The Omnipotent Big Shot Refuses His Villain Role

Chapter 144: Cousin, why are you here?

   Chapter 144 Cousin, why are you here?

   Bai Yulan and several classmates couldn't help but cast their anticipation on the woman.

   "It is indeed something from an ancient family, someone told me."

  The woman paused and said regretfully, "Unfortunately, I really can't remember, where have I seen such weaving techniques and sachets."

  Otherwise, I can be more explicit, and maybe I can help the little girl find her family.

  He Xinyan has no regrets, it's fine if he can't find it, probably because he has no fate.

   She never bothered about any assumptions, there was no need to be distracted by them.

  Lin Yunshu sneered, "If you can't remember, then you're talking nonsense, her parents are farmers!"

  Bai Yulan couldn't hold back for a long time: "You're just talking nonsense, but anyone with a brain knows that your logic is untenable!"

The classmates next to    couldn't bear it anymore, it was too much for an adult to bully and suppress a little girl like this.

   "Auntie, you need to pay attention to the evidence. You said Xinyan's parents were farmers, why have you met her parents?"

   "If you've seen it, how could you have mistaken Xinyan for your daughter in the first place."

   "Even if it's a farmer, what's wrong with you?"

   "I have a question. I know it's not my own child and still take it home. Is this illegal? Is it child trafficking?"

  Lin Yunshu shook her body with anger. These classmates were as rude as He Xinyan, and they were the same raccoon!

   She turned around and wanted to leave, but suddenly remembered that the antidote had not been resolved, "Give me the antidote, you don't want me to call the police!"

  He Xinyan: "Oh, then you should call the police."

  Although I don't know why Zixiao took the matter on him, it was useless to threaten her with the police.

"The first flirt is cheap, you don't move my personal belongings, how can you be recruited? I haven't told He Linjun for invading my privacy, but He Yuye has invaded my personal belongings." He Xinyan said slowly, "but I can be kind. Let me tell you, as long as you hold back without applying medicine and scratching for seven days, you will be cured without medicine."

   So she has to endure it for seven more days? The more He Yuye thought about it, the more it became unbearable for the itching on his hands.

   But she had to restrain herself from scratching.

   She even glanced at Lin Yunshu with some resentment, and felt that this mother was a little confused.

   She really wanted Lin Yunshu to tell He Xinyan a good meal, but it's definitely not now, can't she wait until she gets the medicine before saying those words?

  He Xinyan left after saying those words. Lin Yunshu wanted to catch up, but it was too embarrassing. In the end, she could only turn her head to comfort He Yuye, "Baby, you have to endure the hard work these days."

   She will never beg for He Xinyan in a low voice.

  He Yuye was even more disappointed. The first few days of the summer camp were all lectures by famous teachers, and then there were non-stop exams, a lot of notes and real questions to do, and itchy hands like this, wouldn't it affect the progress?

   But she couldn't say anything about Lin Yunshu, so she nodded, "I know mom, you should remind eldest brother when you go back."


  Xu Jingyang was completely idle during the summer vacation.

  He Xinyan went to the summer camp and was locked in the hotel every day. He couldn't get in there, so he could only do nothing at home.

   The little four eyes at the same table looked for him and asked him if he wanted to go to the beach to play, but Xu Jingyang refused.

  The Xu family advocates free education. When he was very young, he took him around the world. It is not interesting to know more.

   Besides, he was worried about He Xinyan, always worried that someone would deal with her, so it would be better to stay in Donglin City.

   Thinking that He Xinyan was going to buy a house, he found something to do. He ran to see the real estate every day, and after a few days, everyone got tanned.

   As soon as he entered the house that day, he looked at the person in the living room in surprise, "Cousin, why are you here?"

   The young man looked up at him calmly: "Why, can't I come?"

   "Of course you can! Welcome!" Xu Jingyang said with a smile, but thinking of the data from the house inspection just now, he hurriedly made a PPT, "You sit downstairs for a while, I have something else to do, I'll chat with you later."

   He just took two steps when he saw Yu Han got up and followed, and couldn't help but be a little surprised, "Cousin, are you busy?"

   "You have something to do." Yu Han gestured, "What are you holding in your hand, do you want to buy a house?"

   "No, I helped my classmates see it." Xu Jingyang said casually, "But I can also buy it if she wants."

  I have made a small two million in stocks over the past few years, and I have to take out some of the lucky money, so I don’t have much pressure to buy a house.

   This is nothing. The Xu family has always attached great importance to feelings. When he was in the imperial capital, he gave his best friend a watch worth more than 300,000 yuan.

   But it was precisely because of this incident that he encountered too many people who approached him with a purpose, but instead became vigilant and low-key.

   But he just thought about it and knew with his toes that He Xinyan would not agree.

  Yuhan: "Really, the she you said is not a female classmate, right?"

   "Yes, it's the He Xinyan I told you last time."

  Yu Han was still wondering if he was making a fuss, but seeing his cousin like this, he couldn't help but have a headache.

   This is starting to think about giving away a house, will you still have it later?

  My aunt and uncle were busy with work, and they were always generous financially to their only son, which led to my cousin developing the habit of being generous since he was a child. Of course, it can't be said that he is wrong, but it is easy to be used by people with ulterior motives.

   Before he found out that Xu Jingyang used his aunt's relationship to borrow a big-name haute couture dress.

   It just so happened that the young master of the Lu family also knew about this, and the couple knew that he had lent it to the girl named He Xinyan to participate in the city English competition.

  The young master of the Lu family also revealed some other information. Of course, the children are polite, and it is not good to talk behind their backs, so they can only come to Donglin City to see for themselves.

   As expected, he was fascinated by ghosts, and even more absurd things had to be done.

  Yu Han raised his hand and pinched the bridge of his nose, holding Xu Jingyang, "Come out with me."

  It was inconvenient to speak at home, there were servants everywhere, and he didn't want his aunt and uncle to know.


  Xu Jingyang inexplicably followed Yu Han out and came to a tea room.

   "Cousin Zhen, have you come to Donglin City too?" Xu Jingyang's eyes widened when he saw the man standing casually at the door.

  Gu Zhen glanced at him with a light expression and nodded in greeting.

  Yuhan: "Your cousin Zhen has something to do here...Tell me about you first."

  Gu Zhen stood outside the screen, not disturbing the conversation between the cousins, lowered his eyes, pinched a spoon at will, and ate ice cream.

  Yu Han could see that he was in a bad mood and looked at him worriedly.

   At this time of the year, Gu Zhen is always in a bad mood. He knows that the other party's beloved sister was lost in the summer.

   And many years later, when Gu family went to find her, the hard-working little girl also fell into the river and drowned in a rainy summer in the summer, and even her body could not be found.

   (end of this chapter)

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