stepped forward and hugged Chu Jinglan, her hands trembled slightly, and her eyes were red.

"You wait for me to come back."

Chu Jinglan pushed her away, and there was a dark silence in his eyes. Others only said that he was Taishan collapse in front of him and his face remained unchanged, but he had never thought about what was hidden after that quietness, and Ye Huaiyang, who had always been keen, was already The pain and worry of being separated disturbed my mind, and it was even impossible to notice.

"Ci Yuan, you stay to protect the prince."

Ye Huaiyang gave the final order, and Ci Yuan was too late to refute. She rushed to the other side under the cover of Tang Qingfeng. Pei Yuanshu didn't hesitate to speed up his steps, and the two disappeared in the crowd.

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