The Omnipotent Big Shot Refuses His Villain Role

Chapter 338: She's just your whetstone

   Chapter 338 She is just your whetstone

"It's true." He nodded affirmatively, and the other party heard it anyway, "You always have to believe in science, and even the paternity test has confirmed that you are not related by blood, so don't continue to have fantasies, and persuade you when you have time. He Xinyan."

  He Yuye: "Thank you, I will."

   When she left the door of the clubhouse, she did not hesitate in her steps, and her back was very straight.

   When she walked into the house, she found that He Linjun, who had been busy working overtime and business entertainment recently, was actually at home, talking to Lin Yunshu on the sofa.

  He Yuye didn't intend to say it at first, but seeing the tiredness in He Linjun's eyes, he couldn't help but stop.

"Mom, eldest brother." He Yuye walked over gently, put his hands on his knees, and said, "I followed my classmates to a club today and found that Xinyan was seeing people from the Gu family in Haicheng today. The husband's assistant said that Xinyan is doing a DNA comparison with the other party, which is a paternity test."

  Lin Yunshu's hands trembled, and He Linjun looked over with sharp eyes.

  He Yuye said with a smile: "But unfortunately, they sent samples to three institutions, but the result was that Xinyan was not related to that Mr. Gu."

   "Are you telling the truth?" Lin Yunshu was so excited that she grabbed her hand.

  He Yuye looked at the trembling hand, lowered her eyes and said softly, "But I'm also very sorry that Xinyan didn't find her family."

   He Linjun leaned against the back of the sofa relaxedly, raised his legs, and looked relaxed.

"What's a pity, after we found out that the child was wrong, our family didn't check it out. He Xinyan's parents are just a pair of farmers." He said coldly, his expression gloomy, "You still advise her to do less. Unrealistic dreams, lest the more beautiful you think, the greater the disappointment. Or does she hope that I will help her find her pair of peasants and bring them to her?"

   "There's no need for that." He Yuye came back to his senses, thinking about that scene and embarrassing He Xinyan.

   The wealthy parents that    thought do not exist, but the biological parents are a pair of unscrupulous people who abandoned their children. How desperate.

   "Yu Ye, you are so kind." Lin Yunshu couldn't hold back the smile at the corner of her mouth. She wanted to share this good news quickly.

   Seeing that Lin Yunshu got up to make a call, He Yuye somewhat guessed what the other party was going to do.

   She doesn't feel mean or guilt at all.

   After all, He Xinyan pressed the He family step by step, making both Lin Yunshu and He Linjun become the laughing stock in the circle of wealthy families in Donglin City, and she was completely marginalized at school.

   Not to mention that He Xinyan tried to kill him, trying to bring He Linjun to court.

  I just want to make my mother and brother happy. As for what Lin Yunshu will do, what does it have to do with her?

   She even blamed herself for being too soft-hearted and should not have been indecisive all the time. She was caught in the middle of saying good things for He Xinyan, making her mother and brother embarrassed.


   The good news brought by He Yuye really made He Linjun feel a lot happier.

He made a lot of money by joining Tiffany's offline dessert shop these days, and He Yuye also sold part of his equity to the young master of the Lu family in the imperial capital. With the support of the Lu family, Tiffany's offline franchise store quickly spread out across the country.

   Relying on the high franchise fee, he will soon be able to make a lot of money.

   He can finally show his amazing business ability to Mr. He and the board of directors.

  He Linjun took his assistant and knocked on the door of Mr. He's study.

   He came prepared, with a plan, Donglin City franchise store revenue and prospects, and impassionedly stated his business blueprint.

As a new brand, Tiffana is separated from He's Group's old brand Xinai series. One goes offline and the other goes to super retail. Even if the Xinai series followed the trend and set up an online flagship store, it is cheap after all. Old brands have long been out of touch with the times, how can the development prospects be better?

  He Linjun has always disapproved of Mr. He's complacent attitude, saying that he wants to be a century-old national brand, it sounds too low, can Tiffana be taller?

   Tiffana had not been doing much better before. He suffered a lot of anger, and he was often pointed by Mr. He and the old men on the board of directors.

   Now that Tiffana has become the most profitable brand in the entire He Group, he would like to see how those old people are so embarrassed to point out the country.

   Fortunately, He Xinyan was stupid and sold the stock of the He Group. Now the stock of the He Group is slowly rising, and the prospects are bright. Sooner or later, it will rise to a high level.

   But it's no wonder that she was born from a lowly background and is a woman. In addition to being clever, does she have any talent for business? If you don't know anything, you dare to say nonsense in front of yourself.

  Wait, He Xinyan won't be jumping around for long, he will crush her like an ant, making her feel the fear of hitting a stone with an egg.

   Mr. He listened to He Linjun's statement calmly, then took out a document from the drawer and threw it in front of He Linjun.

   "You want to expand the scale of Tiffana and increase investment? Why don't you talk about Salmonella first?"

  He Linjun quickly browsed the document and was furious: "Who reported this? Ridiculous! This is a rumor, I can't spare him!"

   Mr. He slapped the table angrily: "Instead of chasing whoever reported it here, you might as well do a thorough investigation to see if there is any problem with your raw material supply!"

   He managed to get inside information ahead of time by relying on his personal connections, hoping that He Linjun would be more vigilant, but the performance of the other party disappointed him too much.

"Hurry up while things can be remedied!" Mr. He rubbed his eyebrows, "I have repeatedly emphasized that we are making food, and we must strictly control the raw materials. Don't be afraid of crooked shadows, do you understand?"

   He Linjun's blood was drained, he said with a cold face, "Okay, I know Grandpa."

   After a pause, he suddenly asked, "Is the person who reported the report, He Xinyan?"

   Mr. He said nothing, so He Linjun understood, it was a good thing He Xinyan did.

   "Bitch!" He Linjun was so angry that his facial features were twisted, "Damn bastard, if I knew I should have killed her!"

   Mr. He didn't speak. His friend saw He Xinyan's name and knew that this was the granddaughter he once loved the most, so he told him one more thing.

   Speaking of which, it is also very embarrassing. The He family adopted He Xinyan, but the other party avenged his revenge and wanted to kill the He Group.

   Mr. He closed his eyes and said to the ineffective eldest grandson: "You always think that my old man is partial to the new appearance, but have you ever thought about why I am partial to an outsider who is not related by blood?"

   "You are the grandson of my cousin. What reason do I have for not going to you, but to her?"

   "On the surface, I pet her, but I just want to use her as your whetstone."

   (end of this chapter)

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