When the conversation between Tony and Spider-Man ended, the Spider-Man was in a state of confusion.

For the discount Tony said, he didn’t know how much to give.

“Mr. Tony, you’re bothering me too much this time.”

He kept talking about it in his mouth, and his mind was thinking about what to do about it.

Just when he had nothing to do, a character suddenly flashed in his mind, that is, his classmate.

This classmate of his is a real estate salesman and is a representative of excellent sales.

If you can ask him about one piece, you may be able to know how much discount to give

But at the moment he took out his mobile phone, Qiye suddenly saw it.

Originally, he just wanted to tease the little spider.

Therefore, he slowed down his pace in order to get closer slowly.

When he came to the back of the spider, he reached out and wanted to gently pat him on the shoulder.

However, the conversation between Little Spider and his classmates reached Seven Nights’ ears at this moment.

At this moment, Seven Nights’ hands were suspended in the air.

He originally thought that the little spider was helping him, but at this moment he realized that the person behind him was Tony.

“What about this house, I won’t buy it either, you don’t have to be so busy, I’d better stay in my hotel!”

It’s not that Seven Nights doesn’t think it’s humiliating to let Tony help, but he doesn’t want others to lie to him in this way.

“You don’t have to be so angry, in fact, I didn’t lie to you, it’s just that I haven’t explained this matter to you clearly…”

After discovering that something was not quite right, the little spider hurriedly stepped forward to explain to Seven Nights.

“You, you don’t need to explain it to me, I actually understand this thing, my temper has passed, and there will be nothing to do.”

Spider-Man looked at the back of the seven nights drifting away, so he turned his head a little sadly.

At this moment, he took out his mobile phone with some reluctance, and then called Tony.

“Mr. Tony, I’m so sorry, the things you gave me have been done badly, Seven Nights already knows, and he is very angry about it.”

Tony didn’t blame Spider-Man for this.

“I didn’t want him to know about this matter, but since I know it, it’s not a big deal.”

Next, Tony was there comforting the little spider.

At the same time, Qiye was suddenly discovered by the security personnel in the mansion area, and they let Qiye stand there without saying a word.

“If you don’t stand there again, don’t blame us for being unkind to you, you must know that the clubs in our hands are not long-eyed.”

They said there as they fiddled with the clubs in their hands.

Now, Seven Nights was in a bad mood, and he didn’t want to see others so arrogant in front of him, so he issued this first warning.

“Less scare people there, are so many of us still afraid of you? Even if you have eight legs and eight arms, you are not necessarily our opponent! ”

Those people were very arrogant about this, perhaps in their eyes, Seven Nights was just an ordinary person.

“I’m too lazy to explain it to you, I’m not what you say…”

Before Seven Nights finished speaking, one of the security guards directly raised his stick and prepared to smash it into the back of Seven Nights’ head.

Seeing this scene, Qiye’s heart was particularly angry.

At that moment, he couldn’t wait to pick up the brick on the ground and smashed it heavily on the back of the security guard’s head.

However, before he did so, he finally restrained his temper.

After a dodge move, the guy’s attack went into the air.

“You kid probably doesn’t want to live, you just need to get such a stick, but you have to avoid it…”

For Seven Nights’ sudden avoidance, this security guard was particularly angry.

So, at this moment, he was ready to lift the club in his hand again and smash it towards Qiye’s head.

However, this situation was seen by Spider-Man, and without saying a word, he raised his hand.

And in the next second, a cloud of spider silk was directly glued to these guys’ arms.

“What the hell is this? How is it slimy? Can’t get it out? ”

Just now, the security guard who wanted to be rough with Seven Nights was there angry at the spider silk that suddenly stained his arm.

“If you want to be fine, leave quickly, don’t make trouble here, we are the residents here, if you don’t believe me, this is the key.”

Spider-Man took out a key from his pocket, and then shook it several times in front of the security guard.

With and without a key, it was simply a world of difference, so much so that the security guard began to apologize to Seven Nights for his actions just now.

“We all know you’ll forgive us.”

“I don’t want to see you all again, and you all disappear in front of me.”

After Qiye Zida said this sentence, he began to swing back and forth in this place again.

Spider-Man has been following Seven Nights at this time.

“This key belongs to you, I will put it in your pocket if you allow it.”

In fact, at this time, Seven Nights was no longer angry.

But he doesn’t like to accept other people’s favors.

Therefore, at this moment, he touched out a bank card and put it directly on Spider-Man’s hand.

“I’m just like this, I don’t like to take advantage of others, and I don’t like to owe favors to others, so you must give this card to Tony when you take it.”

Because Tony had already told him before, at this moment, Spider-Man gladly accepted the card, and then wandered around the place with Seven Nights.

Then he thought that it was almost time to shop, so he came to his new home with seven nights.

“You can live in this place later, if you lack a nanny and furniture, you can call me, and I can help you move.”

“You can come and help me move, but I don’t want you to come and do this at someone’s begnanc.”

Spider-Man hurriedly shook his head at this moment, he said these words completely from the perspective of a friend.

“If there is nothing to do, Mr. Nanaya I will leave now, and there are still many things to be busy.”

At this moment, Seven Nights waved with Spider-Man, and he watched Spider-Man jump in front of him and disappear.

“I can rest well today.”

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