Chen Hao looked at Ma Yunfei’s expression and couldn’t help but laugh, “What, you want to kill me?” ”

“Boy, blame you for your bad luck that the smuggler actually met me.” Lord Shrine bid 20,000 exchange points and an A permission to buy your life, I don’t kill you are sorry for myself. Ma Yunfei laughed.

“Oh? So look up to me? Chen Hao raised an eyebrow, although he didn’t know what these 20,000 exchange points and an A permission meant, but looking at Ma Yunfei’s expression, it must be a very good thing.

The system allowed Chen Hao to kill the reincarnated, not only giving permissions, gold coins, and even giving a top EX diamond treasure chest, which shows its importance. Since the main god paradise and system are enemies, the bid will naturally not be low.

“Boy, it’s your honor to die at my hands!” Ma Yunfei said contemptuously. “Remember my name, A thirty-two Zhao Feiyu, lest you be a fool.”

“A twenty-third level, presumably the grading of the main god’s paradise?” Chen Hao was calculating in his heart, but his face showed a look of looking at a fool. “With such strength as you, do you still kill me?”

“Oh, ignorance. I have fallen to the current level because of the weakening of my strength, but even if I weaken, I am still a strong person who drives away the spirit realm. Before I and you, there was a fundamental difference! Zhao Feiyu said arrogantly.

“In the data comparison, the host’s mental strength is 1.24 times that of the other party, and some of the other party’s information is open.”

Name: Feiyu Zhao

Constitution: 362

Strength: 342

Speed: 325

Spirit: 255

Critical hits: 175

Wearing title: Wolverine

Personal Ancestry: Wolver Movie.ver

Abilities: Self-healing factor, Edelman alloy steel claw, light energy blade

Skills: Beast Perception, Superhuman Fighter, Berserk, Roaring Shock

Realm: Exorcism Level 1 (Weak)

“Wolverine Movie Ver: Wolverine Movie Limited Bloodline, with all the abilities of Wolverine Logan Howlitt, including super self-healing powers, Edman alloy steel claws, and superhuman physique.”

“Self-healing factor: 95% of the effect of immunity to any poison, only the complete destruction of the body can prevent regeneration, even if the headshot will restore the powerful ability.”

“Edelman alloy steel claw: a man-made indestructible metal that replaces the bone claw after being injected into the bone, with super cutting ability and robustness, even at 500,000 high temperatures will not melt.”

“Light Energy Blade: Invisible.”

“Wolverine: Purple title, reduces consumption and increases resiliency when using Wolverine’s abilities.”

“Skill: Invisible.”

It is undeniable that Zhao Feiyu is a very scary and difficult enemy, not only familiar with the plot, but also nearly immortal.

Yes, he’s terrible, and yes, he’s strong.


Here’s the problem.

“Have you seen the opening and hanging?” Chen Hao said suddenly

“Huh?” Zhao Feiyu was stunned.


Four cards appeared in Chen Hao’s hand.

It’s a power-up called “Level Breakout Volume”, and the effect is simple and crude: level up!

“Use!” Chen Hao casually threw it away, and the four cards turned into streamers and merged into Chen Hao’s body.

“Successful use of level breakout cards, realm level +1.”

“Successful use of level breakout cards, realm level +1.”

“Successful use of level breakout cards, realm level +1.”

“Successful use of level breakout cards, realm level +1.”

“Current Realm: Entering the Seventh Layer of the Spirit Realm.”


Chen Hao’s clothes were windless and automatic, and a powerful breath that was difficult to hide came out of his body!


Chen Hao once again pulled out a dark golden card, which was a random drawing volume of SSS ability.

“Use!” As soon as Chen Hao threw up his hand, the card turned into a streamer of light and flew into Chen Hao’s body.

“Tianyue, it’s up to you!” What a strong and invincible plug-in, come and see. Chen Hao said. There is one. Tianyue said.

Therefore, this time the extraction volume did not even come out of the turntable, and directly gave Chen Hao a ability.

“Gain Power: The Blade of Judgment.”

“Blade of Judgment 1v1,? Level special class, skill class. Rating: SSS! The ability of the arbiter can cause terrible and tremendous damage to the adjudicator’s enemies. Redemption Price: Non-exchangeable. ”

“Judgment Blade: Each attack comes with a mandatory judgment that deals 100% due damage to all characters judged to be enemies by the host, and deals an additional 5% of the true damage to their soul essence, causing intense pain. This decision is effective when hit, is irreversible and cannot be changed. ”

“When the enemy has one person left, each attack hit increases the real damage and pain level by 1%, up to a maximum of 10 times.”

“Skill description: Either cutting people or on the way to cutting people. Don’t be intimidated, just frontal. ———— arbiter who did not want to be named: the slasher demon Baali. ”

Chen Hao watched with a strange look on his face as this purple energy entered his body, and then dyed his spiritual power blue-purple. He clearly felt that there seemed to be something more to his spiritual power.

A thing called “madness.”

He’s crazy and bloated now.

And would love to cut people.

Chen Hao threw away the sword in his hand, reached out and grabbed the Yu Ling Chopper that had not been used for a long time, looked at Zhao Feiyu, who was entangled in the Heavenly Moon, grinned, and revealed a mouthful of large white teeth.

“Count yourself unlucky.”


On the periphery of the core of a certain universe, a large, black-cloaked man carrying an exaggerated scythe is chasing a middle-aged man who is fleeing.

“His grandmother’s leg, I QNMLGB, you give me a stand, I have to cut you twice today.” The big man threw off his cloak, and the cloak draped over his burly body looked unremarkable, and he cursed and grinned in his mouth, wielding the huge scythe, and cutting through the exaggerated space cracks in the space.

“Bally! You crazy man, I don’t have a conflict with you, why are you attacking me? The middle-aged man was wearing a golden robe, but the robe was now tattered, and the law aura surrounding him was mostly broken.

“Clams? I cut you is cutting you, do you need a reason? The big man pulled his chin and threw out the sickle, whose blade was even more exaggerated than the axe blade, and directly cut into the middle-aged man’s body.


The cry of killing pigs echoed through the empty universe, and countless elements fled in terror.

“Speaking of which, what kind of main god space did you create seem to be very jumpy lately, and the source of the world is very comfortable?” Well? Balely’s eyes widened and he said in a vicious voice.

“Didn’t my arbiter’s scythe cut you in too long, and did you jump like this?”



The creator of the main god space, the main god, is now lying in the cosmic space, screaming without any image.

Baali, who was about to slash two more knives, suddenly froze and turned his head to look in a certain direction.

“Huh? Which kid took my inheritance? ”

“Hey! Kind of interesting! He scratched his chin and looked back to see that the Lord God was long gone.

“His grandmother’s, where are you going?” Bally, grinning from his lips, waved a crack in the space and left the place. _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – collect, push

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