The Omnipotent Big Shot Refuses His Villain Role

Chapter 374: Hot search I can't withdraw

   He Yuye is not surprised at all, after all, he has been on the hot search... It must have gained a lot of fans.

   Just waited for her to open the message and couldn't laugh anymore.

  【What kind of treasured dessert chef, I’m really yue, I can only copy others, what kind of dessert chef are you? 】

  【Apologize to Li Yao! Apologize to Yan Xuqiao! 】

  【Do you want to be red and crazy? Previously posted the design of Ling Xuan to hype a talented woman, and now it has set up the design of the treasured dessert chef. Are you a female ghost and you need to post so many layers of skin? 】

  【You are only eighteen years old, isn't it good to study hard at such a young age? Don't be so stupid. 】

  【It seems that there is still too little homework in school, what is the youngest product director, I'm going to die laughing, is it a copycat product director? 】

  He Yuye was stunned, what happened, why did the public opinion turn so badly all of a sudden?

   It was clear that all she had seen before were compliments, how long did it take for this group of people to attack her like crazy?

  He Yuye thought of something, his heart skipped a beat, and he hurriedly looked at the hot search.

After watching   , she felt like her whole body was sinking into the deep sea, and her whole body was shivering with cold—how could this be? What went wrong and how did this happen?

   She took a deep breath and forced her tears back, no no no, it's not her fault, she didn't know about the dessert replacement! She is also a victim!

  He Xinyan is going too far to guide netizens to abuse her online!


  He Xinyan saw the latest text message on her phone until she went to bed.

  【I’m making a fool of myself now, are you happy and satisfied? Can you raise your hand and spare Tiffana and my family? 】

  He Xinyan felt that she was insane, so she was too lazy to pay attention to it, so she deleted and pulled black and fell asleep at ease.


   On the other side, He Yuye sat on the bed with red eyes and did not say a word.

   Mr. He was sent to the hospital, and He Linjun rushed to deal with the inspection of the main factory. The night was extremely chaotic.

   Until Qian Chun called her, do you want to take down that hot search entry.

  Although black and red are also red, it is obvious that the current situation does not apply. Qian Chun also hopes to meet He Yuye in the position of the actress, so she cannot consume her popularity prematurely.

   He thought about He Yuye wholeheartedly. Of course, He Yuye knew the importance. If that entry kept hanging up, she would have been exposed to the public and ridiculed by all kinds of things...

   He Yuye transferred the money and asked Qian Chun to quickly withdraw the hot search.

   It just so happened that the producer of the "Where the Moonlight Lights Up" program team also called. The program team was completely panicked.

  Li Yao sent an apology statement without saying hello to the show crew, which was like setting the show crew on fire.

   And the revelations of popular science big V completely ignited the fire, and the solemn statement he made was like a boomerang slammed into his face again.

   Several leaders of the program team were completely panicked. They still wanted to rely on this wave of east wind to explode. Who would have thought that they could still be found?

  I don't know where the big V got so many video and photo evidences.

   The producer's heart is cold, how can this make him quibble.

   I can only hope that the He Group and the Lu Group will join forces to suppress the hot search, and wait for the limelight to pass.

  He Yuye: "Don't worry, I will find someone to withdraw from the hot search."

  Qian Chun knows the doorway inside. Anyway, if the money is in place, he will definitely be able to remove the hot search and clear the square.

   Helping the show team is also incidental. She feels ashamed when she sees that show now, and just wants to expose this part quickly.

   Having said that, it’s already twelve o’clock in the evening, and the hot search still hasn’t been taken down.

   even climbed to higher highs until he was ranked number one.

  Qian Chun called and said, "I can't cancel the hot search. How much did your brother spend on this hot search? The other party will not accept this task at all."

   He Yuye: "What?"

   "There is no other way, this hot search will hang for at least two days."

   After He Yuye hung up the phone, the whole person was stunned.

How could this be? Then wouldn't she continue to be hung on the hot search and be whipped repeatedly?

  Lin Yunshu knocked on the door and asked worriedly, "Yuye, are you okay? Would you like mother to sleep with you tonight?"

   He Yuye pursed his lower lip and sat motionless in the dark.

   She doesn't want to see Lin Yunshu now, nor does she want to hear those empty comforting words that have no practical effect.

   If the other party has the ability, he should help her solve all the problems, or earlier, discourage He Linjun before he buys the hot search.

   She is now pushed to the forefront, and she can't even resent He Linjun for harming others. After all, the other party is also for her good.


   Several leaders of the program group were completely flustered, and even Qian Chun couldn't suppress the hot search, what should I do?

   If I knew earlier, I wouldn’t do this issue. How could the rewards given by the Lu family and the He family be worth their funeral?

   I really regret my bowels! Li Yao and the audience should not be fooled, let alone step on Yan Xuqiao.

  It's alright now, everyone is completely finished!


  Gu Zhengran hadn't slept in the middle of the night, and it was a very lively day.

  This is the first time he has paid attention to these things on the Internet. Today, he was popularized for a day and learned a lot of novel knowledge points.

   For example, hot searches can be bought.

   No, what is the name of He Yuye? He wanted to step on Yan Xuqiao and He Xinyan to become famous, so he generously threw money and bought a hot one for the entry with the other party's name.

Of course, the dog named Moonlight is not a human being compared to the show team. He wants to be popular, and wants to be able to get good investment resources. He especially thoughtfully helped the other party to buy a hot search to ensure that he has enough time to get enough money. The attention of the other party has made the other party popular all over the country.

  Gu Zhengran still has some regrets in his heart, he basically didn't play a big role in doing this.

   is not around the child, and does not pay attention to these social entertainment news and social media, resulting in a certain lag in his news.

   By the time he wanted to shoot, He Xinyan had already completed a beautiful counterattack.

  Children are too independent, and the heart of being a parent is not good.

  Because independence inevitably means suffering a lot and hitting a lot of walls.

   What's more, He Xinyan has been living abroad for so many years, he owes too much to this child.


  Gu Zhen didn't see the message from Xu Jingyang until late at night when he returned to his bedroom.

   He has been with his mother for the past few days. After his uncle lost his temper that day, he was no longer allowed to communicate with the outside world when he was with his mother.

   Even his aunt, Wen Xiangjun, felt that his behavior of contacting his mother and He Xinyan that day was too rash.

Gu Zhen was very conflicted. On the one hand, he felt a natural closeness to He Xinyan, and he couldn't believe that the paternity test results were not related by blood. On the other hand, he felt guilty for his rash behavior that caused his mother's illness. aggravated.

   Xu Jingyang's message, as expected, was talking about He Xinyan again. Gu Zhen didn't want to read it at first, but he continued to read it bit by bit.

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