The Omnipotent Big Shot Refuses His Villain Role

Chapter 309: Ban Tiffana-related products from entering campus

  Qiaoyuqiao's words were loud and clear.

  She is not only a math class representative, but also has strong data analysis skills. She often helps teachers analyze various data and make tables.

  It was because of her analysis of He Xinyan's achievements that she speculated that He Xinyan might hide her clumsiness and mentioned it to Wen Wan, which made Wen Wan notice He Xinyan's unusualness.

   When she said this, most of the classmates who had their ears and melons at the scene immediately believed them.

   There is no need to lie about Qiaoyu Bridge, most likely Tiffana really has a problem!

  Cheng Jiaxing's face was flushed, and he said stubbornly: "You said yes? Who knows if you are helping your good friend against Yuye."

  He Xinyan stared at Cheng Jiaxing's face for a moment, and suddenly said, "You have had severe diarrhea recently, right?"

   "The symptoms should have lasted for several days. The previous few days were very hard, right? I went to the hospital for treatment and took western medicine for three or four days. Is it good yesterday?"

  Cheng Jiaxing's face suddenly turned from red to white, and then from white to red.

   He took a few steps back and looked at He Xinyan in disbelief. How did she know? It's all said and done!

  People: "..."

  The reaction is so big, most of it is true.

  My God, this melon is really interesting, the so-called hammer will get hammer.

  Cheng Jiaxing was in a mess, turned around and wanted to leave.

  Xu Jingyang, who was standing beside him, stretched out his hand and hooked his collar, "Wait a minute, let you go, you want to run?"

  Since the other party dares to come and find fault, he must be prepared to be slapped in the face. Xu Jingyang does not feel that he is too much, he is not a person who is willing to let go.

  Cheng Jiaxing said with a trembling voice: "The matter has not yet been concluded. You students just want to convict others of a big company and a big brand with a few words? It's too absurd."

  He Xinyan: "If you want to say that, we really have to report it and let the relevant departments get involved in the investigation. But don't you have anything to say to me? You should at least say sorry."

  Cheng Jiaxing: "...I'm sorry."

   He was completely panicked, he didn't expect to find the wrong person completely.

   Who would have thought that Qiao Yuqiao, who has always been soft-tempered and easy-going, would do such a thing?

   Liu Jiayi was dissatisfied: "Speak louder, you must have an apology attitude when you apologize. Are you not full?"

  Cheng Jiaxing dared to be angry and did not dare to say: "I'm sorry!"

   "What happened? Why are you all gathered here?" Someone told the student council of the situation here, and the president Xi Mengjun came over.

  The scene suddenly became quiet.

Cheng Jiaxing glanced at Xi Mengjun with anticipation. This student union president who only took office in the third year of high school is still very prestige among the students, because he has always been fair and just, and the school leaders are also very talkative. Can help myself.

  Xi Mengjun glanced at Xu Jingyang and then at Liu Jiayi. The two stood beside Cheng Jiaxing on the left and the right. Xu Jingyang was still holding Cheng Jiaxing's collar.

   But the student in the middle is not worthy of sympathy.

"I probably know what's going on here. Since many students have fever, vomiting, diarrhea, etc., it can be regarded as a mass incident. The student union needs to understand the situation and report it to the school on the one hand, and on the other hand. Warning to the students."

  Xi Mengjun said, and turned his eyes to Qiaoyu Bridge, "Qiaoqiao, can I trouble you to give me a copy of the data and information you have?"

   Qiaoyuqiao hesitated for a moment before saying yes.

   She and Xi Mengjun have known each other for a long time. Although they were unfamiliar before, the impression of this person has always been very friendly. This is the first time I have seen him look so unkind.

   Maybe this time he was really angry.

   But Cheng Jiaxing still didn't know it: "No, President, how can you listen and believe?"

  Xi Mengjun's eyes behind the lens are very calm: "I need to remind you that your behavior of promoting Tiffany in school has violated the school rules?"

  Cheng Jiaxing's face suddenly turned pale.

  Xi Mengjun: "I will respond to the school, and the student union will take the lead and prohibit Tiffana related products from entering the campus to avoid unnecessary misunderstandings."

  Cheng Jiaxing looked up at Xi Mengjun in disbelief, "You can't do this, it's too strange, it is possible that the school can prohibit students from eating any brand of chocolate!"

  Xi Mengjun is too lazy to talk nonsense with him, since he said it, he can do it.

   He has something to do, so he doesn't have time to talk nonsense here, so he turned and asked Qiao Yuqiao, "Can I trouble you to come with me now?"

  Qiao Yuqiao realized that he was looking for data from himself, nodded and followed him away.

  Cheng Jiaxing stood there in a daze, although Xu Jingyang let go of his collar, he was not happy at all.

   I always feel like things are going in a bad direction.

   But he quickly comforted himself that it was no big deal. For a brand as big as Tiffana, the He family was in Donglin City, and there should be connections in the high-level school.

  Schools should not blacklist Tiffana.

  He Xinyan looked at Cheng Jiaxing, who had nothing on his face, and had a firm understanding of this man's heart.

"Xi Mengjun can really do what he says. He is not like Ling Chen who can only draw cakes." After a pause, He Xinyan added, "Of course he is not nosy, and he has to take care of irrelevant things... ...remind you, his surname is Xi, and the chairman of Yongxing High School, Yue Dong, is also surnamed Xi."

  In the past, Mengjun Xi was too low-key, which led many people to ignore the fact that he had the same surname as the chairman.

   Since the other party became the student council president, his aura became more and more similar to that Moon Director.

  He Xinyan could see that the senior management of the school was intentionally exercising Xi Mengjun, and some things that did not require the participation of the student union would also involve Xi Mengjun deeply.

  Since Xi Mengjun is likely to be the heir of Yongxing High School, then what he said naturally works.


  He Xinyan dropped this bombshell and left, but the melon eaters were excited.

   Being reminded in this way, some clues that had been ignored before gradually became clear.

The surname   xi is rare in the first place. Except for poor students, most of the people who can enter Yongxing High School are from very good backgrounds. It is impossible for everyone to be unimpressed.

Xi Mengjun used to be the president of the Lecture Club, and he spent a lot of his own money to invite the members to eat the desserts of the bakery club. He was very rich and rich. He was constantly hinted by the vice president Su Wenen that he was misappropriating the funds of the club. Finally, it was confirmed that he did not, and Su Wenen was ruthless. He was beaten badly.

   Then the question comes, Xi Mengjun is obviously the eldest young master of a wealthy family, why not mention his family background to his classmates?

   Of course, because he is Yue Dong's son, he doesn't want to be noticed.

   "President Xi is really too low-key. If I didn't say it, I would have started shouting loudly."

   "It's not me, but the former president wished he could put his family background on his forehead and let everyone worship him."

   "After Xi Mengjun stood up, I thought he was so handsome! Before wearing thick-rimmed glasses, I couldn't tell that he was a potential stock. It's a pity."

   "I also think he is so handsome, he has the potential to be a gentle scum."

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