41. Eloquent Speech

Where’s the high-ranking demon?

His words cause a small commotion.

Deblian claps his hands to quiet the room. Then he raises the corners of his mouth and asks,

“A high-ranking demon? I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

“Oh, was that too abrupt? Then… Hm, you’re all waiting for me because of His Highness the Grand Duke’s letter, aren’t you?”

As he reaches into his pocket, the knights on either side of him draw their swords. Clang— The sharp sound rings out, but he doesn’t even blink.

“A letter from His Highness the Grand Duke. You’re all so hasty.”

He clicks his tongue as he looks at the swords pointed at his neck.

He’s right. We’re waiting for him to confirm that he received the Grand Duke’s orders.

“That’s right. We heard that you received the Grand Duke’s orders—”

“Oh dear, His Highness the Grand Duke. How dare you refer to him as the Grand Duke?”

Deblian frowns at his nitpicking. The Lieutenant Commander stares at Deblian. His gaze seems to ask, Are you just going to let that go?

Deblian shakes his head.

The banquet hall is filled with our forces. Chosen knights and mages, our preparations are complete.

There’s no need to get angry at a man who’s about to die. No need to rush.

“Indeed, Your Highness.”

“Well, yes. We’ll let this one slide. But be more careful from now on.”

Devrian bit his lip slightly. The man had a knack for getting on people’s nerves.

“Now, let me relay His Highness’s orders! Everyone, bow your heads. Oh, you’re not bowing. Well, I’m not that strict.”

The man cleared his throat with a chuckle.

“You were told to block the demons, yet you ended up getting possessed by them, you damn fools—! Oh, there’s an emphasis on ‘damn.'”

The man bent and unbent his index and middle fingers.

The atmosphere turned icy in an instant.

‘He really is crazy.’

Devrian couldn’t help but admire the man’s audacity.

“If you want to be forgiven, bite off your tongue and die.”


“Why are you angry with me? I’m just reading what’s written.”

As the battalion commander jumped to his feet, the man raised both hands in an exaggerated gesture. The commander’s face twisted in anger.

“It’s just the childish provocation of a man about to die, so calm down. It’s a beautiful day.”

At Devrian’s words, the commander exhaled sharply and sat back down.

“I have a question.”

Devrian asked, looking at the man. The man twirled a finger, as if asking him to go ahead.

“I’ve heard stories of demons being defeated with magic.”

Devrian asked what he had been curious about.

The other mages gasped. Demons defeated with magic—what kind of preposterous nonsense was that?

“Well, what kind of demons are you referring to?”

Devrian’s eyes narrowed at the man’s response.

It meant that he hadn’t defeated just one demon.

‘Tch—is he bluffing?’

“Demons aren’t that difficult to deal with. The problem is the demon tribe. Do you know that the blood of the demon tribe contains highly concentrated mana?”

It was a well-known fact in the Dark Magic Society. There was a reason they were revered as beings blessed by the demon tribe.

It was an interesting story. Devrian nodded. The other mages also leaned in slightly.

“Yes, because of the high concentration of mana flowing through their blood, they are immune to most magic. Mana flows from areas of low concentration to areas of high concentration.”

The mages nodded in unison. The man’s voice had a strange power that made people focus on him.

“So, in order to use magic on the demon tribe, you need to compress your mana to the maximum. The demon tribe is truly the natural enemy of mages.”

“Did you really defeat the demon tribe?”

One of the mages asked in disbelief. The man nodded.

“Concentration is the key. You have to compress your mana.”

“Compress mana?”

“Surely you know how to compress mana?”

The man’s question was met with a moment of silence.

“Oh, my god.”

The man’s face was openly scornful. Devrian rolled his eyes and replied, “Why would we compress mana? We have magic stone staffs.”

At Devian’s words, the magicians nodded. The man let out a deep sigh and shook his head.

“That’s why you’re in the North. I understand.”

The magicians’ faces crumpled at the man’s grumbling.

Unable to endure it, Devian jumped up.

