The Omnipotent Big Shot Refuses His Villain Role

Chapter 183: She doesn't look easy

   Chapter 183 It seems that she is really not simple

  He Zixiao looked at the man in front of him with a dazed expression.

   The other party has a lazy temperament with a bit of indifference, cold and alienated, and it can be seen that he has a good background and a good education.

   He is different from the classmates around him, and also different from Jin Bo Lingxuan.

   is the kind of existence that he unconsciously wants to look up to... He Zixiao couldn't help but take a step back.

  Shi Lin's eyes were clear and clear: "Even the dean of your school said that He Xinyan is the most valuable asset of Yongxing High School and a genius out of ten thousand. How can you think that she needs to depend on a man?"

  He Zixiao was speechless.

   "I won't eat the rice. If Grandpa misses me, he can call or make a video." He Xinyan took the initiative to speak.

   She made her attitude so obvious, but she didn't want anyone else to make a fuss about it.

  He Zixiao was ashamed, he suddenly realized that he seemed to have never understood his third sister.

   Even if the other party took the initiative to cut off with the He family, he always thought that she would return to the He family one day.

   It's not that he is too realistic, but that the world is too realistic. With the power of the family backed, obviously the road is much better.

   But He Xinyan really doesn't care about all this... and doesn't want to touch the He family even a little bit.

   The power that she felt she could rely on, but she was afraid to avoid it.

  He Zixiao fled a little.


   "Miss Xinyan, let's have dinner together tonight!"

  When the housekeeper was carrying the packaged desserts, he turned around and saw his young master and He Xinyan standing on the side of the road, busy sending out invitations.

  He Xinyan shook her head, "Uncle Shi, I have something to do, I'm not free now."

   Something happened to the city government. This time, it was not the government website that was attacked, but Donglin University of Technology.

  Hackers kidnapped the mailboxes of the faculty and staff of Donglin University of Technology through a Trojan virus, trying to steal important research results and information.

   Now the school is in a mess, and things are about to become a hot topic.

   She planned to come to Yanxuqiao to pack some desserts to bring over, and a car would pick her up later.

   Shi's housekeeper was a little regretful: "So, Miss Xinyan, please pay attention to safety, and remember to have dinner no matter how busy you are."

  Shi Lin gave He Xinyan a deep look, "I originally wanted to invite you to dinner, but since you're busy, forget it, another day."

   When He Xinyan just invited He Zixiao to eat ice cream, she had already instructed the clerk to pack the dessert, and everything had already been done while talking.

  The store manager trotted to bring the packaged desserts and snacks, and the car that came to pick them up arrived.

   "Miss Xinyan!" The middle-aged driver was so anxious that he got out of the car and helped He Xinyan open the door, "Excuse me."

   Waiting for the car to leave, Shirin still stood there and stared.

When   , the housekeeper stepped on his feet and looked at it for a while, thinking for a moment, "Master, the driver just now looked a little familiar..."

   Shi Rin said a name, and the housekeeper couldn't help widening his eyes.

   "What on earth is Miss Xinyan busy with?" Shi's housekeeper was shocked, "She is too powerful!"

  Although I don't know what He Xinyan is doing, it is enough to see the importance of what He Xinyan has to do to get the big man's driver to pick him up in person.

   Shirin guessed a bit, but he didn't say anything.

   Today, he came to Yan Xuqiao on a temporary basis, and he didn't know that He Xinyan would be entangled by men.

   It wasn't until the movement over there was over that he knew that He Xinyan had actually called the security department of Yongxing High School.

   That's fine, I don't know the so-called wild man, it's better to recognize the reality as soon as possible.

   I thought that by driving a luxury car and holding a rose, I could catch up with a beautiful girl, it was just wishful thinking.


  He Xinyan also swiped the hot search in the car. There was a lot of discussion on the Internet about Donglin University of Technology, and the popularity kept rising.

   A large part of netizens are very angry. Overseas hackers have frequently attacked domestic networks in recent years, which is simply too much!

   Some people who jumped and scolded Donglin University of Technology are trash, why don't you know how to fight back, you should fight back quickly!

   If the important scientific research results were really stolen by hackers, then Donglin University of Technology would have lost all face!

  He Xinyan flipped through the comments, most netizens were worried, but some of them were deliberately rhythmic.

   If this matter is not handled well, obviously the reputation of Donglin University of Technology will plummet, and even Donglin City will be hacked.

   She thought for a while, and replied under the number one hot comment, "Don't worry, this will counterattack."

   Then we drank milk tea and ate pastries.

   Someone in the comments quickly replied: "Counterattack? What are you fighting back, keyboard? Get away from the heat, you're sick!"

  He Xinyan did not reply, but concentrated on eating cakes. When she finished eating, the car also arrived at Donglin University of Technology.

   At ten o'clock in the evening, He Xinyan walked out of a certain building.

  The evening wind is not as hot as the daytime, and it has already brought a bit of coolness.

   Someone was padding a volleyball in the square, and accidentally pushed too **** the pad, and the ball smashed at the group of people who came out of the door.

  He Xinyan took a few steps forward, caught the falling ball, and put it on her hands a few times before returning it to the girl.

The boy next to    smiled and said, "Wow, Gao Baoyu, be careful, what if you hit someone."

   The middle-aged man who followed He Xinyan smiled and waved his hand to say it was okay, and then said to He Xinyan, "Xiao He, you are so good!"

"Is this a junior girl?" It was the same boy who spoke before. He stared at He Xinyan's face for a few seconds and said with a smile, "You are still from Yongxing High School, the same school as Gao Baoyu. Are you interested in applying to our school?"

  He Xinyan: "No test."

   Boy: "Are you worried about not being able to pass the test? I just passed the test this year. I can give you all the notes and materials. Would you like to add a contact information?"

   The middle-aged man who was about to leave couldn't listen anymore.

   "Do you know how many marks she got in the final exam last semester?"

  The boy didn't care: "How many points did you get in the test? Are there 600 points? After all, girls are not good at science, do you think Gao Baoyu?"

   Gao Baoyu whispered, "Stupid."

  The boy didn't hear clearly, and he wanted to say something, and two more middle-aged men came out of the building.

  The boy was originally standing idly. Seeing this, he straightened his body in a hurry and greeted respectfully, "Dean."

   The dean gave him a casual glance, "Student He Xinyan scored 748 points in the final exam, ranking first in the city's unified exam. If people think about it, they should also think about Imperial Capital University, what about our school."

   It's not that he didn't have an idea, but after hearing about He Xinyan's grades, he completely shut himself off. He was unworthy, and their school was unworthy.

   Boy: "..."

  He Xinyan glanced at the side of the road, the driver had already pulled over, she walked over and got into the car, and three middle-aged men also got into the car.

  The boy turned his head and asked Gao Baoyu, "Is she really that good? Are the people in your school so perverted?"

   Obviously you can rely on your looks, but you have to test your talents?

   "You're the pervert!" Gao Baoyu stared at the car that was leaving. She was a little complicated, and she was more concerned about why He Xinyan was mixed with the dean.

  He Xinyan got into her brother's car before... It seems that she is really not easy.

   (end of this chapter)

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