The Omnipotent Big Shot Refuses His Villain Role

Chapter 129: He Xinyan, she is not a poor student

   Chapter 129 He Xinyan She is not a poor student

   He still felt agitated until he walked out of the Hejia villa and got into the car.

  The peach blossom eyes reflect the colors of the neon lights, and there is a deep emotion hidden in the blur.

   He was curious and sympathetic towards He Xinyan at first, and also because he thought he had seen through the path of the true daughter of the He family.

   Before he returned to the He family, he was obviously from an ordinary family, but he was always able to be friends with people from a good family background.

  Jin Bai never thought it was normal. The only explanation was that He Yuye was very clever.

   He had a deep prejudice against He Yuye, and this prejudice could not be eliminated until He Yuye's life experience was discovered and he became the eldest miss of the He family.

   Jin Bai approached He Xinyan... She was just idle and had nothing to do, and wanted to find something to do for the real daughter of the He family.

   He Xinyan seemed indifferent when he first met him. He guessed that the other party was pretending to be reserved, but he was unexpectedly interested. He felt that while her situation was pitiful, he also felt that she was like a book that people could not see through.

   The most important thing is that he found the beauty of He Xinyan's face and bones far above He Yuye.

  He Yuye's beauty is on the surface, and she is pitiful by her pitiful posture; but He Xinyan's beauty is in her bones, she is really stubborn and arrogant, and people can't wait to read it.

   Jin Yue: "He Xinyan doesn't want to play hard, does she? That's why she deliberately doesn't take the usual path."

  Jin Bai came back to his senses and glanced at him, "In the future, show some respect to He Xinyan, and if you let me hear such words, don't appear in front of me."

   Jin Yue: "Brother Bai, I..."

  Jin Bai: "Don't call me brother, don't you think it's inappropriate, you're obviously a year older than me."

   Jin Yue: "..."

What happened! Why was he suddenly disliked by Jin Bo in all directions!

  The name Bo Ge, who had been called since childhood, was suddenly not allowed to be called again. It was inexplicable!

In addition to his grievances, Jin Yue felt that his hand was itching again for no reason. He couldn't help but stretch out his hand to scratch it. The back of his hand was red and swollen and it was still difficult to relieve the itching. That itch.

   He felt that he had to go to the doctor tomorrow. He wondered if it was a skin allergy.

   Jin Bai glanced at his hand thoughtfully, "If you take something from He Xinyan, return it to her quickly. This is my last reminder to you."

  Jin Yue: "I didn't... I went back and let people think about it, did I accidentally bring something out."

  Under Jin Bai's cold gaze, he didn't dare to refute any more, and made up an excuse.

  Since He Xinyan has a tough attitude and has no intention of lowering his head and compromising, he doesn't bother to pull with the other party.

   He took some gadgets from He Xinyan's room, but the things were not in his hands.

   At that time, he was playing with it, but he didn't expect to meet He Yuye when he went out.

   The other party saw the thing in his hand at a glance and asked him to give it to her.

   It is said that it was a small toy given to her daughter by her deceased father. When she returned to the He family, her father was deceased, and the father and daughter were on the same side. She wanted to keep these small objects as memories.

   Jin Yue felt pity and gave the things to He Yuye without hesitation.

   Those things are just put away in He Xinyan's place, maybe they will be thrown away sooner or later, it is better to give them to He Yuye to fulfill her longing.

   But now the situation has changed, he can only ask He Yuye to get the things back first.

  He Yuye is so kind, he can definitely understand his difficulties.


  He Xinyan was sitting in the car and had already answered two calls.

   Lin Xuxu and Xu Jingyang called respectively.

   The two knew that she was going to attend Mr. He's birthday banquet, and they kept an eye on the situation. They were shocked when they knew what happened at the banquet right away.

   As soon as the call was hung up, the third call came in, this time from Fu Yuhuan.

   When Fu Yuhuan knew the news, he wanted to shout Rui Sibai, as expected of He Xinyan!

   It's really surprising and surprising all the time, and I can't help but want to give my knees.

   The classmates in the class, especially the group of boys around He Yuye, spread rumors that He Xinyan did not leave in the He family because he was greedy for wealth.

   If you really have the guts, you should leave the He family consciously when you are ten years old after knowing that it is not the He family's own birth, and then do your best to repay the He family.

   Also said that He Xinyan dove occupying the magpie's nest, enjoying the rich life that originally belonged to He Yuye, and being a vested interest, he should always bow his head in front of He Yuye.

   They stand on the moral commanding heights, and with a light touch of their lips, they can blame others at will, use a magnifying glass to find faults, and say that your posture is not chic enough, your attitude is not humble enough... In short, others must be perfect saints.

   But they themselves are enjoying the favorable environment given by their parents. Once they fail to meet the requirements, they will be the kind of person who can blackface, question, and curse their parents.

  Once the positions are reversed, these people must be the first to argue that it is not their fault and that adoptions without consent should be held accountable to the end.

   "He Xinyan, you are really good!" Fu Yuhuan said with a smile, "Are you coming to my house during the summer vacation, my house is big..."

   "Thank you, no need!" He Xinyan guessed her intention, "I have a place to live."

  Fu Yuhuan: "Oh, okay, you can play with me at any time, I like liveliness the most."

  He Xinyan: "..."

   sent Fu Yuhuan, and the next call was from the head teacher Wen Wan.

   is enough to see the speed at which this matter spreads among the classmates... I guess everyone knows what they should know.

  Wan Wan: "No matter what you do, as long as you think you are right, you will work hard to move forward. The teacher supports you."

   After a pause, she continued, "As for your future life, the school has stipends, do you want to apply? By the way, you scored 748 in the final exam, the first in the grade, and a bonus of 100,000 yuan."

  He Xinyan was a little surprised, "Isn't the bonus for the first grade 80,000?"

   "That's right, but this time your score has broken the record over the years, and the principal has decided to grant a bonus of 100,000 yuan."

  Wen Wan really can't say, whether the principal gave special approval because he broke the record, or because he forcibly deducted the other 2 points before thinking of getting money to compensate.

  He Xinyan: "You don't need to apply for the bursary, leave it to those who need it more. I don't lack money."

   Wen Wan was a little surprised, but seeing that the other party insisted, she had to give up persuasion.

   She thought about it, maybe other students were in such a situation, she would break into a cold sweat and worry about the future of the other student; but He Xinyan's words seemed to really have no need to worry.

  Although the principal has repeatedly asked to keep a low profile, such an outstanding result has already alarmed the education world, and even Imperial College asked to take a photo of He Xinyan's answer sheet and send it to them for research.

  A person who is extremely good does not have to worry about survival wherever he goes.

   [There is no need to apply for the bursary for He Xinyan, she does not need it. 】

  【There is no need to mobilize the students to donate. He Xinyan is not a poor student and does not need additional help and care. 】

   (end of this chapter)

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