The Omnipotent Big Shot Refuses His Villain Role

Chapter 301: Did he come to see you?

  Su Zheng walked out, his face changed immediately, his waist was straight, and he didn't see the flattering look at all.

   He glanced at Su Qi'an who was waiting outside, and cleared his throat, "Have you paid for it?"

   said that he treated guests, he would definitely buy this order, and let Gu Zheng accept his love.

  Su Qi'an: "President Gu has already paid for it in advance."

  Su Zheng: "...Forget it, what's the matter with you, why did you chase the little girl away?"

   He reprimanded as he walked, in a hurry before, he forgot to ask the reason.

  Su Qi'an pursed his lower lip, just for a moment when the private room door was opened, he saw Gu Zhengran helping He Xinyan with food.

   His mind was in a mess, with so many things going on, he didn't know how to sort it out.

  He Xinyan, an orphan girl, how on earth can she sit on an equal footing with Gu Zhengran and Shi Zhao, and get such equal treatment?

   If it was before, he would only think that He Xinyan was single-minded and shameless.

  But that's impossible. Could it be possible for He Xinyan to be able to play Gu Zhengran, Shi Rin, and Shi Zhao all at the same time?

  Su Qi'an was silent for a moment and replied, "There is no reason, I just don't want her to appear in Su's house."

  Su Zheng looked at him suspiciously, "Is that so? If she has anything in your hands, hurry up and say, this is no joke, the mall is like a battlefield!"

  Anyway, he has already offended everyone, so he always has to hold on to something and win back a city.

   He didn't dare to offend those big bosses, so he could only start from the people next to him. At present, it seems that the best one to start is He Xinyan, who has no background.

  Su Zheng actually heard vaguely about the scandal between his son and the adopted daughter of the He family. At that time, he felt that his son looked upright and honest, and he was not as romantic as himself in private.

   I had **** with my fiancée's niece, and it was really wild.

  Who knows what happened in the hotel that day and whether Su Qi'an ate it secretly.

   Thinking of this, Su Zheng changed his mind again, "Since she came to Licheng specially to find you, she must still have an old love for you, why don't she..."

   "Nothing." Su Qi'an has always respected Su Zheng, but this time his voice became colder.

   "Father, go first, I have an appointment." Su Qi'an looked at the person who appeared in the corridor and said directly.

  Su Zheng turned his head and saw Gu Zhen standing in the corridor: "..."

   He rolled his eyes and wanted to say a few words to his son, but the bodyguard next to him had already come to ask him to leave, so he could only leave reluctantly.

   I didn’t dare to offend me at all, I had to accompany the smiling face.


  Su Qi'an looked at Gu Zhen, he was a little surprised that the other party was willing to come out to see him, "Why don't we find a place..."

   "No, it's here, just a few words." Gu Zhen said directly.

  Su Qi'an handed over the phone, "This is a photo of my grandmother's Tahitian black pearl, take a look."

   What he promised must be done, but now that the two sides are in such a commotion, it is estimated that Gu Zhen will not be able to go to Su's house.

   So today he went to the old lady himself and took a quick photo while the other party was not paying attention.

  Gu Zhen stared at the photos on his phone, his brows furrowed more and more tightly.

  Su Qi'an: "What's the matter, is there any problem?"

   "No problem, thank you." Gu Zhen handed the mobile phone to Su Qi'an, and took out the previous string of imperial green jade beads and ruby ​​diamond necklace, "I agreed to give it to the old man."

  Su Qi'an was a little surprised, "You are too polite, I just want to make you a friend."

  Gu Zhen: "Since that's the case, can I trouble you to talk to the old man and exchange this necklace for that black pearl?"

   He has already confirmed that the black pearl is probably Zhen Zhen's.

  The pure black pearls glowed under the light, with brilliance and brilliance, very beautiful, just as I remembered.

   I just don't know what Su Qi'an said about the heirloom of his fiancee's family.

  Su Qi'an categorically rejected: "No, I can't promise you this."

   He had already decided to propose to Lin Yunxian, and of course he couldn't give up the family heirloom of their Lin family.

   This represents his respect and love for Lin Yunxian, as he expected, to be able to be with Lin Yunxian for a long time.

  Most of the grandchildren of the Su family are not successful in their lives, and Su Zhelong is a typical representative.

   In the final analysis, the upper beam is not right and the lower beam is crooked. Su Zheng was even more absurd than Su Zhelong when he was young.

   It's just that men are romantic outside, but women are the ones who suffer. Several of Su Zheng's wives are unhappy, and Su Qi'an's biological mother, Mrs. Su, had a serious mental state.

  If it wasn't for Lin Yunxian's action, where would the family harmony, mother's kindness and filial piety come from today?

  Su Qi'an was sensible early, planned his life at a very young age, and knew what to do and what not to do.

   His life can only follow the established track in an orderly manner, and he cannot take a wrong step, otherwise it will be doomed.

   "Sorry." Su Qi'an said.

   Gu Zhen was a little surprised by Su Qi'an's firmness. He thought that Su Qi'an would be a good breakthrough, but it seemed that he was wrong.

   Before saying goodbye to Gu Zhen, Su Qi'an once again turned his eyes to the direction of the private room.

  Gu Zhen: "What's wrong?"

   "...Nothing." In fact, he wanted to apologize, he shouldn't have driven He Xinyan away with a strong attitude that day.

   When He Xinyan followed Shi Lin away, he regretted it, and he should not leave a trace of affection for the other party.

   But the problem is, if she was allowed to stay at Su's house at that time, it would be even more embarrassing. Grandma and mother would not make her look good.

   He was also worried that he would give the little girl a hopeless hope and cause more trouble.

   It's just too late to say anything.


  Su Qi'an took a few steps, but when he turned around, he saw He Xinyan standing in the corridor with a mobile phone.

  He Xinyan just came out, mainly Shen Yuzhu sent WeChat, saying that several of them happened to have dinner in this restaurant.

   is right next door to the private room next door.

   She didn't want to go there, but this group of people simply formed a group and graciously invited her to play there.

   also said that they are serious people and like to do questions very much. I hope He Xinyan can come up with some questions.

  Since that's the case, she's rude, ready to go over to say hello and ask a few questions by the way.

   Who knew it was such a coincidence that he happened to meet Su Qi'an.

  Since they have met, she is welcome, "Can you lend me your cell phone?"

  Su Qi settled for a moment, watching her without speaking.

  He Xinyan: "I want to take a look at that photo, it's from Black Pearl."

   Only then did Su Qi'an react. It turned out that she didn't want to take the opportunity to leave her contact information... She couldn't tell whether she was more disappointed or more fortunate.

   He handed the phone to He Xinyan and said softly, "Did you go to the Su family's banquet that day for this black pearl?"

   He is not stupid. After all, He Xinyan said that day that she was looking for Mrs. Su, and it is not difficult to think of this.

  He Xinyan said as a matter of course: "Yes, otherwise? Could it be that I came to see you?"

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