When he came back, the sun was almost setting, which made Yunfei a little painful, it was that stupid X group Zang wasted too much time for Yunfei, Yunfei should have come back a long time ago and went to his teacher to discuss the affairs of the Thousand Hands clan, but it turned out that such a delay was almost an afternoon.

Soon Yunfei found the Thousand Hands Chest who was cultivating in the room, and the injuries between the Thousand Hands had recovered now, but many of the dark injuries accumulated over the years were not only long once they broke out, but many of them could not be cured at all, and the Thousand Hands were also older, and their strength was not as good as their strength at their peak.

Watched Yunfei look over. Qianshou said lightly: “Yunfei, you don’t go to the Three Treasures Hall for anything, what happened today to find a teacher?” ”

Then Yunfei told the things encountered in this mission to Senju, after listening to Yunfei’s narration, Senjuma frowned, if this is a conspiracy against the Senju clan, it is not undone, but as a ninja of Konoha, it is also common to sacrifice in the process of completing the mission, and you can only blame yourself for not being strong enough.

Seeing that his teacher had not spoken, Yunfei continued: “Teacher, you need to know that there have been two Hokage in the Senju clan before you, and Senju is also the founding family of Konoha Village, although Uchiha is also the same, but Uchiha is arrogant, and since Uchiha Spot, there has been no one who is too strong. ”

Yunfei took a sip of water and continued: “But the Senju clan is different, the reputation of the Senju in Konoha is almost very good, and when the teacher appointed the third generation of the head after the palace, I believe that the clan of the Senju must have a lot of opposition, which caused the influence of the Senju clan to be too strong, which caused a lot of dissatisfaction.” ”

Yunfei did not continue to say the next words, but believed that his teacher could fully understand what he wanted to say next.

Seeing that the Thousand Hands Clan had not spoken, Yun Fei decisively gave his opinion: “If it continues like this, the Thousand Hands clan will be killed and injured in less than ten years, teacher, I suggest you quietly send a Thousand Hands clan out and let them develop in the villages near Konoha, otherwise the Thousand Hands Clan may soon become history if it goes on like this.” ”

After saying that, Yunfei walked out, let Thousand Hands think for himself, anyway, his own advice has already been given, as for how to do it, it can only depend on how Thousand Hands makes his own choice.

After returning to the room, Yunfei opened his template for a long time.

Character: Yunfei

Age: 18 years old Strength: Shadow level

Bloodline: Vortex Bloodline, Chakra Perception, Primary Immortal Body, Immortal Mode, Ergou Jade Writing Wheel Eye

Possesses skills: Three-Body Technique, Shadow Doppelgänger Technique, Water Escape Water Array Wall, Water Escape Water Flush Wave, Water Escape Water Break Wave, Water Dragon Bomb, Konoha Fluid Technique, Mutual Multiplication Initiation Charm, Instantaneous Technique, Spiral Pill, Daitama Spiral Pill, Wind Escape Spiral Shuriken, Flying Thunder God Technique Section, Water Escape Big Explosion Water Rush.

Looking at his template, Yunfei found that he seemed to be a little biased, there was no illusion, and most of the ninjutsu were all water-based, and now after having five attributes, he seemed to be lazy, and did not learn other ninjutsu at all, which is not a good phenomenon, although his strength is already there, but in the face of many strong people, his own strength is still not enough to see, and his own ninjutsu is too little, and Kakashi’s kind of copying thousands of ninjutsu is completely inadequate.

Yunfei, who was sitting in the room thinking, inexplicably had an uneasy feeling, as if he had forgotten something, but when he thought about it, it seemed that nothing had happened recently, but this inexplicable feeling of uneasiness made Yunfei a little irritable, and he couldn’t calm down at all, and Yunfei who didn’t come up with a reason was simply ready to go out on the street.

But because Yunfei came out a little late, there are not many people on the street, Yunfei bought some snacks to eat while walking, and suddenly in the corner of the street Yunfei found a red silk thread, Yunfei came closer and found that this was not a silk thread at all, it was actually red hair, which made Yunfei’s face change greatly, you must know that there are only three people with red hair in Konoha, Yunfei himself, Uzumaki Mito and Uzumaki Jiu Shinnai.

Uzumaki Mito ruled it out first, because her protection in Konoha can be said to be even tighter than the third generation of Hokage, and she obviously does not have it, then the last possibility is only Uzumaki Jiu Shinnai, now Yunfei finally remembered that he forgot something, in the original book Uzumaki Jiu Shinna was taken away by the ninja of the Land of Thunder, and finally because Wave Feng Shui Men saved her back and made Jiu Shinna fall in love with Water Gate.

But now the situation is completely different from the original work, in the original work, Jiu Xinnai was kidnapped just after graduation, and now Jiu Xinnai has graduated and started to do tasks before being kidnapped, but no matter what, Yunfei must have to rescue Jiu Xinnai.


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