The Omnipotent Big Shot Refuses His Villain Role

Chapter 173: He Chenxiao is stupid

   Chapter 173 He Chenxiao is stupid

  Lin Yunshu couldn't understand why her father-in-law was so fascinated by a ghost, protecting an outsider like that.

   It's been so many times, He Xinyan almost didn't ride on the head of the He family, and he was still so obsessed.

   "Dad, are you confused? He Xinyan beat Linjun and me! She just wants to make trouble with our He family, she is a white-eyed wolf!"

   Mr. He: "Okay, stop talking, go out!"

  Lin Yunshu was very unwilling. Seeing that Mr. He closed his eyes and didn't want to say more, his heart gradually became cold.

   She gritted her teeth, got up and walked out.

   He Yuye just came back, and seeing Lin Yunshu's sullen face, she was a little confused, "Mom, what's the matter, what happened?"

  Lin Yunshu walked over and touched her face, then said warmly, "Mom is fine, I'm just sorry for you, and I can't send you off for the moment, your grandfather doesn't agree."

   is not only the question that Mr. He does not agree with, but also that the one side of the gilded one is not willing to sell her.

He Yuye's eyes were a little sad when she heard the words, but she quickly cheered up and took the initiative to comfort Lin Yunshu, "It doesn't matter, mom, I have already gained a lot. Grandpa is willing to use his old man's contacts to pave the way for me to participate in the company's management and belt project. Very good!"

   "By the way, Brother Ling Xuan also introduced me to film and television resources, and I can buy a villa for your mother if I earn money!"

  Lin Yunshu was refreshed: "Okay, my mother is waiting for you to make me red!"

   Now the times are different. In the era when traffic is king, most of the rich and powerful families tend to combine with stars.

   After all, the entertainment industry makes money quickly, and popular stars are paid high wages. Casually filming is more profitable than a serious business enterprise, and it can also bring huge traffic to the company.

   He Yuye's adoptive parents have been planning to send their children to the entertainment industry, and they have cultivated He Yuye's talents a lot. Fortunately, this is the case, He Yuye knows a lot of things.

   Now that she has the status of a rich lady, she will definitely be able to soar into the sky.

   He Xinyan will never want to compare with Yuye in this life.

   Can't afford to buy a villa and can't afford to live in, and can only rely on men, what's the point of it.

   But today is not the end of the matter. Thinking of the slap He Xinyan slapped her, her blood surged, and her silver teeth would be crushed.

   She will not only devote all her efforts to hold her jade leaves to the highest position, and become an existence that He Xinyan admires.

   She also wants to make He Xinyan miserable and suffer all the troubles!


  He Chenxiao accompanied the workaholic Shen Jinzhou to work overtime until late last night.

   When he woke up the next day, he still felt top-heavy and empty, and wanted to find something to make up for.

   Attorney Shen smiled without saying a word, thinking that you are a small capitalist, and you usually give orders at work. You don’t need to work, you don’t need to clock in, and you can go to the clubhouse in the evening.

   Where can you endure the hardships of real workers?

   Seeing He Chenxiao wandering out of the office again, he didn't bother to say that he wanted to race against time to complete the work at hand.

   However, after a few minutes, Shen Jinzhou was not very calm, and He Chenxiao actually returned to the conference room with a plate, his mouth was full of oil.

  Shen Jinzhou: "What are you eating? Why is it so delicious?"

  The whole house is going crazy! Didn't the chef at Rinyue Manor take leave today?

He Chenxiao ate the cake, his face bulging, and his voice was vague: "I don't know, it should be a beef pie. Probably the chef made it in advance and put it in the refrigerator. It's really delicious. Do you want a piece? ?"

   He shared the food with Shen Jinzhou very generously, which was considered to win over each other.

   Anyway, the chef will rest for three days. When he comes back the day after tomorrow, he can let the other party cook a little more.

   Shen Jinzhou also felt a little hungry, thanked him politely, cut a small piece with a knife and fork and ate it.

   is really delicious, very delicious, especially fragrant, it is not like the style of the chef of Rinyue Manor.

  Shen Jinzhou froze for a while, thinking of something, He Chenxiao over there finished eating and ran out, "I'll go make two more pancakes!"

   "Fourth brother, are you back?" He Chenxiao did not expect that the fourth brother also went into the kitchen to find something to eat.

  Shi Rin stood in front of the refrigerator with his back to him, "Did you move my beef patty?"

   "Yeah, it's delicious." He Chenxiao finished the last bite and said while chewing, "I can ask the chef to cook more next time, I still want to eat..."

   Shirin turned around and the two looked at each other.

  He Chenxiao: "..."

  What's the matter, why does he feel that the fourth brother's breath is a little unstable? And the eyes... so scary.

  Shi Rin said blankly, "That's my breakfast and snacks. You rob me of something to eat, do you no longer have any nostalgia for this world?"

   "You will not be allowed to enter the kitchen in the future, and the manor will not provide you with meals. Order takeout yourself!"


  He Chenxiao felt that he was disliked again, and when he returned to the conference room in despair, that guy Shen Jinzhou was still laughing.

   is clearly gloating.

  Shen Jinzhou: "Let me tell you one thing, when the Fourth Young Master came back last night, he came back with a souvenir, those beef patties and the like. I guess Miss Xinyan made it herself."

  He Chenxiao was puzzled, "Then you should give me a taste. He Xinyan originally invited me!"

  According to the fourth brother's personality, shouldn't you give yourself a copy of the souvenir you brought back?

   Shen Jinzhou sighed, he finally confirmed it recently.

   "Is there a possibility that Fourth Young Master likes He Xinyan?"

   Otherwise, I can't explain why Shi Rin is so exclusive. What should be brought back to share must be eaten alone, and no one else can touch it.

  He Chenxiao felt that the house was about to collapse: "Impossible! Fourth brother will never like He Xinyan! You are talking nonsense!"

   Shen Jinzhou shrugged, he just reminded that if the other party repeatedly stepped on the thunder, don't hurt his innocent in case of detonation.

   "What I can also tell you is that, according to my observation, it should be the unilateral secret love of the four young masters, and He Xinyan may not know it at all."

  He Chenxiao was completely dumbfounded, the three views were broken countless times, picked up and broken again.


  He Xinyan didn't know this, and took advantage of the last day of the summer vacation to complete the trip to the Temple of the City God with the housekeeper.

   She didn't make an appointment with anyone else, but she couldn't stop someone from knowing her itinerary and stopping people at the Temple of the City God.

   Xu Jingyang, Lin Xuxu, Qiao Yuqiao, Bai Yulan, and a few other boys.

   Today's Chenghuang Temple contains too many Yongxing students.

   These people pretend to be casual encounters, either spending in the same store or taking pictures at the same scenic spot.

  The housekeeper is an old man who likes to be lively. He smiled and suggested that everyone go together, there are many people.

  In the end, their team was mighty, eating from the street to the end of the street.

  School starts the next day, and many people still don’t know what to do. They think this is the best day of summer vacation, and it’s very worth remembering and posting on Moments!

   Fu Yuhuan's group of girls came over and handed He Xinyan a box of handmade candies.

   "The desserts here are really delicious. Do you want to try them some other day, I'm a treat!"

   (end of this chapter)

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