Chapter 114 Mr. He is furious

   Mr. He has been recuperating in the south all the year round, and his health is not healthy.

  Although he has traveled for a long time, he is still very happy to see his grandchildren, especially He Yuye, who is also obediently giving him a massage with standard and professional techniques.

Lin Yunshu said with a smile: "Dad, since Yu Ye knew that you had a problem with your legs and feet, she specially learned two-handed massage techniques from her aunt, and she often pulled me to practice, thinking that one day I would be able to massage and massage for you and heal your legs. "

   Mr. He commented indifferently: "It's okay, it's not as good as Xinyan."

   The smile on Lin Yunshu's face froze.

   Mr. He: "But she hasn't studied for a long time, so she's got a heart."

   He looked at He Yuye, but his expression softened a lot.

   I didn't like it before, because I disliked He Yuye's poverty and sourness, and his vision and upbringing were incomparable to He Xinyan, who had been fascinated by the rich and powerful since childhood.

   But I haven't seen each other for a while, but the other party's temperament has become more calm, and now it looks like a little miss of the He family.

   is always the blood of the He family, and it did not disappoint him after all.

   Mr. He looked around for a week and said, "Where's Xinyan, why didn't she come out to pick me up?"

  He Zixiao: "Grandpa, Third Sister, she was staying outside with a friend recently. I'll call her home immediately. If she knows you're back, she will be very happy!"

   He happily dialed He Xinyan's phone, who knew that no one answered when the bell rang.

   Mr. He frowned, his expression a little impatient.

   He Linjun suddenly said: "Don't call, I'm afraid she doesn't have the face to answer the phone, and she doesn't have the face to see Grandpa."

   Mr. He looked at him in surprise: "What's the matter, what happened to Xinyan?"

   He Yuye pursed her lips and said softly, "Grandpa, can you help, Xinyan she... She may be expelled from the school!"

   Although she couldn't get used to He Xinyan, she was also very dissatisfied with the way the other party made things difficult for her yesterday, but seeing that He Xinyan was in trouble, she couldn't help but want to help.

   She is not as despicable as He Xinyan, and she did not accept all the accusations made yesterday.

Obviously she is the victim, and it is normal to misjudge when she is emotionally unstable. She only talked about this in her own small circle, and she didn't shout it out in the class. He Xinyan suffered no loss at all. , why come to the door to accuse her?

   Just because she is kind and generous, can she target herself arbitrarily? And what about herself, didn't she make a mistake?

   When he saw the news in the class group last night, He Yuye really felt a heart-warming feeling at that moment.

  I knew that He Xinyan did this, and sooner or later the car would overturn, but the retribution came so quickly.

   Although someone explained that He Xinyan was wronged later, He Yuye still didn't quite believe it, how could it be wronged, He Xinyan was obviously that kind of person.

   Competitive and aggressive, in order to win Lingchen, what else can He Xinyan do?

  He Zixiao's pupils tightened: "Second sister, what did you say?"

   He finished the exam yesterday and went to remedial classes step by step. In order to play a good top student, he did not dare to slack off all day.

   Had no idea this happened!

He Xinyan hesitated for a moment, but decided to speak out: "Xinyan...she seems to be involved in the turmoil of stealing exam papers. Yesterday, the grade director brought the invigilators to block Xinyan and Qiaoyu Bridge, and caught a current, vice principal. A penalty decision was issued on the spot, and Xinyan was to be fired."

  He Zixiao: "Impossible, Third Sister is not that kind of person!"

   He Yuye bit his lower lip: "Zixiao, I didn't lie."

   Does he trust He Xinyan so much, but not himself?

   She knew that there was a reversal behind, and He Xinyan also challenged the school to ask the school to give an explanation, but the information was not important.

  The important thing is that the punishment decision has been issued, the vice-principal has gone through all the procedures, and the only thing left is to report to the top.

   She has never seen a penalty decision written out that can be withdrawn. He Xinyan's behavior is simply like a scorpion shaking the tree, and she is beyond her own power.

   He Linjun glanced at He Yuye: "Yuye is right, Xinyan is indeed going to be expelled from Yongxing High School."

   He also doesn't think that He Xinyan still has a chance to turn over.

  Although the result may be that He Xinyan dropped out of school by himself, but it is no different from being expelled, and he doesn't mind helping He Xinyan spread rumors to let her know that she should not be so rigid.

   Mr. He's face darkened slightly, he gasped heavily while clutching his chest, and suddenly shouted angrily: "Why don't you call to find a relationship? Are you really happy until she is fired?"


  He Yuye never thought that Mr. He had this attitude.

   It's one thing to know that he likes He Xinyan, but it's another thing to see him defending He Xinyan so nervously.

   She clenched her fingers and was in a chaotic mood. After thinking about it, she carried her bag and walked out of the house.

  If he didn't get lost and had been in the He's house, would grandpa maintain and love her like this?

  He Xinyan is really lucky, she has someone to protect her wherever she goes, no matter how bad she gets, someone will clean up the mess for her.

  He Yuye's eyes were slightly wet. She got into the car and said softly to the driver, "Let's go to Jinyin Street."

   The offline dessert concept store that was planned before is already in full swing. She wants to seize the summer ice cream sales season and quickly open the store to make her name famous.

  My time is very precious, there is no need to waste it on He Xinyan.

   Anyway, after today, the lives of two people will go in completely different directions.

  He Xinyan can only go down, the road is getting narrower and narrower; and in front of her, is the majestic road that climbs up.


   He Yuye finished the last bite of the cake, then smiled and said to the person opposite: "Thank you, monitor, come out to accompany me early in the morning."

  Lu Qilin was wearing a white shirt with exquisite fabrics and tailoring, which made him look very handsome.

   The plate in front of him was empty long ago, and he ordered a cup of Kaman orange green tea and drank it slowly, with a pleasant expression and enjoyment.

  He Yuye had a bit of a hard time eating. In order to maintain her figure, she had been strictly controlling her calorie intake, and it was very difficult to finish what Lu Qilin ordered.

   The thought of the heat explosion made her a little unhappy.

   But there's nothing she can do, what Lu Qilin ordered, she couldn't help but save face.

   Noticed that her mood was still a little low, Lu Qilin thought about it for a while, and comforted her warmly, "I heard about what happened yesterday, it was just a misunderstanding, just say it, don't take it to heart."

The boy next to    couldn't wait to say, "He Xinyan, she has already made trouble with you in public several times, but fortunately she is about to drop out of school, so you don't have to worry about her in the future."

   He was worried that Yu Ye and He Xinyan would suffer losses again and again, this is the best result!

   Finally, the **** of plague can be sent away, and the unit can restore the previous unity and peace!

   He Yuye shook his head: "Don't say that, I don't want Xinyan to be dropped out of school."

   (end of this chapter)

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