“Don’t panic! This is all technical corrosion! Everything will be fine!”

There are still people in the universe who are unwilling to believe what they see, unwilling to believe that the diffused poison gas alone can dissolve the thick zero-element armor, which is theoretically the strongest substance and the most indestructible armor.

However, now, this layer of armor has not been shattered by the high-energy particle beam, nor has it been torn apart by the phase splitter, but has been corroded by the diffused poison gas, causing the zero-element armor to corrode.

The engines of the XT-489 fleet in the light curtain were completely corroded by the poison gas, and more than 200 ships were hanging in the void like kites with broken strings.

Waves of poison gas, like a whirlpool, rolled them into the depths of the star system little by little.

At the same time, the XT-489 fleet also continuously emitted yellowish white smoke in the process, just like being evaporated in a whirlpool of a green puddle.


Smelly yellow smoke rose from the frigates one by one. In an instant, more than a hundred frigates were shrouded in smoke.

Broken and rotten metal was looming in the white smoke, and soon melted into the poisonous gas.

After a while, even the smoke disappeared, and the frigates evaporated as well.


March Seven stared at this scene with wide eyes, and couldn’t help but grab a handful of potato chips and stuff them into his mouth to dispel his uneasiness:

“This is just at the edge of the galaxy, where the poison gas is the thinnest, and it actually evaporated hundreds of these large frigates?!”

A frigate is considered a small warship, but this smallness is only relative.

A frigate is almost as large as a building with hundreds of floors.

Hundreds of frigates were completely wiped out by the thinnest poison gas at the edge of this galaxy and evaporated on the spot.

March 7 couldn’t help but glance at the triple coffee on the table that no one dared to touch, and muttered in the smallest voice:

“I don’t know which one is more powerful, this poison gas or Ji Zi’s coffee.”

“Huh?” Ji Zi blinked in confusion:”Xiao Sanyue, did you say anything just now?”

“No, no!” Sanyueqi waved his hands quickly and said,”I didn’t say anything. Jizi, you must have heard it wrong.”

“Oh, maybe I was hallucinating.” Jizi nodded and looked at the coffee on the table.


“Why haven’t you drunk yet? Drink it now.”

Jizi smiled gently:

Coffee tastes best when it is warm.

“It’s exactly like what Latio said.”

Shajin propped up his face and said with interest:

“This zero element armor is nothing compared to the poison gas of the Poison Saint.”

“In just a blink of an eye, the frigates were completely corroded.”

“I wonder if those battleships and cruisers can hold out, at least they can cause some damage to the Poison Saint.”

Under the gaze of Shajin, a large amount of white smoke came out of those larger battleships and cruisers, and hideous holes were corroded. The XT-489 inside the ships was exposed to the vacuum.

The poisonous gas was like a swarm of hungry insects, drilling into the cabin through the corroded holes.

The body of the XT-489 contaminated with the poisonous gas instantly oxidized, turning an ugly yellow, and then, in the blink of an eye, it was completely corroded and evaporated in the cabin.

These poisonous gases were like living things, gnawing at the ships of XT-489.

Even a battleship as big as a city could not withstand its corrosion and disappeared into the void in the blink of an eye.

In just a blink of an eye, the fleet of XT-489 disappeared from the Emerald Light Galaxy, as if it had never existed, and as if it had never appeared.

“Just a blink of an eye…….”

“The Zero Element Armor can only linger for a short while in the place where the poison gas is the thinnest.”

“Is this the Poison Saint? Is this the Star Beast?”

Many creatures in the universe couldn’t help but swallow their saliva.

This terrible poison easily melted more than 200 fleets equipped with zero-element armor.

This made people tremble with fear. Many people even felt that the power and destructive power of this Poison Saint might be no less than that of an ordinary commander.

This was no longer a realm that mortals could resist.

At this moment, the fleet of the Scourge Empire on the light curtain began to mobilize…

【”According to the corrosion data of the XT-489 ship’s zero-element armor, it is confirmed that the poison gas surrounding the Poison Saint is highly corrosive to any form of armor.”】

【”It is recommended to remove the ship’s external armor and mainly equip it with dark matter deflector shields, large psychic shields and crystal forging plating”】

【”Only use ships above the Altria-class battleship. Millennium Alice-class Titans and Fininna-class Titans are recommended.”】

【”In addition: It is recommended that each ship carry more than 5,000 psychics, ready to summon psychic avatars to capture alive”】

The three scientific research arrays analyzed the data of the Poison Saint, and then passed the battle plan to the front-line fleet through the command array.

After the front-line fleet received the order, the three scientific research arrays began to calculate non-stop.

【”Calculate the penetration rate of the poison saint’s poison on the ether dragon’s dragon scale armor”】

【”Analyzing the ecological community on the back of the Poison Saint”】

【”Analysis of the mechanism of the influence of the poison saint on stars and planets”】

【”Analysis of the taming method after capturing the Poison Saint alive…….”】

“The Scourge Empire is not planning…..Taming the Poison Saint?”

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