The Omnipotent Big Shot Refuses His Villain Role

Chapter 365: Actually, it was from Heiyan Xuqiao.

  The detection of Salmonella in Tiffany's offline dessert shop was reported by several authoritative media, and suddenly it rushed to the hot search.

  The public's impression of Tiffana is just Tiffana chocolate and overwhelming advertisements. I feel that this brand is very high-end and high-end.

   It turns out that such a high-end brand will also use low-cost raw materials?

   That's too much, so rubbish, how can it be so expensive to sell?

   There are also many people who have come forward to say that they have eaten the dessert from Tiffana's offline store and have diarrhea, and they have accidentally escaped the catastrophe.

   The painting style in the comments is pretty normal here, until some unusual sounds appear.

  【I bought Tiffana's chocolates at the mall. I had a fever for several days and my stomach was delayed and I delayed my work. It's not too much to ask for 100,000 compensation? 】

  【Everyone take action and report it, a chocolate assassin like Tiffana should not exist! Let it go bankrupt! 】

  [I recommend Yan Xuqiao, a treasure dessert shop. They also sell chocolates online, which can be a replacement for Tiffany. 】

  【Are you serious, still replace? This price is even more cruel than Tiffana! 】

  【I won’t eat such expensive desserts and chocolates anyway, pure IQ tax. 】

  [Don't be embarrassed by the low goods upstairs, you can't afford it, others can afford it, there's a reason why it's expensive. Yan Xuqiao didn't take you as a target customer at all. 】

   [Yan Xuqiao is taking a high-end route, so poor people should not try it easily. 】

   [Yan Xuqiao's navy's speech is good, this store has been completely blocked by me, and I will never eat it in my life. 】

  【No, are you praising Yan Xuqiao or smearing Yan Xuqiao? Yan Xuqiao's high price is justified. 】

  【The navy is about to stop washing, marketing Yan Xuqiao under the negative news of Tiffana, when who can't see that this Tiffana accident is your hot search? 】


  Xi Yuyan was stunned for a moment when she saw He Xinyan bowing her head and playing with her mobile phone, and then picked up her mobile phone and flashed it.

   "Are you watching Tiffany's news?" She thought casually, "I've eaten the chocolate from that house, and it tastes pretty average."

   She just didn't remember it for a while, of course she knew about Tiffany and the overwhelming advertising.

   "Oh." He Xinyan was indifferent.

  Xi Yuyan gritted her teeth and continued to read, gradually frowning.

   She thought of something and looked up at He Xinyan, "It's too unwise for you, Yan Xuqiao, to fall into the water at this time. What does the public relations manager do, don't you know that the extreme will be the opposite?"

  The speeches of many people in the comments are really too wise, to the extent that passersby can't help but get bored when they see it.

   Not only couldn't step Tiffana into the mud, but instead splashed mud all over herself.

  He Xinyan: "Do you think our launching army is smearing Tiffana?"

   "Isn't it?" Xi Yuyan took a sip of the hot drink calmly, but she was a little annoyed immediately. She only wanted to keep it warm in her hand, and didn't plan to drink it.

   She never thought that a few high school students could make desserts and drinks that rivaled three Michelin stars.

   This is not a drink she wants to taste.

   "...Tiffana broke out this kind of scandal, the happiest person should be Yan Xuqiao, right? After all, you are from each other, and the market cake is so big, of course you are happy if Tiffana is unlucky."

  Xi Yuyan couldn't help but take a sip as she spoke, and she looked annoyed when she reacted.

  He Xinyan looked at Miss Qianjin opposite and couldn't help reminding, "If you really don't like it, don't force it."

After a pause, she returned to the previous topic, "Even you can see it, it is not wise to launch the army at this time, not only can't kill the opponent, but burns yourself. Do you think Shi Rin is the kind of brainless person who will Do you buy this kind of navy to discredit the company you invest in?"

  Xi Yuyan was very dissatisfied when she heard the first half of the sentence, what does it mean that even you can see it?

   She is an Ivy League student!

   After hearing the second half of the sentence, she felt a little more at ease. It turned out to be compared to Shirin, so she really couldn't compare.

   "Wait a minute, are you saying that Rin is the driving force behind this marketing event?" She said, and couldn't help taking a sip of hot drink.

  He Xinyan: "...It doesn't count, he just removed some obstacles."

   After she handed over the report materials, she also greeted Secretary Chen specially.

  Because Secretary Chen personally inquired, the relevant departments did not dare to be careless, and immediately decided to inspect Tiffana's offline stores.

   But the He family has been working in Donglin City for so many years, how could Mr. He not have any reliable contacts?

  Because of the deliberate intervention of some people, the examination was postponed, giving Tiffana time to be prepared.

  The news was also suppressed because of the intervention of people with a heart.

   Shirin was just a shot, so that the news could be released normally.

  Xi Yuyan was stunned for a moment, then she understood a little, "Arin didn't guide the direction of the matter, so those extreme and unwise remarks in the comments...are they actually coming to Heiyan Xuqiao?"

   Salmonella was detected in the raw materials of Tiffana’s offline dessert shop anyway, and sometimes the news is impossible to hide.

   The other party simply went into the water army, pulled Yan Xuqiao into the water, and accompany Tiffana to sink together?

  No, even if this marketing is done well, it can even bring back some of Tiffana's reputation.

   Thinking of this, Xi Yuyan suddenly became a little anxious, "How can you still sit still like this, the other party must have other tricks, it's just for you Yan Xuqiao!"

   Said, she picked up the warm drink and took another sip...Although she didn't want to admit it, since she was almost finished, she still had to say in her heart that the drinks here are pretty good.

   "Are you short of money or connections? I'll provide it!" Xi Yuyan put down the cup and raised her beautiful swan neck.

  He Xinyan: "Sorry, we do not accept investment."

  Xi Yuyan: "You think I'm here for you? I'm looking at A Rin's face. After all, this is his first career in his life. I don't want any obstacles."

   Of course, she didn't think that Shi Lin was incompetent, and she didn't think it was bad for Shi Lin to cultivate Buddhism, but if the other party wanted to start a business when he was bored, she would agree with both hands.

   Shi Lin is too low-key and indifferent. He cultivates Buddha on the mountain all the year round and does not care about world affairs. Of course Xi Yuyan respects each other's way of life, but occasionally he also hopes that he can get some fireworks on him.

   is always bored on the mountain, what if you really see through the red dust?

  He Xinyan: "Oh, that's not necessary either."

  Xi Yuyan raised her eyes and looked at He Xinyan. It was different from what she imagined. Seventeen or eighteen-year-old high school students were inevitably impetuous and flamboyant.

  But the girl in front of her gave her a faint sense of calm, and that overly beautiful face was always calm and gentle.

  Xi Yuyan thought for a while, "Don't be impatient, I don't want to take a stake in Yan Xuqiao, I just want to help."

   She picked up the cup and wanted to take another sip, only to find that the cup was empty, so she could only put it down with a little regret.

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