The Path of Evolution

Chapter 345 Wind Rabbit

"You naked man, you are mighty and majestic..."

In the bare mountains, a naked young man was humming a song.

In this strange place where there is no grass, he ran around naked, looking for a way out.

The young man is quite amusing himself and doesn't feel ashamed at all. The main reason is that no one around him sees him... It's like taking a shower in the bathroom. No one sees him, so he doesn't feel ashamed. He can also hum "I love taking a bath" Good skin.

After ascension, Zhao Hao's three views changed again.

Human beings are naked when they are born from their mother's womb, and finally leave this world naked.

After seeing through some things, it just feels like that.

To be honest, Zhao Hao now really hopes that someone will appear nearby, even if it is a demon, or if it is not good, he will accept any animal. Or like in the bloody drama, a beautiful woman came out of the diagonal stab, stared at his little penis floating in the wind with a red face, gritted her teeth and scolded him: "Shameless, obscene, big pervert!"

Sadly, that didn't happen.

For three days, Zhao Hao had not seen any living creature except himself.

He had never encountered even small crawlers such as ants.

Zhao Hao suspected that he had come to a dead place in the second-order heaven. This place was even more ruined than the ruins of the west. At least there were a lot of gophers in the western ruins and a group of falcons in the sky, but there was nothing in this damn place in front of me.

Since his third evolution, Zhao Hao has a relatively large appetite and is particularly prone to hunger.

After not eating or drinking for three days and three nights, he was already feeling dizzy.

Hunger makes people panic, thirst makes people crazy.

When hunger reaches a certain level, people can do dehumanizing things. For example, when there was a famine in ancient times, some people once changed their sons to eat... Throughout ancient and modern times, whenever peasants revolted, it was because the people were so hungry that they had no choice but to risk their lives.

And thirst is more unbearable than hunger. Professionals have studied that if a normal person does not drink water for a day, his mood will become very manic. When the human body is dehydrated, the mood is extremely unstable and hallucinations can easily occur.

The problem that Zhao Hao is currently considering is no longer defying the sky and killing the Mirage Emperor. He just wants to find a stream or river, even a small puddle.

He hummed songs along the way and forced himself to enjoy the hardships.

Because he has realized that he is thirsty to the point of emotional instability. Once he becomes pessimistic and gets into trouble, his inner demons will most likely take advantage of him.

Even though he ascended, the inner demons were still hidden.

He followed his feelings and looked for a way out with the help of the Heavenly King's Eyes.


When he turned a corner and passed through a small valley, he heard the sound of water.

"Isn't it just another hallucination?"

Zhao Hao suspected that he was dead. Since yesterday afternoon, he heard the sound of running water several times. He ran over and took a look, but there was nothing.

Nonetheless, he strode into the valley.

The valley in front of me is no longer barren, with many low trees growing there.

The strange thing is that all these trees are withered and their fallen leaves are scattered in the wind.

Zhao Hao was stunned. He had extraordinary vision with the eyes of a king. He could see that these trees did not wither naturally, but were forcibly drained of the vitality in their bodies by some powerful creature.

"What's so cruel that it can't even spare a tree?"

Zhao Hao's thoughts changed rapidly, he increased his vigilance and walked towards the depths of the valley.


The sound of water flowing became louder and louder, constantly attracting Zhao Hao.

At the end of the valley, a small stream flows from a high place, and a fault appears on the cliff, forming a small waterfall. The waterfall cascaded down, forming a pool at the end of the valley.

At that moment, Zhao Hao was even more excited than when he saw the Milky Way falling three thousand feet down. He looked around for a few times, then immediately rushed to the edge of the pool, held the water in his hands and took a sip.

The thirstier you are, the less anxious you are to drink water. Zhao Hao is quite experienced.

At this moment, he still maintained a high degree of vigilance. He took a sip of water and ran the Nine Heavens to check whether he had any signs of poisoning. After confirming that there was no abnormality in his body, he let go of his hands and feet and drank water faster and faster. In the end, he was lying beside the pool and drinking happily.


After a long time, Zhao Ritian burped.

His lower abdomen was slightly bulging, as if he had been bloated after drinking beer and had temporarily forgotten his hunger.

call out!

Just when he was satisfied, a mysterious object came out of the sky.

The thing was like a transparent glass bead, about the size of a finger, and it hit the back of Zhao Hao's head.

At this time, the hidden effects of the Nine Heavens are revealed. Since the completion of the first and second levels of the Nine Heavens, Zhao Hao has had a strong early warning ability, and he can foresee dangers even from behind.

At the critical moment, Zhao Hao rolled on the spot.


The bead shot into the water, like a torpedo exploding, causing an ear-splitting muffled sound.

Countless water splashed up, making Zhao Hao wet instantly.

"What is this thing so powerful about?"

Zhao Hao, who had escaped, was frightened, got up and quickly locked onto the attacker.

A hundred meters away, squatting on a dead tree, was a gray hare.

The "mysterious strongman" who attacked Zhao Hao was this rabbit.

"Wind Rabbit: A second-level primitive creature, good at D-level spiritual art [Wind Bullet]..."

Zhao Hao took a closer look and was dumbfounded.

When he used his Heavenly King's Eyes to observe the rabbit, he actually received a stream of thought feedback.

It feels like the "identification technique" in the game. After using it, you can identify the monster's attributes.

"There is actually such an operation? The hidden function of the King's Eye is very real!"

While stunned, Zhao Hao was happy.

In the past, he could only judge the strength of evolved creatures through their breath. This judgment was sometimes unreliable. For example, when he encountered the group of ants on the ice sheet, Zhao Hao made a misjudgment and almost lost his life.

Even the dome on Drifting Island can be understood as Zhao Hao's misjudgment. Back then, as a pioneer explorer, he went to Drifting Island alone to gather information, took countless photos, and then led a team of people to attack the Blue Dome with great enthusiasm. The result...

Because of youth.

Because I know very little about the world of evolution.

Zhao Hao paid a heavy price and is still heartbroken.

It was the most painful and unbearable mistake in his life, and he lost the person he loved most.

Now this King's Eye has greatly reduced the possibility of Zhao Hao making mistakes.

In other words, the fault tolerance rate is improved.

Getting back to the subject, the Gale Rabbit on the dead tree stuck out its butt, looking like a bull charging for a sprint. However, it didn't really rush over, but suddenly opened its mouth and sprayed out another transparent bead.

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