The Omnipotent Big Shot Refuses His Villain Role

Chapter 305: Walk? she can't go

  He Xinyan was stunned when she heard this, and then said, "Maybe."

   She didn't understand Lin Yunxian before, she was so nervous about Su Qi'an, but she frequently asked herself to contact Su Qi'an.

   It was only when I heard this sentence that I suddenly understood, I just felt inexplicable.

  Lin Yunxian is probably mentally ill, is it fun to play with people like this?

   Having said that, she understood Lin Yunxian's desire to show off, but she couldn't understand where Lin Yunxian's faint sense of superiority came from.

   Showing superiority in front of an orphan girl, doesn't she think she plays too much?

  Shen Yuzhu: "When it comes to Lin Yunxian, I'm so angry that Su Qi'an really wants to marry her."

   She moved the melon she ate tonight into the group, and directly competed with a few of Lin Yunxian's fans online to see what good doctors have done.

   The two ends are engaged in trouble, just want to incite the fiancé to seduce the minors.

  It's a pity that the little girl is smart and sensible, and she is not fooled at all.

  Many people in the group were picking up He Xinyan's information before, and after seeing He Xinyan's photos, they also felt that there was really no need to go the wrong way when she grew up like this, maybe there was some misunderstanding.

   Besides, he is only a high school student, how could he be so scheming. Su Qi'an, you are an adult in your 30s. Because the little girl walked into the wrong room, you scolded the other party for being unscrupulous and shameful. Everyone on the floor knew about it. It was overreacting and making a big fuss.

   [My old man also said that Su Qi'an is stable and reliable, why do I feel that it is not reliable at all, is this the way adults should handle it? 】

  【If you really want to be good for others, you shouldn’t shout loudly. Is he a human-shaped horn? I wish everyone knew. 】

  【Don't say that, at least he asked to be sealed later. 】

  【Shut up, really want to shut up, why do we all know? 】

   [People are separated from the belly. Maybe Su Qi'an likes other girls, and it's hard to tell her about it, so she can only use this method to satisfy her fantasies. 】

   [Is there a disease upstairs, Su Qi'an provoked you to mess with you, so slandered him? It's a pity that no matter how much you slander him, he is always the best. 】

  【The people who eat melons don’t stand in line, so I just want to ask, my sister-in-law, my sister-in-law, CP, who has been knocking for a long time, is this going to be a BE? 】

  【Haha, good question! It was revealed that Su Qi'an planned to propose to Lin Yunxian! Not surprisingly, the wedding date should be set for May next year. 】

   As soon as this revelation came out, the group suddenly boiled, and many people came out to speak.

   After all, Su Qi'an gives the impression that he is stable, reliable, reserved and self-controlled, and has a good reputation from the outside world.

   At the beginning, Su Zheng made him the chairman and president of the Su Group. It was also out of this consideration. After all, the chairman's stable and good marriage and family relationship is conducive to boosting the confidence of shareholders and the stock of Su Group.

   It stands to reason that Su Qi'an and Lin Yunxian should have been married long ago. The reputation of the couple is very good, which will definitely help the stock of Su Group to a higher level.

  Unfortunately, Su Qi'an stubbornly believed that you can start a family first, and encouraged Lin Yunxian to pursue her own career, which caused the wedding to be delayed again and again.

  It's alright now, after years of long-distance love, this pair of bi people is finally going to enter the palace of marriage, and it deserves a blessing.

  Shen Yuzhu managed to get back 10%, but she didn't expect the wind to reverse after a long time, and she was very speechless.

  Marriage is great, she bet the two of them won't last long.

  The woman's stomach is full of calculations, that is, Su Qi'an is blind, so she feels that the other party loves him so much that she can't extricate herself.

   As for Su Qi'an, he is obviously a hypocrite.

  【However, Yunxian is busy with her career now and has already rushed to the airport to take a plane back to the imperial capital. I am afraid she still does not know the news. 】

   Brushing this news, Shen Yuzhu paused for a while, why did she feel something was wrong.

   "Why did Lin Yunxian leave suddenly, what is the situation, the New Year's Day holiday is not over yet."

   "Yes, there is also the food poisoning incident in the Su family. Many people have suffered losses. Is it just a matter of time?" Someone couldn't help but say aloud.

   They also had some friends or acquaintances who were recruited, because they were not close to the Su family, and they were not considered valuable guests, so they had to go to the hospital for gastric lavage.

   After tossing around for a long time, of course, people have suffered a lot, but fortunately there is no serious problem.

  Since the food poisoning came from Lin Yunxian's medicated diet, why can't we just let people go easily? Are others unlucky?

  The scene fell silent, and a group of people looked at each other.

   Among this group of people, the one with the most family background is Shen Yuzhu, but even if Shen Yuzhu meets Lin Yunshu, she may not be able to get a bargain.

   This incident made it clear that Su Qi'an was protecting Lin Yunxian, and that the Su family wanted to calm down and cover up everything. After Lin Yunxian left, the matter was probably just made up for a reason.

   Besides, Su Qi'an's announcement of the marriage proposal at this time was probably a silent warning and maintenance, which made everyone fearful and chose to swallow it up.

  I'm really unwilling to think about it.

  He Xinyan suddenly said: "Go? She can't go."

   Shen Yuzhu was stunned: "Ah, why?"

  He Xinyan: "There is no reason, because I reported it."

  The premise of the Su family wanting to cover up the truth is that few people can perceive the truth.

   Although He Xinyan disliked Lin Yunxian for being stupid, but the other party still had some strength in him. After all, he was a Chinese medicine practitioner who had studied since he was a child, and he had acquired the knowledge after a lot of hard work.

  Lin Yunxian couldn't even perceive her own problems, and it was even more impossible for others to notice the consequences of letting go of this subjectively.

   But He Xinyan knows that and doesn't mind helping Lin Yunxian.


   The car stopped suddenly, Lin Yunxian leaned forward, and immediately raised her head in annoyance, ready to scold the driver.

   Enough is enough, how does this driver drive, do you know that she is putting on lipstick!

   Lin Yunxian was about to speak when she suddenly realized something was wrong.

  Looking at the situation, how come it seems that several police cars are chasing them? Could it be that the driver did something wrong?

  The driver was also muttering in his heart, and got out of the car and said to the policeman who came up, "Did you make a mistake, I am the Su family's car! In the car is the future young lady of the Su family, Lin Yunxian, the genius doctor!"

   Policeman: "That's good, find the right car, please get out of the car, Lin Yunxian."

  Lin Yunxian sighed in her heart and opened the car window, "Are you here looking for me? Sorry, I don't quite understand why you are looking for me."

   The young police officer on the other side snapped the document in front of her, and then there were two arrest warrants in front of her.

   "You are suspected of causing the food poisoning incident in the Su family, and instructing Su Zhelong and others to pick quarrels, fight and fight in the streets, etc. Please come with us."

  Lin Yunxian's eyes widened in disbelief, she couldn't believe her ears.

   It is clear that she has cleared the relationship by treating many people in the poisoning incident, and it is even more impossible for Su Zhelong to betray herself.

   So why did these two things still alert the police?

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