The Omnipotent Big Shot Refuses His Villain Role

Chapter 312: I will report this to the two class teachers.

   Everyone stopped, turned their heads and looked at He Yuye in shock.

  He Xinyan said calmly: "Whether it is or not, I have no obligation to tell you. But you must ask, and I can tell you, yes."

  Whether she said it or not, this question could not be avoided, and avoiding it would only lead to unnecessary speculation.

   He Yuye's pupils shrank a little, she just admitted it: "You are in a puppy love, what qualifications do you have to talk about me?"

He Xinyan: "Eldest sister, make it clear, first of all, I never told anyone five minutes ago that you were holding on to it, I thought you wanted everyone to know; secondly, you can hug and hold hands with your male classmates, I and I Is it okay for classmates to discuss personal emotional issues in a friendly way?"

   Of course, her friendly way is a little different from others, and she doesn't mind to wake up for those who have the guts to come over.

   He Yuye's eyes widened: "Sophistry! You are just treading on two boats!"

  Lin Xuxu chuckled: "Xinyan, you are wrong, she is clearly jealous that you can be liked by many people."

  Although she was a little surprised when she learned that Xu Jingyang and Liu Jiayi had both confessed, but on second thought, both of them were probably deflated.

   Otherwise, the tit-for-tat would not have intensified recently, and every time he was about to fight, he was dealt with by He Xinyan.

  To tell the truth, there is really nothing to this rumor, let alone the entire Yongxing High School, there are many people who like He Xinyan in just one class.

  Otherwise, why are you studying so hard lately? Of course, there is the pressure of the college entrance examination, but it is more to get closer to Yan Shenneng. It is best to be in the same university and the same major.

   It's just that everyone tacitly did not break the balance with each other. Xu Jingyang and Liu Jiayi were just fierce and reckless, and took the lead in receiving the first kill.

   Now that the balance has been broken, she guessed that many warriors must be inspired and come to confess.

  Lin Xuxu looked at He Yuye badly, this troublemaker is nothing to cause trouble to others.

  Xu Jingyang: "It's a fart to tread on two boats, Xinyan didn't accept me, you call it two boats?"

   He didn't say anything before, because he couldn't understand He Xinyan's thoughts. Now that He Xinyan has admitted it, of course he has to explain it clearly.

   "I was also rejected." Liu Jiayi was a little unhappy after saying that, "I want you to take care of Lao Tzu's affairs, are you bothered?"

  The first time He Yuye saw him get angry at himself, he froze for a moment, and his eyes became even more tearful.

  Xu Jingyang thought for a while and added, "Of course, she just rejected me now, doesn't mean she will always reject me in the future."

   He is still very confident in himself, even if the process is temporarily tortuous, but the future is bright.

   Liu Jiayi hesitated for a while, of course he couldn't admit defeat.

   "I'm also optimistic about several schools near Imperial Capital University, and I plan to buy a house near Imperial Capital University recently." He looked at He Xinyan with piercing eyes, and was ready to fight for a long time.

  He Xinyan was seen inexplicably, "Look at what I do, does it have anything to do with me?"

  Liu Jiayi thought for a while and felt that there was nothing to say. He had always acted willfully: "Of course it has something to do with it, you are most likely a woman..."

Before he could say the word   , he felt the death stare from He Xinyan.

  The school tyrant also had to turn his tongue, "...I want to ask if you have a favorite apartment?"

  He Xinyan: "I like you to stay away from me! Are you a masochist? Go back to self-study, don't force me to beat you!"

  Liu Jiayi: "..."

   He reluctantly turned around and walked towards the classroom, thinking as he walked, that he should have said the phrase "mistress" just now under pressure, even if he was beaten in the end.

   Xu Jingyang was overjoyed when he saw Liu Jiayi leave, he felt that he was the one who was favored by He Xinyan.

   Does this mean that He Xinyan also has some feelings for him?

  He Xinyan: "And you, what are you thinking about every day? The final exam is coming soon, and you are still thinking about things and disturbing people's hearts. Are you an undercover agent sent by a hostile class?"

   Xu Jingyang: "..."

  The undercover agent sent by the **** **** hostile class! He just wants to have sweet love!

  The battered Xu Jingyang also left, and before leaving, he gave He Yuye a warning look.

   He never gave He Yuye face before, and now he doesn't even need to.

   thought for a while, then asked blankly, "Are you trying to **** me on purpose?"

   He Yuye's eyes widened, and she became anxious. Why did she deliberately mess with Xu Jingyang? She just wanted to expose He Xinyan's ugly face!

  Xu Jingyang finally said: "Very good, let me be ashamed of the young master, we have completely forged this Liangzi, and you will be my enemy in the future."

   Looking at the back of Xu Jingyang's departure, He Yuye clenched his fingers subconsciously, and looked at Lu Qilin at a loss.

  Lu Qilin just wanted to say that since it was a misunderstanding, don't hold each other and let it go.

   Someone in the crowd came out first, "It's really boring. If you want to make trouble at the door of this class, don't come to our class, okay? I haven't finished the study task assigned by Yan Shen."

   Class 1 is now basically jointly set up learning tasks for everyone by Wen Wan and He Xinyan. Because the tasks are targeted, everyone has a strong execution ability, and the score improvement effect is remarkable.

   "Yan Shen, you have something to do quickly, don't worry about those lunatics." The girl urged, and turned around and walked to the classroom.

   With this girl taking the lead, others also said goodbye to He Xinyan and turned around and left.

   Abandoned Lu Qilin, who obviously had something to say, and stood there with an ugly face.

  Lin Xuxu couldn't help laughing out loud. She didn't expect this group of classmates who usually don't cause trouble in the class to be so arrogant all of a sudden.

   In the end, it wasn't because he was extremely dissatisfied with Lu Qilin, the squad leader.

   If it wasn't for him and He Yuye sticking together, there wouldn't be that many things at all.

   If they had a piece of iron bucket, even if He Yuye wanted to do something, it would not be so easy.

   The matter of the last school celebration party song has already made everyone disappointed with Lu Qilin once, and it has to make people think about whether he is worthy of this monitor.

   To tell the truth, the opinion leader of the first class has long been replaced by He Xinyan, and she also lacks leadership, cohesion and centripetal force, and is fully qualified to be the class leader.

   It's just that He Xinyan didn't want to work on shift, so she kept the status quo.


  He Xinyan thought about it, since everyone kindly urged her to leave, she didn't need to stay here.

   Seeing that she wanted to leave, He Yuye also followed a few steps subconsciously.

   "Wait a minute!" Lin Xuxu raised his foot to block He Yuye's way, "You disturb the order of our class and shake the mentality of our classmates, don't you need to apologize?"

   He Yuye gently pressed his lower lip: "Lin Xuxu, don't give me such a **** pot if you don't like me."

Lin Xuxu: "Isn't it? I came to our monitor on purpose, spread rumors about new looks and puppy love, and stepped on two boats. Isn't it just to make our class's heart float and engage in our class's study? I will report this to the two class teachers. react."

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