The Omnipotent Big Shot Refuses His Villain Role

Chapter 120: Touching my personal belongings sucks

  Chapter 120 Touching my personal belongings will ruin my hand

  He Xinyan was always brought to Mr. He's side by He Zixiao.

   As the protagonist of this banquet, Mr. He gathered around a lot of people.

   Most of these people are sensible, relatives and friends of the He Group, or close partners in the business field.

   He Xinyan gave a birthday present: "Grandpa, I wish you a long life like Donghai and Nanshan."

   Mr. He: "What are you spending money on, don't you sit down next to Grandpa and let Grandpa take a good look at you."

  He Xinyan was noncommittal, "Aunt Qiao attended the He family's banquet for the first time. I want to entertain her, so I won't disturb grandpa."

   Mr. He turned his head to look at Mother Qiao. Their family had not communicated with the Qiao family for many years, but they had a close relationship with the Ling family.

   The other party came uninvited with a congratulatory gift, obviously for He Xinyan's face.

   Mr. He: "Our family's new face has troubled you to take care of it."

  Mother Qiao gave a few polite greetings before putting down the congratulations before leaving the circle with Qiaoyu Bridge and He Xinyan.

   She was a little surprised. Seeing the kind and gentle attitude of Mr. He, he obviously liked He Xinyan more, so he smiled and said, "The old man seems to like you very much."

   He Zixiao couldn't wait to say: "Yes, third sister, grandpa specially ordered your room to be tidy up and added a lot of things. Would you like to go and have a look?"

The    system is also very excited: [Host! Mr. He is the key to repairing the relationship between you and the He family! You can give feedback to Mr. He about the grievances you have suffered, and he will definitely decide for you! 】

  He Xinyan stopped, frowning slightly, "Didn't I tell you to look at my room and not let anyone in?"

  He Zixiao was at a loss: "But grandpa wants to make your room more comfortable. The carpet alone has replaced millions of handmade carpets. Grandpa Sanjie really loves you."

  He Xinyan looked at her room, and sure enough, it had changed a lot. The hard clothes had not changed, but all the soft clothes had been changed.

  Whether it is millions of handmade rugs or millions of sofas, all of them show the extravagance of this room.

  Mother Qiao stood at the door of the room with a shocked expression: "Master He, this is a big deal."

   She asked herself that she was very fond of her two daughters, but it was far inferior to Mr. He who was willing to spend money on the children.

   He Zixiao held his hand and his voice was a little tight: "Third sister, shouldn't you go home and live? It's not good to be outside all the time."

   He wanted to tell her that grandpa had come back, so he didn't have to worry about being excluded from her.

   Both mother and elder brother must listen to grandpa, right?

The housekeeper silently stood at the door, raised his chin slightly and said, "Miss Xinyan, this is specially arranged by the old man, it is the only favor, not to mention Miss Yuye, even the eldest young master does not do this. good treatment."

  The housekeeper paused after speaking, looked at He Xinyan, and waited for her to be grateful.

  He Xinyan: "What are you looking at me for? You can go after that. Today is Grandpa's birthday, don't look bad."

  The housekeeper couldn't believe that she was actually kicking her back and left angrily. It seemed that she was going to find someone to sue.

  He Xinyan turned to look at He Zixiao, "Where is the thing I put in this room?"

   "Everything is kept in the closet, can you take a look?" He Zixiao stepped forward and opened the closet, which was another surprise. There were many beautiful haute couture dresses in it.

  He Xinyan stepped forward and looked for it. Most of her personal belongings were there, but a few things were missing.

   She looked back at He Zixiao who was full of anticipation, and said calmly, "Who has opened this cabinet?"

  He Zixiao: "Only the people arranged by Grandpa have come in, what's the problem?"

  He Xinyan: "No, it's just that I forgot to say that touching my personal belongings will ruin my hand. Okay, let's go out."

   Her expression was so calm that He Zixiao once thought she was joking.


   When He Yuye was washing his hands, he happened to bump into He Linjun.

   "Where have you just been, I've been looking for you." He Linjun dressed in a neat suit, took off his watch and put it aside, and started to wash his hands.

   "After a while, we brothers and sisters will play together with four hands, and we will present a song for grandpa's birthday. I believe that grandpa will be very happy."

   "Grandpa likes He Xinyan, but she is pitiful. In addition, she is very good at cooking and massaging to please Grandpa, but that's not very elegant. You can play the piano, which is the real surprise."

  He Yuye was raised in an ordinary family and could play the piano well. In contrast, He Xinyan knew nothing about music. Shouldn't he feel ashamed?

   "And the fact that you were the first in the grade this time is also worth celebrating."

   He Yuye's face was full of surprise: "Really, I am the first in the grade this time?"

Great! This event finally cleared away the haze she had been in for the past few days.

   She had long planned to talk to He Xinyan after she got the first grade.

   The other party has always been unreasonable or aggressive, feeling that he is standing on the commanding heights of morality, but he is actually trying to be brave but not strong.

  The real strong, even if they are treated unfairly, will still embrace the world with a tolerant attitude.

  He Xinyan, who is full of resentment and has no ability, but only blindly fights bravely, how can he understand.

   She asked He Xinyan to reflect and apologize to the He family.

   "Master and Miss, have you washed your hands?" The servant next to him holding a towel couldn't help but say.

   It must have been too long for the two of them to wash. Although the He family didn't care about the water bill, their hands were about to wash their bald skin, weren't they worried?

   The curious servant couldn't help but glance at it, and found that the two of them had red marks on their hands to varying degrees. She stared at their hands, and she always felt...deja vu.

   He Linjun frowned: "What to see, do your thing!"

   "Oh." The servant decided to put down the towel and turned to leave.

   The eldest young master seems to be in a cannonball battle. His face has become more and more gloomy in recent days.

  The servant walked back to the banquet hall, and then saw a familiar red mark on the hand of a male guest.


  He Xinyan didn't stay in the upstairs room for a long time, the banquet officially started, the servant came to inform her, and Mr. He called her over.

   Lin Yunshu, as the daughter-in-law and the host of the banquet, stood on the stage with a smile and spoke.

   "Thank you for coming to the old man's birthday party. This is also the most reunited birthday party for our He family in so many years, because my daughter and daughter finally returned home."

  Lin Yunshu said, her voice was a little choked, but she quickly adjusted her emotions, "I hope that every year in the future, our family can celebrate the old man's birthday together. I also hope that the old man will live a long life and be healthy!"

   There was a burst of applause at the scene, and many people couldn't help sighing. Following Lin Yunshu's words, they put their eyes on He Yuye next to He Linjun.

  The real daughter of the He family has returned for more than half a year, and her temperament is getting better and better. Today, she also dressed up very clearly.

   She stood there Yingying, because Lin Yunshu's words were covered with a layer of mist, which was very pitiful.

   (end of this chapter)

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