The Omnipotent Big Shot Refuses His Villain Role

Chapter 222: You can see clearly, you brought people in

   Chapter 222 See clearly, you brought people in

  The police came very quickly and took people away to investigate.

  The security director and the dean of education saw He Xinyan wearing a performance costume and knew that she still had a show. Seeing that the party was about to start, they urged He Xinyan to go back to prepare, and the police handed it over to them.

   The impact of this incident was too bad, the dean felt that he had to show his attitude, or else it would be a problem in the future!

   Individuals can break into the campus to make a fool of themselves, can the safety of their students be guaranteed?

   No matter how pitiful Zheng Yingying was, they all agreed that this matter must be pursued to the end.

   Damages not only He Xinyan's reputation, but also Yongxing High School's reputation!

   Gao Tianjue arrived very quickly, watching his wife being taken away with cold eyes, without saying a word.

He was so annoyed that when he saw Shi Lin standing on the side of the road, he hurriedly walked over, bowing and apologizing, "Fourth Master, I'm sorry, I didn't discipline my wife well, I'm really sorry... "

   Shirin opened WeChat on his mobile phone, and in front of the other party, deleted the friend he added before.

   Gao Tianjue's face was a little pale, and he shouted at a loss: "Four young masters..."

  Shi Rin: "Not only did you not discipline your wife, but you also didn't discipline yourself?"

   The woman is suspicious, but isn't it the man who condoned it?

  Before marriage, I enjoyed the feeling of being fully trusted and nervous by my girlfriend. I have been cheating constantly, and I acquiesced to the woman's behavior of hitting the mistress, and I even showed it to my friends.

   Now that he is married, he is in charge of the family business. He knows that his position as president is not stable, and his reputation is more important. He also says that his wife refuses to accept discipline.

  Shi Lin ignored Gao Tianjue and made a phone call to He Chenxiao who was far away in the imperial capital while walking.

   "Don't get involved with messy people in the future. You don't know anything, so just call others brothers and sisters? Do you think I'm not enough to clean up the mess for you?"

  He Chenxiao did not dare to refute at all: "Fourth brother, I was wrong."

   Shi Lin didn't say much. He never liked to care about other people's private affairs, and he didn't care about He Chenxiao's social circle.

  Adults are responsible for their own words and deeds, but this time the incident is so outrageous that it has touched his bottom line.


  Gao Tianjue felt that the whole figure was like a basin of ice water had been poured over his head, and his heart was completely cold.

   His own position was stable and the Gao family was able to develop a little better, all thanks to He Chenxiao's righteous investment in the Gao family's projects.

   Now the four young masters want the two to cut off their relationship, and most of that project is going to be yellow.

   There are still hundreds of millions of shortfalls in the follow-up. Where can he get it?

   Gao Tianjue was dizzy for a moment and almost fell down.


  Tian Weiyue's hands and feet were a little weak, and she suppressed her beating heart and walked to the background.

   She really didn't expect that He Xinyan would still be able to escape.

   Originally, she didn't want to be so vicious, but Lu Sichuan didn't show up anyway, He Xinyan's bet was lost, she would block the other party and force the other party to kneel for her.

  Even if He Xinyan repents, it doesn't matter. At that time, public opinion will be on her side, and He Xinyan will only lose her reputation and make people disappointed.

   But when she went to deliver milk tea to Zhou Hao this afternoon, the other party complained to her, she couldn't believe it, He Xinyan dared to sue Ling Xuan?

   I really ate the gall of a bear heart and a leopard, and I don’t even want to face for the sake of redness.

   made it clear that he wanted to rub Lingxuan's popularity and traffic to the end.

  The fans like them hate the artist for getting traffic, whoever will tear whoever will never give face, and even popular actresses have been torn apart by them and dare not speak, He Xinyan, how dare she?

   This matter has not been exposed on the Internet, but she has already said it in the fan group, and everyone is very indignant, supporting her to expose people, or go directly to trouble people.

  Tian Weiyue has some concerns... In this way, her own identity information will also be exposed, and it will be difficult for her to end when the trouble gets bigger.

   It is not because of wearing a vest that you wantonly tear people online, so don’t worry.

   When it came to real life, she was still a little scared.

   It was an accident to meet Zheng Yingying. Someone asked her to help bring someone in. After learning about the woman's intention, she even gave her the milk tea in her hand.

  Things went as she wished, but it was completely beyond her imagination.

  Tian Weiyue was fascinated, until the light in front of her dimmed and someone blocked her.

   "Please get out of the way." Tian Weiyue said impatiently.

   The person in front of her not only refused to let go, but instead extended her hand to block her way.

   "You brought that woman in, right?"

   Hearing the familiar voice, Tian Weiyue raised her head in surprise, then looked away again, suppressing her guilty conscience, "What nonsense are you talking about, I don't understand."

   paused and said gruffly, "You can't frame me just because you're going to lose."

  He Xinyan: "Really? But that cup of milk tea is Tiffana's high-end drink series. You just bought Tiffana today."

   Tiffana's desserts and drinks are so gimmicky that it's okay to be fooled by people who don't know it, but the students of Yongxing High School have long since avoided lightning.

  It is really expensive and unpleasant to sell. It is said that it is made of imported materials, but it tastes of cheap additives. Whoever drinks it is an idiot.

   Therefore, Tian Weiyue's purchase of Tiffany was considered an alternative. Many classmates saw her carrying Tiffany's takeaway bags.

  Tian Weiyue: "That doesn't mean anything. If you are not disciplined yourself, how can you blame others."

   She wanted to leave the other party directly, but He Xinyan grabbed the collar and brought it back.

  Tian Weiyue was completely panicked, "What exactly do you want to do?"

  He Xinyan: "Don't do anything, let me remind you that today the school will investigate this matter to the end, and those who help the other party infiltrate will be punished. Since you have a clear conscience, you must not worry about the security department's thorough inspection of the entry and exit records."

  Tian Weiyue's face turned pale immediately, but she quickly raised her chin and calmed herself: "Dang, of course."

   If it wasn't for the trembling of her voice, perhaps this sentence would be more convincing.

   Seeing that He Xinyan had let go, she turned around and wanted to leave.

   But there are some people who are willing to give up, Fu Ran stepped in to stop the other party, "Should you give me an explanation?"

  Tian Weiyue was a little stunned, wondering if he knew about the black rumors she made on the Internet?

   A big star can't be so stingy, and care about her, a little girl, right?

  Fu Ran got a little impatient when he saw that the other party didn't speak, "He Xinyan doesn't know, but I can see clearly that you gave the milk tea to the woman in front of the statue."

  There is a statue not far from the entrance of the school, which is the iconic building of the school.

   Everyone turned their attention to Tian Weiyue.

  Tian Weiyue's face instantly flushed, "You..."

   "Oh, you were wearing a mask at the time. By the way, you brought people in." Fu Ran added, his naked eye vision was 2.0, so he could see clearly.

  Tian Weiyue only felt the darkness in front of her eyes, and she almost couldn't stand still.

  People: "..."

   Well, the truth has come out, it's really a good thing this guy has done.

   (end of this chapter)

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