The Omnipotent Big Shot Refuses His Villain Role

Chapter 117: Don't provoke He Xinyan

   Chapter 117 Don't provoke He Xinyan

Before the students in class 1 had time to cheer, Xi Mengjun spoke up: "Don't go over, Director Yue has already come."

   His eyes fell on the corridor, watching a group of people come over.

  The middle-aged woman at the forefront is the largest shareholder of Yongxing High School, Xi Yue, the chairman of the school board.

  Xiyue heard that there are still many students in Class 1 waiting for the school's processing results. After thinking about it, she still came to the classroom of Class 1 of Senior 2 in person.

   She didn't come alone. A group of people such as the principal, the dean of education, and the grade director followed.

   "Student He Xinyan, I'm very sorry. This time, because of our improper handling, it has caused some damage to your reputation. On behalf of the Yongxing High School Board of Directors, I sincerely apologize to you."

  Xiyue's attitude is gentle and kind, and there is a sense of anger that has settled down over the years.

   But this kind of strong woman, no matter how gentle she behaves, will not make people feel relaxed, but He Xinyan talks to her naturally.

   "I didn't expect you to come in person."

   "Originally, the senior management of the school made a mistake, and I also have the responsibility of lax management. And I also want to see an excellent and individual student like you with my own eyes."

   "I thought the school would think that I was being rude, a thorn in the dark, and the kind that should be dealt with."

   He Xinyan took a deep breath even if it was gentle.

  Who knew that Xiyue couldn't help but laugh, "Some people think so, but that doesn't mean it's right. Why do you have to swallow your grievances and hurt yourself and settle things down? Isn't seeking justice the most basic requirement?"

  The woman raised her eyes and looked at the group of students next to them. They had young and childish faces and clear eyes, and they also had some of the purest things, and their edges and corners had not been smoothed out.

"Compromise and concessions can only be exchanged for temporary stability, and may not leave more hidden dangers. If everyone chooses to make concessions, will the perpetrators be more reckless? Is the school's management loopholes getting bigger and bigger? Whoever is easy to deal with is dealt with; and whoever is wrong, must come out and take responsibility, even if that person sits in a high-level position in the school."

   In fact, to be honest, He Xinyan is definitely not a category that is easy to handle.

   Even if Shi Rin didn't make that call, I'm afraid the school would have to think twice about dealing with He Xinyan.

   She only learned today that He Xinyan actually helped the municipal website build a firewall and sold two very practical patents.

   No wonder she is so confident, such a young genius is a very sought-after existence in any school, who is willing to deal with her, not afraid of being slapped in the face in the future?

   But this time, it also reminded her and the senior management of the school.

   There are many problems on the vice-principal's side, and many of them have opened the door for some powerful children.

   This seems to be a common phenomenon in Yongxing High School. Ordinary teachers dare not compete with the parents of powerful students; while high-level students have close contacts with the parents of powerful students.

  School is after all a place to teach and educate people, not someone’s back garden, and students are not accompanied by a prince. Every student is equal and precious.

  Some bad atmospheres really need to be rectified.

"I hope that each of you can have the spirit of daring to be truthful." Xi Yue looked at the group of students with a serious and solemn attitude, "If you have been treated unfairly in school, someone asks you to step back and settle things down. , I hope you can all come to me or the principal for feedback."

  Xiyue: "Young people are riding the wind, and the future can be expected. You are the most valuable asset of our school."

  The students couldn't help cheering, God, Director Yue is too gentle.

  Xiyue was very busy after all. After talking with the students for a few words, seeing that everyone was still a little cautious, she smiled and led the school seniors away.

   Before leaving, she also apologized to Qiao Yuqiao and Lin Xuxu, and explained the school's handling of the matter.

   The vice-principal had the biggest problem and was immediately dismissed; both the grade director and the male teacher who participated in the incident were punished separately.

   As for Ling Chen, although there is no evidence to prove that he was involved in this matter, his intention to cheat is exposed, plus some things about the student union.

  Ling Chen was recorded as a major demerit, and was also revoked from the position of the student council president.

   This matter will not be hidden, the school will officially issue an official document without leaving any speculation and rumors.

   After all, He Xinyan and Qiao Yuqiao were taken away by the grade director under the watchful eyes of the public. There were a lot of rumors flying around, and it was unfair to the parties to let the rumors ferment in private.

  The official document is clarified, only then can He Xinyan and Qiao Yuqiao be cleared of their innocence.


  Things are all over, and He Xinyan is also relieved.

   Although she had a tough attitude and was sure that the school would not deal with her, she still took a risk after all.

   Fortunately, the result is better than expected.

  【Host, you are amazing! 】The villain's transformation system was held back for a long time, and finally he couldn't help but say it with admiration.

  Today's talk, it can feel a positive force, it is the brave and upward heart of young people, and it is the justice of the elderly who are gentle and protective.

  Xiyue's determination to rectify the campus is very strong, and of course it is very friendly to the students.

   As expected of a prestigious school! Open and inclusive atmosphere is not just talk!

  He Xinyan: "Didn't you want to persuade me to obey He Yuye before and be kind and generous? Could I be wrong?"

   Being reasonable and unforgiving has nothing to do with kindness, and being too strong will make you look vicious.

   System: [...Sorry, host, I was wrong, I promise to listen to you in the future! 】

   It also discovered that He Yuye's handling method... can only be regarded as cowardly, but definitely not kind.

   Generosity to others is of course easy, but you don’t have to take any responsibility anyway.

   Besides, it couldn't feel even the slightest kindness from He Yuye, not to mention that this matter was probably the ghost of He Linjun behind the scenes.

   The system thought for a moment: [If Yongxing High School did not give you a satisfactory answer, would you really drop out? 】

   When the system asked this sentence, some classmates asked He Xinyan curiously.

  He Xinyan ignored the system in her mind, and instead said seriously to the classmate: "Of course, if that's the case, this school is not worth my stay."

   After a pause, she said with a smile, "I will shine no matter where I go. Giving up on me will only be Yongxing's loss, not mine."

   Everyone was stunned, although it was indeed a big man speaking!

   Just like her understated arrogance, she is simply handsome!

   Today is also a day to fall for Yan God!


   It wasn't until he walked out of the school gate that He Yuye slowly recovered.

   All the situations today are not in her presupposition, she has an unreal feeling of stepping on cotton.

   The faces of the three boys beside her also felt a little pain in their faces.

   "Actually... We don't need to provoke He Xinyan. Didn't Yuye always say that, just wanted to be sisters with He Xinyan."

   "Yuye, don't provoke He Xinyan. Since she doesn't like being your sister, then forget it."

   He Yuye nodded, and when he left, he almost fled.

   (end of this chapter)

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