The Omnipotent Big Shot Refuses His Villain Role

Chapter 318: This store is really for the two of you.

  Chapter 318 This shop is really destined for the two of you

   He Xinyan is Mrs. Liu's heart disease, and the person who is mainly guarded against. He Yuye said that Liu Jiayi had confessed to He Xinyan and planned to go to the imperial capital to buy a house for He Xinyan, and the whole person was not well.

   She was worried that her son would be dizzy by the fox spirit, so she hurried to the school to find He Xinyan for trouble. How did she expect to kick the iron plate?

  【It's okay, Auntie doesn't blame you, it's not your fault. You are a good boy, go to class with peace of mind. 】

   After replying a voice, Mrs. Liu threw the phone aside.

   She actually didn't want to pay any attention to He Yuye. This one looked honest, but she was not actually making a small report to herself behind other people's backs.

   It was He Xinyan's encyclopedia experience that made her envious. After a little calculation, the other party made tens of millions this year!

   These are all pure profits, equal to the annual profit of a company.

   Not to mention that He Xinyan recently sold the shares of the He Group and bought a villa in Jinshuiwan.

   Mrs. Liu has a nephew from her own family who is good-looking, but unfortunately she is frivolous and not motivated.

  Someone suggested that he find a wife for him. Men are very playful. As long as they are married and have children, they will definitely relax.

   Mrs. Liu's old mother asked her to come to her and asked to find a powerful only daughter who could keep the flowers and plants outside, and the only child in the family who was rich.

  He Xinyan can do anything except her family background! The key is that she can really make money and complement her nephew!

   Of course, the other party cannot match her own son, but if she matches her nephew, then she is very happy, and she is very willing to match up.

   In this way, the son can give up completely, and he will no longer be bullied by a woman riding on his face.

  Thinking about the bright future, Mrs. Liu couldn't sit still, she packed up and went out.

   It happened that she knew that Mrs. Lin had recently returned to Donglin City to worship her ancestors. She could formally propose a marriage and ask Mrs. Lin to train and train He Xinyan.

   Lin Yunshu does not adopt a daughter, and Mrs. Lin will never deny her granddaughter.


   After school in the afternoon, He Xinyan is going to leave early.

   She looked at her phone as she walked out. Strangely, Shi Rin didn't know what she was doing and didn't reply to her text messages.

  Today should be the day when the paternity test result comes out. She wants to confirm the testimonial with her own eyes.

   However, considering the time difference at home and abroad, there may be some delays in sending some materials back. If you can’t get it today, you should be able to get it tomorrow.

   In fact, Shi Rin has also sent samples to several domestic institutions, and the results have come out. He Xinyan wants to wait for confirmation, and the information has not been opened with Shi Rin for the time being.

  Since Shirin didn't reply, she didn't know where to go for a while, so after thinking about it, she decided to go to the nearest Yanxuqiao store to see the situation.

   The store manager here, Sister Qian, was an old man brought out by Luo Yuan. Seeing He Xinyan, she laughed and called the little boss.

   When she saw students from Yongxing High School in the store, she would pretend she didn't know He Xinyan. It wasn't raining today, and there were few people in the store.

   Sister Qian brought a cup of homemade drinks and desserts and sat down to talk to He Xinyan.

   But He Xinyan had an inexplicable premonition that something was wrong. As soon as she turned her head, she saw Qiao's father and Qiao's mother looking at her in shock.

   Father Qiao thought it was an illusion at first, until he saw the store manager sit down respectfully in front of He Xinyan.

   "Xinyan, why did she call you little boss?" He hesitated and asked.

  He Xinyan hesitated for a while, and with a ding dong, the store door was pushed open again, and Qiaoyu Bridge put away her umbrella and walked in.

   "This is the habit of the store manager, just kidding." She said calmly, "One of our classmates is the diamond VIP of this store."

   After he finished speaking, he turned to look at Xu Jingyang who just walked in, "Right, Xu Shao?"

  Xu Jingyang wiped the rainwater off his clothes with a tissue. When he was just approaching the door of the store, Qiao Yuqiao suddenly pushed him away and ran in, startling him.

   It turned out that I was so happy to see my parents.

   He casually said, "Ah, yes, I have a diamond VIP."

   Father Qiao breathed a sigh of relief, and immediately felt that he had been working overtime and was stupid recently, and had such an unrealistic idea.

  He Xinyan is very smart, but she is only a high school student after all, how could she really be the owner of this dessert shop.

  This store has not done online marketing. It is all based on word of mouth. It has long been the best choice for afternoon tea for ladies and ladies in Donglin City, and now it has become a treasure shop for some netizens.

   Even if there is no advertising or marketing, it will not prevent it from becoming popular.

   Even Mother Qiao has recently become obsessed with eating desserts from this store. She feels that the taste and quality control can do this, and they really deserve to make money.

   "Qiaoqiao, Xinyan, if you guys want to open a shop, Dad can also sponsor you." After the group sat down, Father Qiao thought for a while.

   His family Qiaoqiao occasionally makes desserts at home, and he thinks the taste is not bad, so he can open a shop.

  Mother Qiao: "What are you talking about now, you have to wait for the college entrance examination."

   Father Qiao: "Oh, yes, after the college entrance examination. What do you think?"

  Qiaoyu Bridge is about to break out in a cold sweat. This topic is too dangerous, and it is inevitable that people will have some associations.

  He Xinyan calmly took a sip of the hot drink, "I will be very busy when I am in college. I want to study a double degree, and I will be busy doing research."

   "You have such a good brain, you really need to read more books and engage in scientific research, otherwise it will be too wasteful."

   Thinking of He Xinyan's achievements, Father Qiao felt honored and gave up the idea of ​​persuading the children to open a shop.

  Xu Jingyang instead thought along this line of thought, "If Xinyan opens a store, what should it be called... Then again, this store is really related to the two of you, and it has both of your names, haha."

   He started to find it funny, but after laughing twice, he gradually stopped laughing.

   At the door of the store, Lin Xuxu, who hid her figure behind the green plants, couldn't help rolling her eyes. Fortunately, she was witty, and when she saw Qiao's father and Qiao's mother in the store, she decided to hide.

   She just wanted to avoid the three people being present and being associated with everyone, but she still couldn't escape?

   The sound of car tires rolling over the rain sounded, from far to near, and soon stopped in front of the store.

  Luo Mingsheng looked up at his wife from the computer: "Can you go buy it? Or I'll go."

   The rain was a little heavy, and he was worried that his wife would be inconvenient.

  Wen Xiangjun smiled and said, "You can do your own thing, I'll come when I go."

  The driver had already got out of the car, turned around, and opened the door with an umbrella.

  Wen Xiangjun got out of the car and got into the umbrella and walked towards Yanxu Bridge. Lin Xuxu resolutely took advantage of someone to come out, mixed inside and exited the store.

   The rain was pouring down, and Lin Xuxu held an umbrella and hurriedly wanted to leave.

   A car parked not far away suddenly lowered the window, the man stuck his head out, as if he had something to say, but was immediately hit by the raging rain.

  Lin Xuxu moved the umbrella over subconsciously, blocking the rain for the opponent.

  Luo Mingsheng looked at the girl in front of him, smiled and thanked him.

  Lin Xuxu stared at the man's brows and eyes for a moment, then came back to his senses and said, "No need."

   (end of this chapter)

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