The Omnipotent Big Shot Refuses His Villain Role

Chapter 152: Host, you can't... no, I can

   Chapter 152 Host, you can't... No, I can

  He Xinyan originally planned to leave, but when the other party saw her like this, she simply didn't leave.

   "My answer can't be wrong, you are stupid and don't think of others as you."

  Bai Yulan secretly gave her a compliment in her heart, she has to be so positive, why should she let the other party, because He Yuye has a big face?

  I don't know how many people believed He Yuye's words, and they also felt that He Xinyan, who had been ranked first, was finally about to overturn.

   After being said by the other party, he suddenly became a little unsteady.

   Is He Xinyan really right? But He Yuye said that she had done similar experiments, which is obviously more convincing.

   These days, He Yuye has been doing all kinds of experiments tirelessly in the laboratory, and everyone can see it.

   I don't think she could be wrong at all. After all, Sun Luxiang, who has always been ranked second in overall strength, has the same answer as her.

   Some people are thinking in their hearts, even if He Xinyan falls to the altar, she is still handsome!

   But the result may be a bit embarrassing. After all, the weight of this exam is 30%, which will not only make He Xinyan miss the first place, but may even miss the gold and silver medals.


  The next day is the closing ceremony of the summer camp, and the final ranking and results will also be announced on this day.

  He Yuye and Sun Luxiang have formed a friendship because of similar interests. The two simply sat together and waited for the final ranking to be announced.

   "As expected, both of us can win the gold medal." Sun Luxiang said with a smile.

   He was full of confidence and didn't believe that he would be crushed by a girl forever. Now, He Xinyan finally overturned, and he finally raised his eyebrows.

  He Yuye: "I think you are likely to be the first place this time. Your performance has been very stable and bright during the competition. The key is that you are so good and work so hard."

   She smiled and said, "On the first day, I saw that you were still in the laboratory after ten o'clock in the evening. I was very surprised. When many people were not in the state, you were already so diligent."

  Sun Luxiang's heart moved slightly, "Have you noticed me since that early?"

  He Yuye: "Yes, I was inspired by you, and I worked hard to catch up in the later period. Fortunately, it is not too late."

  Sun Luxiang: "Actually, I noticed you very early, haha, it seems that we are going to each other, so can I invite you to dinner, second place?"

   In the back row, Bai Yulan looked at He Xinyan expressionlessly, "Have you been oiled?"

   This surnamed Sun's speech always gives people a feeling of exaggeration and self-confidence, and the fuel level is a bit excessive.

  He Xinyan: "Let's see the results first."

   Bai Yulan did a good job honestly, "Oh."

   She thought about it, if He Xinyan really overturned, then she would be the first to rush to comfort her and protect her!

   Never let He Yuye and the boys around her have any chance to step on her!

   When the rankings were announced on the big screen, Bai Yulan couldn't help holding her breath and saw the names in the first row at first glance.

   "Xinyan, it's you! You're still number one!" She couldn't help but jump up with excitement, happier than ever before.

The girls next to    were also a little dumbfounded. We even thought about the defensive posture, but you are still the first?

   is also the first place in Yiqi Juechen.

   "Yan Shen, are you still human?" a girl asked quietly.

   It's really too much, I don't give everyone a chance to take advantage of it.

   "But don't you think this face is more dazzling, I like to see her shining and dazzling." Another girl cupped her face.

  Bai Yulan laughed: "Xinyan, you might as well think about how to speak when you get off the stage. By convention, the top three are all going to speak on stage."

   She glanced at her results. It was okay. Although there were too many mistakes in the last experiment, the ranking was unexpectedly good. The 10th place and the bronze medal were stable.

  The two people in the front row who were chatting just now have no sound at all.

   Bai Yulan followed the rankings to find out, and then couldn't help but burst out laughing.

   She found Sun Luxiang's name in the 15th place, and then found He Yuye's name in the 31st place.

  Sun Luxiang managed to get a bronze medal, but He Yuye didn't even get a medal.

  Bai Yulan: "Can I say it, some people pretend to overturn the car, it's really funny."

  Sun Luxiang couldn't help but glared angrily, "Bai Yulan, shut up!"

  He Xinyan: "Did she say something wrong? Why should you shut up and bring your name?"

   When He Yuye saw the ranking, his head buzzed, and his first reaction was that something was wrong.

   She was very confident in the two experimental questions, how could it be such a ranking? She doesn't agree!

  He Yuye's eyes turned red instantly, and tears fell. This was a scene she had never seen in her life, and she was completely defenseless.

   She didn't even want to participate in the closing ceremony, so she got up on the spot and walked out, posting a Weibo as she walked.

  @It's not a golden branch but a jade leaf: a month of hard work and hard work, staying up to the latest in the training room and laboratory every day, and getting less than 5 hours of sleep.

   I was targeted from the very beginning. I was poisoned and itchy for seven days. My condition was always poor, and I was threatened to retire from the competition...

   In the follow-up, my friend with good grades retired, which gave me the opportunity to stay, but I failed in the end...

   This time, I'm really sad, disappointed, and tired. I just want to have a good sleep.

   There are fan comments immediately below.

  【Baby, someone bullied you? 】

  【My God, I can’t imagine what happened to you, hug you~】

  【It can’t be your vicious adopted sister who is messing with you again, by the way, why is this woman so vicious. 】

  【Poisoning? ? Yubao, hurry up and call the police, this kind of thing must not be tolerated, let her go to jail! 】


   He Yuye kept swiping until the closing ceremony was about to end before walking towards the auditorium.

  The coach looked for her for a long time, and when she came back, he finally breathed a sigh of relief, "Are you alright?"

  He Yuye wiped away her tears, "It's okay, thank you teacher. I feel very regretful that I didn't win a medal for the school."

  The coach was stunned for a moment. This time, Yongxing High School's results are both good and bad.

  According to his previous speculation, he could at least get one gold, two silvers and one bronze. Now he only got one gold and one bronze. Of course, this result is a bit of a stretch.

  He Yuye lowered his head and said softly, "If only Lu Qilin was here, he would definitely get the silver medal or above."

   "Really, do you think it's all my fault for forcing Lu Qilin away, which caused the school to fail to get good grades?" He Xinyan came over.

   He Yuye was stunned for a moment, "I didn't say that."

  He Xinyan politely said to the coach, "Teacher, if there is any uncomfortable picture later, please avoid it."

The boy from    No. 1 Middle School chased after him nervously: "He Xinyan, do you still want to bully Yuye? Do you still think she is not miserable enough?"

The    system is also asking nervously: [Host, what do you want to do? you can not……】

   "No, I can!" He Xinyan replied directly, she was not interested in making trouble, but the other party danced like this, do you really take her previous warning as a deaf ear?

   (end of this chapter)

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