The Omnipotent Big Shot Refuses His Villain Role

Chapter 198: Lu Sichuan was hacked on the hot search

   Chapter 198 Lu Sichuan was hacked and searched

  The company arranged for Fu Ran and Lu Sichuan's albums to be released one after the other.

  Fu Ran is after all singing and dancing idols. Fan loyalty is limited. It is easy to lose fans without a stage. The company wants to take advantage of the popularity to launch his album first.

  Although the production cycle of the entire album seems a bit short and rushed, it looks like a perfunctory work for quick money.

  Everything is said on the Internet, and fans also have some indigestion, and feel that they should not be perfunctory like this.

   You can make money, but Goubi Company begs you to be a person, so let’s make it better, don’t you think it’s too much to harvest fans like this?

  Fu Ran watched the public opinion on the Internet, and the old **** was there, "My performance this time will definitely scare the fans, hehe."

   It feels so good to hide Wang Zhai. Now the black fans on the Internet are scolding him so hard, and how embarrassed he will be beaten in the face in the future.

   He couldn't wait to show his cards, and when he thought of the shock of netizens dropping their jaws, he wanted to wake up with a smile.

  Look who dares to say that he has no strength in the future, but is just a wooden beauty.

   The agent was a little speechless: "Okay, that's enough, your album will be released online at 8 o'clock tonight, and we have to cooperate to promote it."

   The company arranged for Fu Ran's album to be released first, because he was afraid that Lu Sichuan would release the album first, and there would be nothing to do with Fu Ran.

   Even wanted to hype up the fact that the two used the same music producer. When Lu Sichuan's album is released a few days later, it will also bring a wave of popularity and sales to Fu Ran.

   It is rare that Lu Sichuan is willing to cooperate, which is simply a **** luck for Fu Ran.

  The manager is also very confident that this time, he must bring Fu Ran to the music circle, and maybe he can also mention the coffee position.

   After all, the music circle singer circle is a group of powerful and talented people, and they look down on traffic idols.

  The agent kept following the news on the Internet, and the announcements and promotions were all sent out, hoping for a good result.

   But soon, he gasped, "Ling Xuan is actually releasing a new online digital album at eight o'clock tomorrow night!"

   His eyes were completely black, and he wanted to swear, what the **** is fate!

  Fu Ran was stunned for a moment, then comforted his manager, "Brother, what are you afraid of, maybe my album will sell better than Ling Xuan."

   The agent looked at his artist with complicated eyes: "You think too much, and you overestimate me. I'm not the opponent of Ling Xuan's agent, Brother Qian."

   That Qian brother is not a good person, on the surface he is kind, and Ling Xuan himself is also humble and polite.

   In fact, it is very good to hold high and step low behind the back, and pull, step and touch porcelain to sell tragic powder solid powder.

   Every time a new material is released with Ling Xuan, it is bound to be accompanied by blood and rain, and this time it is impossible to be calm.

  Fu Ran also gradually realized that something was wrong, "Then what should I do?"

   Agent: "What else can I do, of course, I pray that you don't have black material dug up by them!"


  Ling Xuanka released a new album between Fu Ran and Lu Sichuan. When the trailer was released, there was an uproar in public opinion.

   After all, according to the original plan, it should be at least half a month.

   Released at this time, it is inevitable that people will think a lot. Is it because they are afraid of Lu Sichuan that they want to go online before Lu Sichuan.

  The insiders are all clear in their hearts. Last time on the "King of Songs" show, Ling Xuanfang wanted to step on Lu Sichuan's marketing.

   spent money to buy more than a dozen hot searches, but the results were not as good as Lu Sichuan did nothing, and passersby spontaneously searched and sent them to hot searches.

   The sales of the online single "Cicada", which was launched with it, were not satisfactory. Apart from fans' praise, it didn't attract a few passers-by at all.

   At this time, it is impossible to rush to release a new album without any action.

  Many people who are familiar with Qiange's routine have smelled an unusual breath.

   Sure enough, the hot search soon exploded.

   First, the staff of Lingxuan Studio claimed that Lingxuan's new album was released ahead of schedule because the new album was suspected of leaking.

   Then someone picked up that Lingxuan Studio suspected that it had called the police recently because of the loss of items, and arrested a staff member, guessing that it was related to the leak of the new album.

   However, because the studio found out in time, the new album should not be leaked, and it was only released early out of an abundance of caution.

   In this way, the entire new album pre-sale time is only more than one day, which seems to be very detrimental to the sales of the new album.

   There is another gossip, Ling Xuan should have been messed up, the other party bought the studio staff, not really wanting to leak, just want to make trouble and let Ling Xuan postpone the release of the new album.

   As for who that person is, I don't say, I only know that a senior came back not long ago, stepping on Lingxuan's marketing, reaping a wave of dividends, not to mention the staff is still arrogant and provocative in the background.

In the recording released by   , the female voice said in a cold voice, "The song "Liang Chan" is inherently bad, and the adapted version is even more rubbish."

  【I’m really going to cry with anger, what are these ghosts and snakes, what qualifications do I have to belittle "Cicada". 】

  【Why do you say that Ling Xuan, do you sing well by yourself, do you have any representative works? 】

  【Even if you were once popular, you can't belittle others like this. Are seniors amazing? Not still angry. 】

  【What a heavenly king, he's just an uncle who picks his feet, vomit! Not long ago, I wanted to forcefully buy and sell to blackmail Xuanbao, don't think we don't know! 】

[People in the know give some popular science to the sisters who don't know the situation. One day, when Wang saw Ling Xuan about to release an album, he dared to ask the price of 1 million for two songs written by some naive chickens. , those two songs are very poor, Ling Xuanfang wants to ask a certain bundled music producer to re-arrange the music, and the other party is unwilling. He is indeed the number one beggar in the entertainment industry. 】

  【Is there such a thing? ! My God, this is a robbery! 】

  【Jealousy, seeing others being popular and making more money, you get red eyes, and you want to be a white wolf with empty gloves. 】

  【Bold! The seniors can obviously ask for 1 million directly, and it is already conscientious to give you two songs [dog head]]

  【One day king, your way to comeback turned out to be blood-sucking and touching porcelain. Senior is really 666, the first person to entertain White Lotus. 】

   [I didn't expect Lu Sichuan to be such a person, I'm really disappointed. 】

   [As long as one of Lu Sichuan's albums is sold, everyone here is responsible. 】



   When He Xinyan saw the hot search before going to bed, things had been fermenting for eight or nine hours.

   She turned on the recording, listened to her own voice for a while, and turned it off with a blank expression.

The    system mustered up his courage: [Host, you didn't tell me to scan the detection environment, so I didn't...]

  He Xinyan came back to her senses and said casually, "Oh, I don't blame you, I said it originally, it's okay to let it go."

   But let it out to sell tragic fans to sympathize with and pour dirty water on others, that's a lot.

  He Xinyan called Lu Sichuan directly.

   It was almost a second over there, He Xinyan got straight to the point, "I said the content of the recording that broke the news."

   (end of this chapter)

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