The Patriarch of the Nine Dragons

Chapter 3788: Spiritual power

"Shuoyuan burst!"

Just as some thoughts in Yun Xiao's heart were rising, Yuan Shuo obviously didn't want to drag on like this anymore.

Hearing a low voice from his mouth, small **** rose up around Yun Xiao's body.

It seems that Yuan Shuo also knows the mood of Yuan Gu and other spirit races. He is a dignified Four-Rank God Sovereign, but he can't clean up a human kid for so long. Wouldn't it be a joke to pass it on?

The so-called Sunyuan explosion is to make those Sunyuan forces form small balls, and once Yunxiao can't bear these explosions, even the flesh and skin will burst open instantly.

The more powerful power of Shuo Yuan Explosion does not lie in these external aspects, but as long as Yun Xiao's flesh and blood touches the burst energy, even the pulse energy in the body will be swallowed up and become a waste.

Naturally, Yuan Shuo didn't want to kill Yun Xiao, but if he didn't cause this kid to be seriously injured and dying, he knew he would never achieve his goal, and he might even capsize in the gutter.

The realm of Shuoyuan is not only as simple as trapping people, whether it is the magical sword of Shuoyuan or these so-called Shuoyuan explosion balls, they all possess extremely powerful attack power.

If it were not for the opponent's stalemate in the Ten Thousand Sword Domain, I am afraid Yuan Shuo would be able to clean up this human kid early.

But a good meal is not afraid of late, as long as the blast can receive the expected effect, this battle is over.

"Just rely on these little beads to hurt me?"

Yun Xiao's eyes were slightly drenched, and the eyes of the soul screamed out in an instant. All the new moon explosion **** were invisible in his eyes, and even the signs of the explosion of the **** were clearly seen by him.


A low shout came from Yun Xiao's mouth, seeing that his hands were connected, and then the extreme fire of the earth in his hands turned into thousands of flames.

Above every flame, there is the heavy power of the extreme fire of the earth.

Seeing Yun Xiao's finger, the extreme fire of thousands of earth hits in an instant, locking the opponent's Shuyuan blasting ball without any mistake, and none of them slipped through the net.

Bang! Bang bang! Bang bang bang!

A series of dull popping sounds will come out, making De Yuan Shuo's face quite ugly.

Unexpectedly, this unfavourable new moon explosion did not receive the expected effect at all.

Yuan Shuo never thought that Yun Xiao's use of the extreme fire of the earth had reached such a level.

Especially when he saw that thousands of Hokage did not make any mistakes, he finally understood that he underestimated this human kid.

The extreme fire of the earth has a suppressing effect on all soil attributes. The so-called new explosion naturally belongs to the category of the attribute of the earth. Now that it is indiscriminately wrapped by the extreme fire of the earth, it is naturally impossible to explode its due power.

Moreover, after the extreme fire of the earth detonated Shuo Yuan's small ball, it didn't stop there, it was overwhelmingly struck towards Yuan Shuo's body, causing a trace of disdain to flash in his eyes.

In any case, the extreme fire of the earth must be blessed with Yunxiao's pulse, and the gap between the two pulses is Yuan Shuo's greatest confidence.

This extremely fire of thousands of earths is, in the final analysis, a special pulse technique.

In the pulse skill competition, Yuan Shuo of the fourth-rank **** emperor would still be afraid of the Yunxiao of a third-rank **** emperor?

Of course, Yuan Shuo would not foolishly let his body touch the extreme fire of the earth, which would make him lose more than his gain.

Therefore, under his decisive action, an earth-yellow light curtain was already lit up in front of him.

The khaki light curtain blocked Yuan Shuo's entire body behind.

The endless earth fire naturally couldn't hurt him at all, and he believed that this kind of pulse competition would definitely last him longer than that human kid.

"Huh, I want to see if your ancestral veins last longer, or my quartz marrow energy is more sufficient?"

Feeling that the body did not consume too much quartz marrow energy, Yuan Shuo had infinite confidence. After all, the human kid over there was still in a special state of urging the power of ancestral veins.

You should know that after the quartz marrow is over, there are no sequelae, at best, it is to restore Yuan Shuo to its previous state.

But Yunxiao, once the power of the ancestral veins is exhausted, he will have to enter a period of extreme weakness. At that time, I am afraid that Yuanshuo will not need to spend too much effort to capture it.

It is precisely because of this fact that Yuan Shuo has infinite confidence.

He believed that even if he couldn't defeat this human youth quickly, as long as he persisted, he would be invincible.

"Yuanshuo, what are you doing?"

However, just when Yuan Shuo used the Shuo Yuan curtain to resist the extreme fire of the earth, a familiar voice suddenly came from behind, causing him to turn his head in astonishment.

"Yuangu? You... how did you get in?"

From this look, Yuan Shuo's eyes widened, as if he felt a little unbelievable, because the figure standing behind him was Yuan Gu who he thought was still fighting outside.

"Fighting? No! You are not Yuangu!"