“This bastard is crossing the line because I’m being lenient!”

Devian’s staff was aimed at the man. The other magicians also grabbed their staffs. The knights drew their swords. In an instant, the atmosphere became sharp.

The man didn’t flinch at all. Instead, he clicked his tongue even louder.

“You don’t even know how to compress mana, yet you dare call yourself a magician.”

The man pointed his finger at the magicians and mocked them.

“Mana compression is only necessary for those who weren’t chosen.”

At that moment, a magician who was close to the man rolled up his sleeve.

The proof of selection, the magic circle left by the first magician, was clearly engraved.

The man grabbed the magician’s forearm. He didn’t seem to mind the sword pointed at his neck. Rather, the sword retreated slightly.

“Is this the magic circle left by the first magician? It’s certainly interesting.”

He knows about the first magician. Devian frowned. He realized the identity of the dissonance.

“You’ve absorbed a Crow.”

“Similar. Can you turn your arm a little? I can’t see it well.”

“Stop it! You’ve been suspicious ever since you showed up alone in the meeting room. You were just a crazy guy.”

“Hmm, I have one question.”

In the midst of the fierce atmosphere, the man raised his hand.

To the end-.

‘No, I can’t get involved.’

Getting angry in this situation would only play into the man’s hands.

Devian suppressed his irritation and nodded.

“What is it?”

“Don’t you usually suspect something when someone comes alone like this and acts all high and mighty?”

Devian chuckled at the man’s question.

What could he possibly do-.

If he seemed more than adequate, there might be something up his sleeve.


“What can you possibly do?”

Devian asked, looking around.

There were more than ten chosen knights, and eight magicians with staffs.

What could the man possibly do here?

“Hmm, with such a flashy entourage-.”

Flashy entourage-?

Devian frowned at the strange answer.

Soon, the sense of disharmony became clear.

“I can tie you all up.”

The man snapped his fingers.

Unheard noises began to filter in.

The clashing of weapons, someone’s scream, a battle cry.

At that moment, someone broke through the door violently.


It was a knight in disarray, but his eyes were sharp. The knight brandished his sword.

The knights aiming their swords at Galahad hastily retreated.

Beyond the broken door, one could see a chaotic corridor. Soldiers and knights were engaged in a sword fight.

A boy holding a sword upside down slashed a soldier from top to bottom. A scream erupted, and a trail of blood splattered. Another soldier thrust his sword at the boy.

Just then—

“You vile brats.”

A mace crushed the soldier’s head. An old man wielding a crimson mace entered.

He was the 7th Brigade Commander who had been locked up in the basement of the Black Magic Society. How on earth…

‘That damn Raven—.’

“Devrian! Didn’t you say you’d taken care of the commander!”

“Such a vile brats—. Take care of him?”

“Damn it! This isn’t what we agreed on!”

The lieutenant shouted, avoiding the old man’s gaze.

In an instant, the room fell into disarray.

People stood behind him.

A boy, a woman in a maid’s uniform, an old man with a mace, a knight with a dull helmet, a soldier with a shield, and even more knights. It was a surprisingly diverse group.

‘He came alone to buy time and make a fuss—. Did he completely block out the noise by pouring out mana? Is that even possible?’

Devrian was genuinely impressed.

It was a move that went beyond recklessness.

It hadn’t even been half a day since he had arrived.

In the meantime, he had rescued the 7th Brigade Commander, gotten in here himself, and even bought time. To have turned the situation around like this—

It was impressive, to the point of wondering how he had done it.


At Devrian’s cry, everyone paused.


“I’m usually quite splendid.”

“Yes, you are great. I admit it.”


“Do you think I would have trusted Raven?”

Devrian’s lips curled into a grin.

“Thank you for doing our job for us.”

He laughed, looking at the blood staining their bodies. It wasn’t just Devrian. The others laughed as well.

The knights drew their swords. A gray hue gradually spread. An ominous aura expanded its territory. There were more than ten chosen knights, stronger than ordinary knights.

