The Omnipotent Big Shot Refuses His Villain Role

Chapter 132: Xu Jingyang: You can think of it

   Chapter 132 Xu Jingyang: You can think

  He Xinyan has locked the authority, no matter how to delete the post there, it is tantamount to public execution.

   The post replied to hundreds of floors, and finally someone in the know revealed Ling Chen's specific ranking.

  's score is not bad, 546 points, which is a full two percent less than He Xinyan's total score.

   After this result was revealed, many people were shocked.

  After He Xinyan's results came out, everyone knew that Ling Chen was going to lose, but it was really understandable to lose to this result, after all, there is a difference between humans and gods.

   But 546 points is too stretchy, not to mention the rocket class, it is impossible for people in the first class to only take so many points.

The top 100 of the    grade are all well-deserved academic masters, but when they are ranked over 400, they are embarrassed to say they are academic masters.

  Lin Xuxu sighed in admiration: "I knew that Ling Chen's name as a learning **** is very watery, but this is really a big deal."

  He Xinyan: "So saying that virtue is not matched will inevitably bring disaster."

  Xu Jingyang shrugged, but he knew the number of paths Ling Zhenxing had taken, but he just wanted to pave the way for Ling Chen, but unfortunately Ling Chen was a parallel importer, and it was a matter of time before the car overturned.

   The three of them turned their attention to Qiaoyu Bridge again, and her emotions were a little off from the beginning.

  Qiao Yuqiao pursed his lips, "Every time I went to Ling's house, Uncle Ling had to ask Ling Chen to help me with my homework, saying that girls' brains are not as good as boys', so let me learn more from Ling Chen."

   "So this guy's grades are so bad, is he embarrassed to say that my brain is slow every time?!"

   I'm so angry, I've been PUA for so long by such a rotten person.

  Xu Jingyang thought for a while, and commented very pertinently: "Ling Chen is not worthy of you at all."

   He is a little suspicious now, whether Ling Zhenxing rushes to set up Qiaoyu Bridge as his daughter-in-law because he knows that his son can't support the wall.

   After all, Qiao Yuqiao scored 698 points in the exam this time, ranking tenth in the grade, which is already amazing!

  The education quality of Yongxing High School is high. The students are crouching tiger and hiding dragon.

   It is no exaggeration to say that this achievement of Qiao Yuqiao can be called a **** of learning.

  He Xinyan: "A good relationship can only grow with each other, and a bad relationship will only consume you blindly. You were dragged down by Ling Chen before."

   has been denied for a long time, and everyone has to doubt life.

  Lin Xuxu: "Wise people don't fall in love, it's more important to make money by doing business."

   Xu Jingyang sighed in his heart, and said euphemistically, "Actually, doing business and falling in love sometimes don't conflict."

   "Who knows, it's quite conflicting for me." Lin Xuxu shrugged, "Everyone's energy is limited, and it's already very hard for me to maintain study and social interaction."

  Lin Xuxu placed eighth in the exam this time, which was several places higher than before. It was a big breakthrough for her to be in the top ten of the grade.

   But who made He Xinyan's performance so unbelievable, he was inexplicably inspired to win or lose.

   Can she also raise her expectations for herself and advance a few more places?

  In the past, Lin Xuxu didn't dare to think about it at all, but now there is He Xinyan, the first-class boss in the grade, who is at the same table. She can't be too bad at all.

  Lin Xuxu: "But Xinyan should be able to take care of it, but she is so powerful, she should only like people who are as powerful as her."

  He Xinyan thought for a while, "I didn't think about it."

   Xu Jingyang: "You can think about it."

  He Xinyan really had no idea, and said casually, "Oh, then I may prefer people with better grades than me."

   Xu Jingyang: "..."

  Lin Xuxu: "Xu Shao, what kind of eyes do you have?"

  Xu Jingyang came back to his senses and couldn't help laughing out loud, very good, I really don't give anyone a chance to take advantage of it. You deserve it.

   But the young master likes to challenge difficult ones, although He Xinyan is indeed a little bit hard for people to survive.

  Qiao Yuqiao looked at the results, his eyes were firm, he got up and said, "I'm going to tell my parents about the divorce."

   After Qiao's father and mother Qiao heard her statement, they smiled and said, "Okay."

   After a pause, Mother Qiao said again, "Actually, we were all waiting for you to speak. I thought you would say it when you got home, but you didn't say it."

   This child was very determined to break off the marriage in front of his friends, but hesitated in front of his parents.

   Father Qiao felt more distressed the more he thought about it. He knew that the child was too sensible and always worried about bringing trouble and trouble to the couple, but in his heart, the daughter was always more important.

   "Just break off the marriage. Your mother has already prepared a generous gift. Let's go to the Ling family tonight to make it clear and return the jade pendant of the Ling family to their family. You will have nothing to do with Ling Chen in the future."

  Qiaoyuqiao hesitated for a moment, "Is it that simple? Breaking off the marriage... There won't be any loss for our family, right?"

   She knew how difficult a person Ling Zhenxing was. Whenever there was a conflict of interest, there were always many reasons to take a piece of meat from others no matter what.

   Father Qiao faced Ling Zhenxing, when was it not a defeat, but gave up again?

   Mother Qiao also looked at Father Qiao worriedly.

   Father Qiao straightened his chest: "I gave way too much before, but I won't give in this time."

   He has to raise three daughters and support them to start their own businesses. He doesn’t have a lot of money, so he has to pay for it.


  Ling Chen clenched his back molars angrily, but the Qiao family actually called to say that they would visit at night. It was very good. This was to send his face to the door and beat him.

   "I want Qiao Yuqiao to apologize to me personally!" Ling Chen sneered, "If she doesn't want to be divorced and become a laughing stock in the circle, she can't continue to hide behind."

   He raised his hand and threw the apology that Father Qiao had brought on the table a while ago into the trash can.

   "She doesn't kneel and beg me, this time is not over!"

   He absolutely cannot accept such humiliation! He Xinyan can't deal with him temporarily, can't he still deal with Qiaoyu Bridge?

  Ling Zhenxing raised his hand and pressed his eyebrows wearily, his expression became stern and impatient.

   "Can you not have such a big opinion about Qiaoqiao? She has always been very obedient and well-behaved, isn't it just that she can eat something. Is this a big deal?"

   "Pick up the things that your uncle Qiao gave you and put them away, and now go to Qiao's house to pay a gift, and don't mention it again in the future!"

  Ling Chen looked at him in astonishment: "Dad!"

Ling Zhenxing suddenly patted the table irritably, "Don't call me dad! If it wasn't for you making trouble at school and provoking people you shouldn't have provoked, would I be so devastated now? Do you know that I have become the entire Donglin City? The laughing stock in the rich circle!"

   "You have to go if you don't go. There can be no mistakes in the engagement!"

  Ling Chen was too shocked to speak.

The assistant    said softly from the side: "Mr. worked all night last night and never slept."

  Ling Zhenxing sat on the chair wearily and signaled his assistant to go out. Then he said to Ling Chen earnestly, "This time, for your sake, we may have offended the city."

   If He Xinyan made a fuss about his private banquet, it only made him lose face, and the banquet could no longer be held, this loss is still within the acceptable range.

   (end of this chapter)

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