Thinking of this section of Yuan Shuo, I suddenly sensed that there was still a familiar fighting aura in the outside world. I couldn't help but wake up instantly, as if I understood something in this instant.


At the same time, the "Yuan Gu" that had just made a sound instantly turned into a weird wooden sword that was also familiar to Yuan Shuo, and while he was puzzled, it pierced his throat with rage.

"It's Yunxiao's sword!"

At this moment, Yuan Shuo could see clearly that the wooden sword that belonged to Yun Xiao just turned into Yuan Gu.

At this moment, he had no time to think about what caused this, because the tip of the wooden sword was not close to the point of his throat.

Obviously at that moment, Yun Xiao used the direct restraint of the extremely fire of the earth to use the second type of Yulong Sword phantom, almost deceiving Yuan Shuo.

Fortunately, Yuan Shuo's reaction was extremely fast. At the moment of the moment, he finally reacted, and finally avoided the fatal blow when he turned his head slightly.

However, Yuan Shuo was also shocked in a cold sweat, and the strange methods of the human kid secretly appeared endlessly. Now that even such a lifelike alien body can be transformed, it seems that he has to be more careful in the future.

What Yuan Gu didn't see was that when he turned his head to avoid the surprise attack of the Dragon Sword, the black-clothed youth's eyes flashed with a smile.

The previous operation finally worked.

"Blood Spirit... Cut!"

When a low voice sounded from Yun Xiao's heart, within the sword body of the Yulong Sword that swept past Yuangu's neck, a blood-red knife suddenly appeared, which looked like Yulong Sword. Same unremarkable.

"What the hell?"

At this time, Yuan Shuo, because of such a short distance, was inevitable, but he didn't worry too much.

He could sense that it didn't seem to be an entity, but a special pulse technique.

Since it was a pulse technique, Yuan Shuo could not have too much fear.

What he fears most is the wood sword and the extreme fire of the earth. With a simple pulse skill competition, how can he be afraid of a Yunxiao who is one level lower?

I have to say that Yuan Shuo's reaction speed is indeed extremely fast, and in an instant he has formed a thick defense on his neck.

He believed that this unexpected **** flying knife could not hurt himself at all.

If either Mo Jiang and Shegui were here at this moment, I'm afraid they would remind them loudly, but it's a pity that those two had already gone to see King Yan.

What's more, the tripartite practitioners on the outside cannot see the situation inside.

Everything is doomed to Yuan Shuo's next ending.

When he thought he had the confidence to block the scarlet flying knife, the scarlet knife passed through his neck defense without any hindrance.

"It's not an entity?"

Yuan Shuo's face finally changed when he sensed that his defense had no effect at all.

But he still didn't realize the real danger, even if it was an incorporeal attack, it might not have a fatal effect on him.


Nine Dragons Blood Spirit Slash's knife directly submerged into Yuan Shuo's neck defensive circle, and then entered his body with lightning speed, without being blocked by the slightest.


In the next moment, an invisible aura rose from Yuan Shuo's body, and Yun Xiao could sense that it was the power of spiritual intelligence belonging to Yuan Shuo, which was equivalent to the power of human soul.

However, the power of the human soul is condensed from the sea of ​​consciousness deep in the mind, while the spiritual wisdom of the foreign spirit is attached to the spiritual crystal, which is the heart of the human body.

It seems that Yuan Shuo believed that Yun Xiao's blood knife was an incorporeal attack, aimed at his own spiritual intelligence, so he made a decisive decision and wanted to use the power of spiritual intelligence to make the blood knife return without success.

Yun Xiao, who sensed this scene, couldn't help being a little surprised, secretly saying that Yuan Shuo is really fearless for those who don't know.

If this old guy shrinks his mind, perhaps the effect of "Nine Dragons" Blood Spirit Slash will be greatly reduced.

Unexpectedly, this Ten Thousand Demon Forest is so confident that he wants to use the power of spiritual intelligence to deal with Nine Dragons Blood Spirit Slash.

This is like the previous bitter buckwheat with wood attributes, using its wood attribute power to deal with the extremely fire of wood.

This can be said to be hitting a rock with a pebbles, or like a moth to a fire. In short, Yun Xiao was almost amused by Yuan Shuo's actions at this moment. This is simply a gift to the door.

It's a pity that none of this can be said that Yuanshuo is too stupid, or that he does not have a deep understanding of Nine Dragons Blood Spirit Slash, or that he is extremely confident in his own spiritual power, and this is how he responded.

Originally, Yun Xiao was a little worried that Nine Dragons Blood Spirit Slash would not receive the expected effect, just like when he was dealing with Mojiang in Shifang City, but it could affect it for a while.

Unexpectedly, Yuan Shuo would be so cooperative, but it dispelled all Yun Xiao's worries.

Next, let this confident Ten Thousand Demon Forest expert see, what exactly is the biggest nemesis of the foreign spirit family?

At this time, Yuan Shuo had no idea that the fatal danger had come.

He still confidently controlled his spiritual intelligence, and greeted the blood-red knife that entered the body, vowing to blast it to ashes in the first blow.

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