After Long Fei saw Yu Jiang come out with two guns in his hand, he immediately understood what he meant.

“Are you trying to single me out??”

Long Fei said in surprise.

“Yes, I will step on your corpse and surpass you.”

Yu Jiang continued to provoke Long Fei and make him lose his cool, so that his plan would work.

“The level is not high, the tone is not small, Qingyun, don’t you come to mix a kick?”

Long Fei turned his head and asked Leng Qingyun.

In fact, he was still very worried that Leng Qingyun would come over and kick him.

He was not afraid of Leng Qingyun, but he knew that Leng Qingyun’s profession was a medical soldier.

Coupled with Yu Jiang’s mysterious marksmanship, it is easy to give himself a painful blow.

“Since he said that he wants to surpass you, of course he must be given a chance.”

Leng Qingyun replied directly.

She knew that the plan this time was to destroy those equipment, so Yu Jiang would definitely drag Long Fei down.

While dragging Long Fei, he rushed over and destroyed these devices.

This was the plan that Yu Jiang came up with, so of course Leng Qingyun would not go up and mix a kick.

Since Leng Qingyun had no intention of wanting to mix a kick, Long Fei was ready to deal with Yu Jiang with full attention.

“You are now at most a first-level two-gun mastery and a first-level teleportation or shadow, what are you going to fight me with?”

Long Fei saw Yu Jiang holding two guns in his hand, and immediately guessed Yu Jiang’s occupation.

“Is it? Isn’t that a gesture? ”

Yu Jiang replied with a smile.

In fact, Long Fei didn’t know that although Yu Jiang only had two skills, these two skills were level 99 skills.

Instantaneous steps without CDs are simply a BUG, which is why Yu Jiang is so clamoring with Long Fei.

“Since you are looking for death, then I will fulfill you.”

After Long Fei finished speaking, he pressed his wrist.

Yu Jiang saw that it was a watch exactly like himself.

“You actually still have the combat watch issued by the Alliance?”

Yu Jiang said with a smile.

“Of course, as a human alliance, it is still very powerful in equipping weapons.”

After Long Fei finished speaking, he was wearing white and blue battle armor and said.

Yu Jiang was originally wearing battle armor, so he only needed to bring the battle armor mask.

“Yu Jiang, his armor has a high defense power, with the power of your current pistol, it is difficult to cause damage to him if you don’t hit the weak point.”

At this time, Leng Qingyun’s voice sounded in Yu Jiang’s communication.

“Sister Leng, can you talk to me through communication?”

Yu Jiang remembered that before coming in, didn’t Leng Qingyun say that the communication equipment was blocked by the jammer?

“It’s just blocking the communication outside, and the communication between the two of us is still not blocked.”

Leng Qingyun replied.

“Oh, Sister Leng, where do you say his armor weaknesses are?”

Yu Jiang asked.

Leng Qingyun and Long Fei are the same level of battle armor, so he knows the weaknesses on the battle armor the most.

“The weakness of the sixth-level armor is at the waist, do you see that there is something like a gem at his waist?”

Leng Qingyun said.

“Well, I see.”

Yu Jiang did find something with a gem on the waist of Long Fei’s armor.

“That’s the weakness, you hit that one and you will do double damage to him.”

Leng Qingyun said.

“Well, Sister Leng, I see, I want to ask where is the weakness of my level of armor?”

Yu Jiang also wants to know where his weaknesses are?


Leng Qingyun just said these two words, and Yu Jiang knew his weakness.

“Sister Leng, I’ll pester him as much as possible for a while, you hurry up and destroy those equipment.”

Yu Jiang said to Leng Qingyun.

“Well, you be careful.”

Leng Qingyun took a few steps back after speaking.

Yu Jiang and Long Fei stood facing each other, both holding two guns in their hands.

No one made a move, everyone was waiting for an opportunity.

Suddenly, Long Fei’s figure disappeared at once.

He used the teleportation skill to appear directly behind Yu Jiang.

“There is a flaw!!”

After Long Fei appeared behind Yu Jiang, he punched Yu Jiang directly in the back of the head.

Yu Jiang also used the teleportation skill after seeing Long Fei appear behind him.

Long Fei has a thorough understanding of the profession of the two-gun ranger, and when he saw Yu Jiang’s instantaneous appearance, he was looking for the location of Yu Jiang’s appearance.


Long Fei fired two shots directly at the upper left side.

“Be careful!!”

Leng Qingyun exclaimed.

Because Long Fei calculated the place where Yu Jiang appeared, two pistol bullets rushed directly towards Yu Jiang.

“The first-level instantaneous step has a cooldown of five points, my weapon is enough to break the armor of your battle armor, you are dead.”

Long Fei pondered in his heart.

Yu Jiang discovered that the warframe actually had a jet function, which could keep itself floating in the air and remain stable.

He hurriedly took out two guns and aimed at the bullets flying towards him, and fired two shots in a row.

The two bullets directly hit the bullet that Long Fei hit.

But this was also expected by Long Fei, who had seen Yu Jiang’s marksmanship before this.

“The marksmanship is really powerful!!”

Long Fei praised in his heart.

“But you still have to die!!!”

After Long Fei finished speaking, he cast the Phantom’s skill.

After leaving a doppelganger in place, he entered the stage of stealth.

Taking advantage of this stealth time, Long Fei came directly behind Yu Jiang.


Long Fei raised his two guns and shot directly behind Yu Jiang.

When the gunshots rang out, Yu Jiang’s body disappeared again.

“Another instantaneous step??”

Long Fei said in amazement.

He didn’t expect that in just one minute, Yu Jiang actually made two instantaneous steps in a row.

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