The Omnipotent Big Shot Refuses His Villain Role

Chapter 111: He Xinyan, if you have something to say

   Chapter 111 Classmate He Xinyan, have something to say

   The probability of doing it is her cheap elder brother from the legal coffee shop, so she mocked the other party's incompetence.

   I didn't even confirm the authenticity and origin of that set of test papers before I started, so I couldn't wait to come over to give it away.

   No wonder the He Group has been going downhill since he took office.

   But that didn't stop her from finding a reason to drag Ling Chen into the water, and no one would want to be alone.

   Now everyone was stunned, and the look in Ling Chen's eyes became strange.

  Ling Chen is going to go crazy, it's really not him! He doesn't know anything!

"He Xinyan, it's enough for me! You haven't suffered any losses, so is it necessary to go online?" Ling Chen gritted his teeth, "Principal Sun and the teachers have apologized, what else do you want? I advise you not to be too stubborn, All the way down."

   He pulled the vice-principal and grade director into the water, hoping that He Xinyan would rest in peace.

He Xinyan: "I'm not happy when you say that. Could it be that I stab you, and after a period of time your wound is healed, can I pretend that nothing happened? Once the injury is caused, it cannot be eliminated. If neither the principal nor the school board can Give me an explanation, then I don't need to continue reading, I drop out."

   She said that she turned her face when she turned her face, and it was no longer easy to talk just now.

   The vice-principal groaned in his heart: "Student He Xinyan, if you have something to say, talk about it."

  If the other party really dropped out of school... I would most likely not be able to eat and walk around.

   The dean said seriously: "Student He Xinyan, don't worry, the school will definitely give you an explanation."

  Gu Lifang hesitated for a moment. It stands to reason that he shouldn't be involved, but since the leader asked him to go there, he must have hoped that he could do something.

   "This classmate has suffered a lot of grievances. I will also report to my superiors and pay attention to the progress of the matter."

   The vice-principal's face was even more ugly. He turned his head to look at Ling Chen, and his heart swelled with anger.

  Is this a fool, he has reached this point, and he dares to threaten He Xinyan and arouse the opponent's rebellious psychology?

   Although he didn't know what was going on, he also knew that the Ling family was definitely involved this time, and Ling Chen was not absolutely innocent.

   Even if there is no He Xinyan incident, it is obvious that the other party intends to cheat.

  He Xinyan, as a victim who was almost expelled for taking the blame, she asked the school to give an explanation, which is completely reasonable!

   The vice-principal quickly made a decision in his heart: "Student He Xinyan, go back first. The school will investigate this matter and give you a satisfactory answer tomorrow. Ling Chen, stay here and ask your parents to come over."

  Ling Chen's face was completely disheveled.


  Out of the office, it was already dark outside.

  Xu Jingyang was waiting under the street light, and seeing the expressions of the three girls, he always felt that something was wrong.

   His heart skipped a beat, wouldn't he really be fired?

  It turns out that it's useless for cousin Zhen to come forward? !

  Xu Jingyang's eyes turned red instantly, he shouldn't have been outside! He should rush in and argue with the teachers!

  Young Master, he shouldn't be so Buddhist and low-key, if he was as high-profile as that idiot Ling Chen, the student council president would already be in his pocket, and what about Ling Chen!

   He also has a higher voice in front of the school's top management! You can freely enter and leave the office like Ling Chen, and participate in the investigation and handling of the incident!

   "Yan Shen! Don't worry, if you drop out, I'll drop out immediately! I'll go wherever you go!"

   Xu Jingyang: "???"

   He stared blankly at the tablemate who rushed forward excitedly. After holding back, he couldn't help but step forward and grab the other's collar.

  Young Master, he hasn't said anything yet, what does he want you to interject? !

  Lin Xuxu sighed: "Xu Shao, no one wants to drop out of school."

  He Xinyan: "Yes, I will not drop out of school for the time being."

   At least wait for tomorrow's briefing to see how the school will respond to you.

   She looked up at the people waiting downstairs in the night, and unexpectedly found that there seemed to be a lot of people?

   "What are you doing?" He Xinyan was a little confused.

  Fu Yuhuan stepped forward: "We all don't believe that you will cheat in order to get the first grade in the exam, so everyone went back to school, thinking if we can help a little."

   The classmates who appear here all have some background and connections at home.

  Although it may not play a decisive role, after all, a lot of people are powerful, and it is a force to be able to contribute.

  Bai Yulan frowned: "Xi Mengjun and I are contacting the cadres of the student union to see if everyone can come over and write a joint petition, asking the school to seriously consider re-investigating."

   She is a member of the student council, and she has the most dealings with school teachers and senior management, and is the first to know that the vice-principal has issued a penalty decision.

  Although I know that things are a foregone conclusion, I still want to work hard to see if I can change the outcome.

   She really likes He Xinyan and doesn't want her to leave like this at all.

  Xi Mengjun pushed the frame of his glasses and looked at the three people, "You are all right, are you okay, the matter has been resolved?"

  He Xinyan nodded: "It's just the Oolong incident. Some people framed it, but the method is not very clever. Even the test paper, which is a stolen item, can be wrong. You are not funny."

   "Huh?" Fu Yuhuan uttered a single syllable blankly.

He Xinyan: "That person took a set of test papers that were discarded by the municipal teaching and research office the year before, secretly stuffed it into Qiaoqiao's schoolbag, and then reported to the school that I stole the test papers for this final exam in advance, and wanted to catch the thief and the stolen goods. They have sent people to explain the situation and prove that the final exam papers were not leaked in advance."

  Fu Yuhuan couldn't hold back, and burst out laughing.

  Which idiot could do such a thing, the school is so fanatical about leaking the test papers, and the test papers can still be wrong?

   "Is that person a waste, can this be wrong?"

   "But fortunately, I made a mistake, otherwise Yan Shen and Qiao Yuqiao would not be able to tell." Some people had lingering fears.

   Bai Yulan thought for a while, "No matter what, that person is stupid and bad, you have to be on guard in the future."

   He Linjun, who followed He Xinyan out of the Academic Affairs Building, just heard the comments of the group of students, his face was even more ugly, his eyes were like a poisonous letter, and he stared at He Xinyan with hatred.

  He Xinyan looked back calmly in the face of his gaze, the corners of her lips raised lightly, and the word "waste" was silently uttered.

   She believed that even if He Lin didn't understand lip language, he should have understood.

  Because the muscles on the other side's face were about to twitch, he was obviously very angry.

   But this is still the first step. He was ineffective today, and he made such a big mistake. It's not a waste or something.

  Ling Zhenxing is not a person to be with. His precious son has been dragged into the water by He Xinyan, and he will definitely be angry at He Linjun's incompetence.

   He Linjun was still thinking of climbing up Ling Zhenxing's personal connections and eating meat and soup with Ling Zhenxing, which was a fool's dream.

   (end of this chapter)

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