The    system vowed: [Yes! You haven't done anything bad, it's unreasonable to trigger the underlying command! 】

  Since the two are now in a cooperative relationship, of course it has to make a solemn statement.

   "But the person who created you still has low-level orders, and has enough energy to let you cause a devastating blow to me?" He Xinyan asked with a smile.

The    system has a brisk tone: [Yes, but it's not that easy. It is already very difficult to deliver me to bind you across time and space. If you want to kill you, you need to extract a huge amount of energy from different time and space. The price is too expensive. Scientists can't make such a reckless decision. 】

  He Xinyan: "Really?"

  Why is she so unbelievable?

The    system thought for a while, then whispered: [Aren't you kidding me? 】

  He Xinyan: "There's no such thing as a cliché, isn't it because I know you have enough energy to kill me that I am afraid and dare not do anything wrong?"

   System: […Oh. 】

   Well, it was thoroughly persuaded.

  He Xinyan now earns a lot of money, has her own villa and classmates who support her, and has a lot, so there should be no need to destroy the world.

   It saw that He Xinyan had nothing to say, and after thinking about it, he quietly skipped work and continued to watch its online drama.

   It took me halfway to read it before I remembered, as if I had missed the He family?

   One of its tasks is to protect He Yuye and the He family!

The    system went through the task list and found that although the important level was listed as SSS level, it thought about it and felt that it was not necessary to complete it.

   After all, it is the villain's transformation system and the messenger of justice. The He family is constantly operating and doing bad things, and it has no need to protect the other party.


  He Family, He Yuye looked at the public opinion on the Internet and unconsciously brought a smile to the corner of his mouth.

   She didn't expect the rain to pass through the sky, and the things that she once thought were difficult actually had a new turning point.

   Netizens finally saw her goodness.

  The good deeds I once did, and the seeds sown finally came to fruition on this day.

   Many people admire He Xinyan while despising her.

   Her fans don't know where to dig out some of her past good deeds, and sing praises for her noble character of integrity, kindness and perseverance.

   Praise flocked to her like flowers. Although she was used to seeing the rainbow farts from fans, she couldn't help but feel good when she saw so many compliments.

   The haze that once shrouded her head just dissipated.

   "Miss, Madam is looking for you." The servant knocked on the door and said after entering.

   He Yuye walked downstairs briskly, "Mom, are you looking for me?"

  Lin Yunshu greeted her with a smile, "Yuye, we have a banquet tonight, please dress up."


  He Yuye did not expect that the banquet would be held in Jinshuiwan.

  ...At first, Lin Yunshu planned to buy her a villa in Jinshuiwan, but it was a pity that He Xinyan messed up.

   Now He Xinyan lives in the Jinshuiwan villa area, but she can only come here as a guest.

  Lin Yunshu: "Don't worry, Yuye, my mother will definitely buy you a villa in Jinshuiwan for you!"

  He Xinyan is now yelling at everyone on the Internet, her reputation is completely bankrupt, and capital is ruthless. Since He Xinyan has lost her value, other partners of Yan Xuqiao will soon kick He Xinyan out. …

  Without the support of Yan Xuqiao and the gold master, He Xinyan will leave Jinshuiwan in despair sooner or later.

   Her jade leaves are now being admired, and it just so happens that the movie He Linjun spent several hundred million invested in for He Yuye is about to be released.

   Are you afraid you can't afford a villa in Jinshuiwan?

   He Yuye shook his head: "I don't need you to buy it, I should buy a villa for you."

   After a pause, she glanced at He Zixiao who was sitting next to her, "I will also buy a villa for Zixiao."

  He Zixiao looked down at the phone and didn't respond.

  He Yuye's expression stiffened. She guessed that He Zixiao was not happy. After all, everyone in the family said that He Zixiao was ignorant and turned his elbows out.

   But she was in a good mood tonight and didn't really want to take care of He Zixiao's mood.

   He Yuye turned his head, smiled and talked to Lin Yunshu about tonight's banquet.


  He Xinyan received an invitation from a neighbor. The old man in the other's family had a birthday party specially, and hoped that she could attend.

   Eighty years old is the birthday, He Xinyan did not plan to participate, but after thinking about it, someone sent a congratulatory gift.

  Reciprocity is a reward for receiving invitations.


  He Yuye was busy socializing with people all night, with a sweet smile on his face, and received a lot of praise and appreciation.

   When she heard that He Xinyan had someone bring a gift, she was a little curious, does He Xinyan also have contact with the owner of this house?

   "He Xinyan, isn't He Xinyan here?" The man who appeared out of nowhere suddenly ran out excitedly.

   There was an uproar at the scene. These people were dressed in simple clothes, which was out of tune with the villa's underwear and fragrant temples.

   Obviously took advantage of the banquet tonight and the security was inevitably lax to sneak in.

   "He Xinyan is not here, you are looking for the wrong person." Someone already called the security guard.

   The people were startled for a moment, "We are Tiffana's franchisees, doesn't it mean that He Xinyan is willing to buy our store at the original price?"

   Someone covered their faces and cried bitterly: "It's hard to get good news, why did the couple go to He Xinyan to make trouble!"

   "She is obviously willing to help those of us who are really in trouble!"

  He Yuye thought for a while, and when a group of security guards came in to take people away, he suddenly gathered up his courage and stood up.

"Wait a moment!"

   With her back straight, she said firmly, "I'm He Yuye, Tiffana's product director, don't worry, I'm willing to refund all of your franchise fees."

   The few middle-aged people who were frustrated in business looked at each other for a moment, and said uncertainly, "Don't lie to us, make a cake for us."

   "Yes, where did you get the money to give everyone the bottom line? You said it nicely, but I didn't see any action from you."

   "You might as well find He Linjun and let him talk about how to pay, don't hide and be a tortoise!"

He Yuye clenched his fingers and said loudly, "I don't have much money right now, so I can't help everyone. But I'm willing to pay one by one, one by one. I have a movie released soon, and I will I work very hard to make money, and there will always be a day when I can help everyone pay off their debts!”

   Her words were loud, and after speaking, she glanced at the woman who was standing there. "Please help me relay these words to Xinyan too."

   She just wanted to prove to He Xinyan that she was right.

   It is either to speak loudly or to be right, and it is not to be strong and mean to be a good character.

  He Xinyan was quite talkative when she led her classmates to PUA, and encouraged all her classmates to isolate her, as if she was unbearable.

   But when it is really related to interests, he will stand up by himself, does He Xinyan dare?

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