The Omnipotent Big Shot Refuses His Villain Role

Chapter 335: This is what Xinyan wore when she was a child, she asked me to give it to

   Chapter 335 This is what Xinyan wore when she was a child, she asked me to give it to you

   Until the car left the clubhouse for a long time, Luo Mingsheng was still in disbelief.

   Sister is so easy to talk, she doesn't cry, doesn't make trouble, doesn't break down, and her calm and rational appearance made him think that the other party is already healed.

   "Sister..." Luo Mingsheng thought about it, but didn't know how to explain it.

  Luo Mingwei's expression was calm: "You mean to say that Gu Zhengran is in the club just now, right?"

  Luo Mingsheng looked at her in surprise.

  Wen Xiangjun said worriedly: "Sister, if you feel uncomfortable, you must tell us in time."

  In the past, every time Luo Mingwei mentioned Gu Zhengran, his mood would be a little low, and then, there were often no symptoms.

  Luo Mingwei shook her head, her voice soft but firm and said, "I can leave with you for treatment, but the precondition is that I must receive treatment in China; also, all treatment plans must be approved by myself."

   When Luo Mingsheng rarely saw her sober and rational, he even subconsciously said "Okay".

   Wen Xiangjun frowned slightly. As a psychiatrist, she couldn't be as optimistic as her husband.

  She has done a lot of research abroad with professional and authoritative tutors. She has never seen a mental patient who was still sick the night before and recovered the next day.

   The only possibility is that after Luo Mingwei saw He Xinyan, she fell into an illusion constructed by herself.

   After all, Luo Mingwei was the youngest professor in the institute before she went crazy, and her intelligence is far beyond ordinary people.

  Luo Mingwei was able to deceive all the medical staff in foreign nursing homes, and finally managed to escape, and even got a passport and sneaked back to China... Of course, she could deceive their relatives.

  Luo Mingsheng calmed down from the ecstasy just now, thought about it and said, "Well, I will arrange the treatment."

   He is engaged in scientific research, and he also knows some contacts in China, which is just the time to use these contacts.

   I don't believe that the surnamed Gu can penetrate the sky so well that even his connections can penetrate.

  Luo Mingwei closed her eyes and rested a little tiredly. Her current mental strength is not enough to support her social negotiation for such a long time.

  No one knew, she was holding a small walnut bracelet in her palm.

   In the yard of the clubhouse, Xu Jingyang secretly stuffed it into her hands when he took her to appreciate plums.

  's voice with ears was very soft, but it made her ecstatic for a moment, "This is what Xinyan wore when she was a child, she asked me to give it to you."

The    bracelet is small, and the walnut micro-carving is slightly rough, but it is a small object she is most familiar with.

  —It was the first work she learned from her grandfather when she was a child. Because her fingers were immature and the carving was not very good, she was greatly appreciated by her grandfather.

   Later, when Zhen Zhen was born, the little girl always likes to rummage through things at home. When she finds old objects, she has to play with them. She was a little funny, so she took a few strands of silk and weaved a hand rope for Zhen Zhen to play with.

  The weaving technique of the bracelet was taught to her by her grandmother. It is very different from the common ones on the market. It is complicated and laborious, but the weaving patterns are very beautiful.

  Zhenzhen is a small person, but she loves beauty very much. She wears this bracelet and refuses to take it off.

  Gu Zhengran bought her so many precious jewelry, and this bracelet is the most inconspicuous piece on her body.

   After going around for so many years, the hand rope finally returned to her hand, just like her Zhen Zhen, finally returned to her side.

  He Xinyan is her birthplace.

  Luo Mingwei had to exercise extreme restraint in order to keep herself calm.

   She kept telling herself that she couldn't get excited, she couldn't get excited, she finally got to this point, and she couldn't screw everything up because of her illness.

   For so many years, she has drowned in the pain of losing her Zhen Zhen, made herself a mess, and lived more like a ghost than a human being.

   Such a self, obviously can't accompany Zhen Zhen, not only can't protect Zhen Zhen, but will even become a drag on the other side.

   Besides, if the Gu family jumped out at this moment to **** Zhen Zhen from her, with her current state, there is absolutely no chance of winning.

   She wants to cure her disease as soon as possible, stand up as soon as possible, and become a powerful being who can protect Zhen Zhen from wind and rain.

   She missed Zhen Zhen's growth period and can't miss the company for the rest of her life.


  In a private room in the clubhouse, Gu Zhengran lowered his eyes and watched the car drifting away until he could no longer see it, feeling as if his heart was empty.

  Ali lowered his head and felt very guilty: "I'm sorry, boss, I accidentally exposed myself."

   "It's none of your business." Gu Zhengran shook his head, "I couldn't hold back."

   He didn't intend to appear at first, since he decided to spy on it, of course he had to hide it so hard that he couldn't let the other party notice the slightest bit.

   But when he learned that Luo Mingwei was in danger, he knew that Ali would be fine, but he couldn't help but run out to confirm her safety with his own eyes.

   When he went out, he accidentally revealed his whereabouts.

   Special assistant Zhang knocked on the door and walked in: "Mr. Gu, Mr. Hour is here."

   Shi Lin didn't come alone, he was accompanied by He Xinyan.

   Special assistant Zhang already knew the results of the paternity test, and he couldn't help feeling a little sigh. Who would have thought that He Xinyan was not Mr. Gu's biological son.

   Now that he sees He Xinyan, he is a little embarrassed for the other party. After all, he almost flew up the branch and turned into a phoenix, so there is a gap in his heart.

After    sent the people in, Zhang Tesuke and Ali retreated.

   He only hoped that the boss's mood would not be too bad. Today is enough to save enough disappointment, and the next few days of work may be enveloped in low pressure.


   When Zhang Tesuke retreated, even the system that was often hidden could not help but ran out to comfort He Xinyan.

  【Host, don’t be disappointed, you are so powerful, you can become a giant by yourself, and make everyone drop their jaws! The rich generation sounds much cooler than the rich second generation! 】

  He Xinyan's expression was calm: "Really?"

【of course! If you want to accumulate wealth, it is not a matter of minutes, and there is no need for family background to stand for you. 】The system is very comforting.

   Not only hope that the host will not be blackened... It gives people hope and then cuts it off, and even it looks too cruel.

  He Xinyan will never be disappointed, she has a completely different view from the system.

   "Do you think that the three paternity test results are true, and the fourth one is fake?"

   System: [Isn't it? It is difficult to tamper with the three identification results under the eyes of Shi Lin! I can't even change one! 】

  He Xinyan paused and asked with a smile, "Xiao Fan, do you have other functions besides blurring the positioning and punishing the electric shock?"


of course not! What, host, are you trying to discriminate?

The    system is inexplicably depressed.

  He Xinyan, "Okay, since you don't have it, just shut down and go to sleep. Didn't you say you're low on energy?"

   System: […Oh. 】

  The host is in a bad mood now, it can understand. Originally, it would fall into a hibernation state from time to time in order to store energy recently, and simply shut down and hibernate by itself.

   I hope the host can adjust his mentality when he wakes up again.

   (end of this chapter)

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