Including Devrian, there were two executives and eight capable mages. All of them were chosen.

And then—.

Suddenly, a cold sensation swept over him. The proof of his selection carved into his forearm had reacted.

Before Deblian, a translucent defense membrane rose. The ice spikes blocked by it scattered. The cold fragments grazed his cheek.

“Such a cowardice…”

Deblian grimaced and shouted.

“What a waste.”

Deblian, who regained his composure, tapped the ground with his staff.


The ceiling collapsed violently.

Giant tentacles that broke through the ceiling struck them down.

The old man swung the bottle he was holding at him. The wall behind it was miserably destroyed as the tentacles collided with it. The tentacles did not stop and struck down again.

The moment the knight wearing a dull helmet was about to step out, the man called Gilbert stepped forward.

The place where they were was crushed and collapsed by the tentacles.

The cool night air that came through the collapsed gap swept across Deblian’s face.

“Only an upper-level demon for the initiation ceremony?”

The place where they were was crumbling.

Deblian stood at the end and looked down.

He anticipated what kind of expression that impudent man would make.

He was held in the arms of the knight wearing a dull helmet.

Looking up-.


He was laughing.

Deblian felt a strange coolness in that smile.


“You’ve prepared more than I thought.”

Galahad looked up and clicked his tongue.

Six giant tentacles were moving around the castle. The size and power of each of them was terrifying.

Then, the dull helmet approached. Azure eyes were visible. It seemed to be checking if Galahad was okay.

“I’m fine, can you put me down?”


Adrianna gently put Galahad down.

“It’s similar to that time. Basically, it feels like they’re forcibly pulling up a high-ranking monster.”

Gilbert said, crumpling his impression.

He seemed to be talking about the demon water he had seen in Palho. It certainly felt similar.

“Oh, if you release something like that, wouldn’t they be in danger too?”

Galahad frowned at Gilbert’s soliloquy.

It certainly didn’t feel like it was under control. However, the tentacles were not directed at them but at this side. As if they couldn’t see them-.

‘Ah, is that what you call a choice?’

It seemed to be related to the magic circle of the man called the first magician.

Then, from afar, ash-colored fireballs flew in. There were more than ten of them, and their momentum was unusual.

It wasn’t the kind of thing that a fake wizard who relied on a staff could do.

‘This is-‘

Galahad grimaced and flicked his hand. A spark shot out rapidly.

The spark accurately struck the center of the fireball, but the spark disappeared instead.

‘Is the mana concentration high?’

Galahad compressed his mana and flicked it again.

Only then did the fireball scatter, but its speed was slow. He calculated the concentration in reverse from the speed at which it scattered.

‘The mana concentration is quite high. And the casting speed is also short. Why?’

Galahad pondered and flicked his fingers repeatedly. Unlike before, he was running out of time because he had to compress it.


Gwen’s fireball hit the last fireball directly. Gwen’s magic didn’t eliminate the fireball, but it changed its direction. The ashen fireball fell behind.

Ashes spread out and the ground shook.

‘This isn’t good.’

Galahad opened the lid of the water tank.

“These bastards are coming down!”

At that moment, the old man shouted. Ashen knights jumped down, and their speed was considerable.


Gilbertton introduced himself and stepped forward. The old man followed him, brandishing his staff. Damian moved.

‘It won’t be easy.’

High-level demonic beasts and demonic knights, and a magician armed with a staff and magic circles left by the first magician.

Their strength was considerable.

There was a reason why those bastards were taking their time.

The situation was not good.


Adrianna knocked on his helmet.

‘Adrianna is on this side.’

Galahad raised his head.

Giant tentacles were ominously wriggling.

“Can you handle that?”


“If this is the Demon Realm?”

Adrianna kept silent.

“Hmm, I guess I’ll need backup.”

Galahad muttered as he looked up at the cloudy sky.

Shouldn’t they have arrived by now?

The stupid helmet shook.

“There is something like that. Okay, go.”


‘What the hell is that bastard doing?’

