The Omnipotent Big Shot Refuses His Villain Role

Chapter 383: Doesn't she feel lonely?

   "Wait a minute, you mean, your surname is He?" the security guard asked.

   The surname is He, but he doesn't know the exact address of He Xinyan, so it stands to reason that he cannot be released.

   Mr. He raised his eyes and looked at him: "Why, aren't those with the surname He allowed?"

   "That's not it." The security guard said with a smile, "I'll ask the owner, wait a moment."


  He Xinyan got a call from the security room, so she moved her body and walked out of the computer room.

   She never looked forward to the New Year. Her original plan was to immerse herself in the computer room, which could be regarded as a New Year's gift for herself.

   However, the process was a little slow today, and there were too many guests visiting.

  Although most of those people just put their things down and leave, they don't need to entertain themselves, but after all, the visitors are guests... Later, Shi Rin took the initiative to take over the task of reception.

  This afternoon was just a little more leisurely, and the classmates also went home in a hive. They planned to come to the table and have a couple of New Year's Eve dinners as soon as possible.

  This villa is very big and empty, but it has long been dressed up by everyone to have a New Year's atmosphere, warm and festive.

  Shi Rin came out of the kitchen wearing an apron, a little surprised, "Why did you come out, didn't you mean the work hasn't finished yet?"

  Although it is not clear what He Xinyan is doing, it must be a very important thing.

  Shi Lin asked the workers to bring the robot over this morning. He Xinyan dismantled the CPU of the robot on the spot, and then locked it in the computer room, busy with work.

   He specially told everyone not to disturb him, thinking about waiting for He Xinyan to finish their New Year's Eve dinner together.

   It's still early.

  He Xinyan: "I have something to do. I'll go out and I'll be at the door."

   She said, and quickly glanced at Shi Rin who was wearing an apron... I never imagined that Shi Rin, who was as cold as an immortal, had such a homely side.

   When He Xinyan walked to the intersection, she happened to see Mr. He's car driving over.

   "Sanjie!" He Zixiao was a little excited, and opened the door as soon as the car stopped and ran down.

  The young man has grown a lot, and his stature has also decreased. Standing in front of He Xinyan, he is no longer as short as before.

   "Third sister, grandpa and I came here to invite you home for the New Year." He pursed his lower lip and added in a low voice, "Mom and eldest brother have no opinion. Grandpa is in charge, you don't need to care about them."

  He Xinyan didn't make a decision, and turned his attention to Mr. He who got out of the car on crutches.

  The street lights in the villa area turned on early, and under the lights, Mr. He had gray hair and looked old-fashioned.

   "Xinyan, it's been more than half a year, why have you never thought of going back to see my old man."

   After a pause, he said again, "It doesn't matter if you don't want to go back, it's New Year's Day today, you've never spent a New Year outside alone, come home with me, everyone misses you very much."

  He Xinyan: "Can I not go?"

   Mr. He is a little surprised, won't you go back?

   When the lights are on, everyone is emotionally fragile and needs someone to accompany her, so doesn't she feel lonely?

  The driver also got out of the car and stood by the side to comfort him: "Miss, the old man has been thinking about you, worried that you will be alone and lonely outside. Today's New Year's Day, you should satisfy the old man's wish for a reunion."

   "You can rest assured, the family has warned in advance, and there will never be anyone who doesn't have long eyes running in front of you and talking nonsense."

   The previous housekeeper was a bit domineering because he had been with Lin Yunshu for a long time, and was fired by Mr. He.

   The rest of the servants had no ill will towards He Xinyan, but were a little embarrassed after hearing about He Xinyan's deeds.

   Such a smart and capable adopted daughter, how could she be willing to drive out? The He family are a little blind to gold and jade.

  Since the old man said that he wanted to repair the relationship between the two parties, the driver is of course willing to help intercede.

   There was a misunderstanding between the two parties in the past, as long as they understand each other, of course they are still a family!

  The enthusiastic driver is very willing to see the happy ending, and spares no effort to help intercede.

   "It's all a family, so there's no need to get into trouble."

   "Miss, you are very promising now, and Madam will definitely not dare to mess around."

   "It's a big New Year's Eve, even if you have any grievances, let it go first. The He family has prepared a sumptuous New Year's Eve dinner, isn't it good for the family to have a lively New Year's Eve?"

   "You're alone, how lonely you are."

   "Go home, the old man also prepared gifts and big red envelopes to keep you happy this year."

  He Xinyan: "…"

   From the moment she saw the driver, she knew the intention of Mr. He to bring him.

   This is also an old man from the He family. She has always watched her grow up. She has always been enthusiastic.

   It’s just that family ethics is relatively strong, and I probably like watching happy and happy endings, and I have already begun to move myself.

   He Xinyan, the client, couldn't feel the same way. She didn't open her face to Xuqiao to gain the approval of the He family and make the other party regret being blind.

   Kidnapping her with family and morality will always only fail.

   "Grandpa, I've always wanted to ask you a question." He Xinyan's expression was calm and her voice was calm, "When I was taken to the He family, did you know that I was not your granddaughter?"

   Mr. He was startled.

  He Xinyan said with certainty: "You know, but you don't care, right? Because my blood type is matched with He Linjun."

  He Zixiao hesitated, "What do you mean, Third Sister?"

   He was a little confused. He always thought that his grandfather didn't know about the events of the year, but his grandfather always knew about it, didn't he?

   Just to save the eldest brother, take other people's children home, and then leave their own children outside?

  He Xinyan: "Didn't you already guess that, in the eyes of the old man, the eldest grandson is the most important."

  Although Mr. He has always shown that he is not close to his grandchildren, but it is not enough to support He Linjun to rise to the top despite all the opinions?

   For this eldest grandson, who has devoted most of his life, Mr. He can be described as painstaking efforts.

   Not to mention that the sacrifice was only He Yuye, even if He Zixiao was sacrificed, he might not blink.

  The old man is cold and selfish in his bones. He firmly believes that only the eldest son and the eldest grandson can pass on the incense of the He family.

   Mr. He: "But I've hurt you for more than ten years, so it's not fake."

  When Lin Yunshu brought He Xinyan back, they did blood type matching. Knowing that this beautiful little girl could save the life of his eldest grandson, Mr. He did not hesitate to acquiesce that this was his granddaughter.

   How could he be big enough to expose everything, after all, the life of the grandson is more important.

   Mr. He just regretted that he didn't see the full value of He Xinyan earlier.

  If you can train He Xinyan to give up on He Linjun... Wouldn't the He family be able to reap the benefits of a fisherman now?

   I agreed to expose He Xinyan's identity and went to find He Yuye... This move was completely wrong!

   Mr. He: "Zhang Zhi and I have been working hard to make up for you all these years... Xinyan, grandpa is old."

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