Devrian’s eyes were wide open.

They were using a staff embedded with high-level magic stones and even magic circles left by the first magician.

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He was confident that he could defeat any magician.

Before meeting him.

He was just breaking their magic with a snap of his fingers.

It was a situation that was hard to believe if not seen in person.

‘It wasn’t without reason that the president warned us.

However, that was all it was.

“Unfold the sanctuary.”

Debellian gestured with his hand. The members of the academy moved busily.

A huge magic circle was drawn beyond the broken wall. It was a magic circle that had been drawn with great care. Magic stones were piled up like a mountain on the magic circle.

These were the magic stones that the Black Magic Academy had gathered until now. How much was it worth? It was impossible to estimate the value.

A huge staff was inserted into the magic circle. The magic circle made a strange noise and emitted light.


“Ugh… ugh, aaah! Please spare me!”

The one who was next to the magic circle failed to avoid it and was sucked in.

‘What an idiot.’

Debellian stepped back, muttering curses.

The magic stones turned into ash. A dirty and pungent smell filled the room before spreading out violently.

It was the legacy left by the first magician. The magic stones that had turned into dust swirled and scattered like ashes.

The ashes inflated the area in an instant.

Debellian covered his mouth and nose.

The ashes that began to spread grew thicker, sucking up blood.

Soon, all four sides were filled with ashes.

It was a sanctuary.

…… !

The monster let out a violent roar. It was full of joy.

Debellian trembled at the power contained in that voice.

Even though he knew that they were on the same side, it was a huge presence that he was afraid of.

It couldn’t be helped. It was a top-level monster. What would happen if such a monster entered the sanctuary?

He was now an unstoppable disaster.

Debellian hurriedly rolled up his sleeve. The engraved magic circle turned red and burned.

‘It’s working properly.’

The ash grew stronger. The chosen knights roared like monsters.

The other party’s existence was erased from Debellian’s mind.

Once the sanctuary was activated, there was no chance that they would win.

Even if that Adrianna came.

A new era begins with this.”

This was just the beginning.

Debellian looked around with burning eyes. The other members of the academy were staring at Debellian with emotional eyes. Hot tears flowed from their eyes.

Debellian nodded as he looked at each of them.

Then, suddenly, he felt something strange.

The number was exact.

‘······It definitely got sucked in just now?’

Deblian checked again.

The number was still the same.


At the very end-.

“Ah, you’ve found me.”

He was smiling brightly.

As if something great had happened, really brightly-.

“That look in your eyes is asking how I got here.”

He grinned and rolled up his sleeve.


“I got one too.”

The Seal of Choice was clearly engraved.

‘······He got one?’

Deblian’s thoughts stopped.



At the terrible scream, Tom collapsed.

The giant tentacles wiggled roughly, as if showing ecstasy.

His breath was blocked in the thick fog. Uncontrollable fear rose from deep within.

He didn’t even have the strength to move his fingers.

What would be the use anyway?

That giant despair was roaring-.

The thickly spread ashes scattered as they were swept away by the giant despair.

The castle collapsed. The ground caved in. The earth shook violently.

It was not an existence that could be resisted.


A white light flashed.

There was someone who was cutting through the thick ashes and advancing towards the giant despair.

It was Adrianna, the hero of the North.


How could she possibly advance like that?

Creak-. An unpleasant sound was heard from the side.

Something that had been a knight, now a monster, was approaching Tom.

Revealing its hostility filled with ash-.

Tom stared blankly at him.

He couldn’t move a single finger.

The monster opened its mouth wide, looking at Tom-.

The face of a knight could be seen through it. It was drooling as it looked at Tom.

When it came right up to him-.

“Ah, it’s a courtyard-.”

A thick, beast-like voice echoed, like an animal’s howl.

At that moment, the approaching figure suddenly vanished.

The only sound was a faint rustling.

The exhausted demon collapsed to the ground.

“It’s like that guy said, a feast is coming.”

The Grand Duke put an unknown object in his mouth and chewed, advancing forward.

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