The sizzling sound of the acid corroding the metal brought Zhang Qi's eyes back to the door of the cage.


With a clear sound, the corroded door bolt smashed lightly on the table, breaking into several pieces.

"I lost it"!

Zhang Qi was so frightened that his hair stood on end. Before he could react, the huge spider in the cage had turned into a black shadow and rushed towards his face.

The big claws flowing with venom suddenly stabbed Zhang Qi's face door... on the iron armor curse.

Then there was a soft sound of clang.

The First Hogwarts Transportation Committee reminds you:

There are thousands of roads, and the first one is the shield.

When I go out without a shield, my relatives cry.

Spider: Young man, you don't talk about martial arts...


While the spider that fell on the ground was still yelling at Zhang Qi for not talking about martial arts, Zhang Qi had already raised his right leg high, and then stepped down towards the spider fiercely.


Like a huge smashed watermelon, the spider's green and blue organs and body fluids splashed everywhere, and Lockhart next to him was covered in disgusting mucus.

Arito in the first row was also splashed with a sticky lump on his face, which seemed to be a spider's silk gland.

"I think I need an explanation, Professor. You just promised that this cage is absolutely indestructible!"

Zhang Qi, who was still neat because of the shield, looked around the classroom and asked Lockhart expressionlessly.

"Ah, there are often problems with redstone refining. This is normal and unavoidable. This incident is an accidental event. Please believe in my technology. Even in some respects, Mr. Nicole May doesn't have mine. Alchemy is superb"...

Lockhart stammered.

"Uh, the clothes of the classmates in the front row are all dirty, so I will leave get out of class early today and let everyone go back to the dormitory to clean up"...

After speaking, he escaped from the classroom without daring to look back.

Damn it, I had already asked that stupid big man a lot about the habits of the eight-eyed giant spider in advance, why did something go wrong in class!

Lockhart secretly regretted in his heart, but he didn't dare to stop at all.


Zhang Qi's poor roommate had no choice but to go back to Slytherin's No. 2 dormitory with a head full of foul-smelling liquid. He took a good shower before going to have dinner.

Not for anything else, just to prevent the classmates from spitting up when they see him.

In the spacious bathroom of the Slytherin boys' dormitory No. 2, Arito... oh no, it should be called Astoria at this time. He was vigorously rubbing his cheeks with a piece of propolis and orange essential oil soap.

Well, this soap was bought by Zhang Qi from Shenzhou Tongrentang. It is a high-selling product of Shenzhou Xuanshu's People-friendly Project. It is mainly sold to North America and not much exported to Europe.

The price was two dollars a piece, and then Zhang Qi sold it and put it in the Slytherin dormitory for a price of one Galleon, buy 5 get 1 free.

No way, who told him to be short of money?

The glands of the eight-eyed giant spider are poisonous, so Zhang Qi specially chose this soap for his roommate, because it contains **** juice, which can relieve the symptoms of spider bites.

Hearing the sound of water rushing from the bathroom, Zhang Qi shook his head, took out the parchment he had just translated when he was in class from the book Lockhart gave, and began to read it carefully.

1. The truth is not false, never lie, it will inevitably bring truth:

Tistruewithoutlying, sure&mosttrue:

2. The lower is as the upper, and the upper is as the lower; thus fulfilling the miracle of the One.


3. All things are originally the One, created from the One through differentiation.



"Why do you think this parchment seems to be a jade record?"

Zhang Qi rubbed his head in pain. Although he had a little basic knowledge in alchemy, the messy contents in front of him were obviously beyond his ability.

"In short, it should be the use of spirit to influence reality."  …

After releasing Yan Ling, Zhang Qi finally managed to understand a little bit.

The price is that now he almost has a splitting headache, and his steps are a little vain.

Thinking with Yan Ling just now consumed too much blood sugar, but it's fortunate, when my silly roommate gets out of the shower, he can go to the auditorium for dinner.

"It seems that I need to go to the library to borrow a little book about alchemy. Well, I will go tonight."

After watching for a while, Zhang Qi thought to himself.

"Well, it takes about half a year to refine redstone, and the steps are cumbersome and error-prone, and it's easy to give up all previous efforts. But this thing is an omnipotent source of alchemical energy, and from the perspective of alchemy, it is the most Something close to the Philosopher's Stone".

"The risk of violent blood is not small. Maybe you can consider it. It may be more cost-effective to make a few alchemical weapons that can protect yourself."

"But redstone is basically no one to refine it now, so what should be used as an energy source?"

Zhang Qi was once again lost in thought.

"Well, I finally washed those disgusting things off. By the way, can I go to dinner now?"

The bathroom door opened, and Arito, whose hair was still damp, came out neatly dressed.

"Ah, yes, it's indeed time for dinner."

Zhang Qi stood up from his chair and rubbed his Let's go, go to the auditorium for dinner."



The auditorium in the evening can be said to be full of people, because some students may pack and take away breakfast and lunch in a hurry, but the most important dinner will not be done in this way.

"Hey, Harry, did you hear that there was an accident today when Lockhart gave the first-year Defence Against the Dark Arts class"?

Ron, who also had a fried chicken leg in his left hand, stabbed Harry.

"Ah? What happened?"

Harry asked in confusion.

Yesterday Lockhart let out a bunch of Cornish pixies when he was teaching them, and it was a disaster!

These 8-inch, pointy-faced, piercing-throated pixies scurried around the Defence Against the Dark Arts classroom like rockets. He grabbed the ink bottle and splashed it at the class, ripped books and paper to shreds, ripped off the pictures posted on the walls, and flipped the trash can upside down!

Poor Neville was even caught by his ears and hung on the classroom chandelier until Professor McGonagall from the Transfiguration class next door arrived.

Harry thought he was going to ignore Lockhart's bizarre behavior.

"Lockhart released a huge poisonous spider in class"! Ron shivered a little in fear, and then continued to say to Harry:

"It seems to be called a six-eyed spider or something"...

"It's a giant eight-eyed spider, which is a 5X-level dangerous creature stipulated by the Ministry of Magic, which means that this thing has killed wizards!"

Hermione on the side couldn't listen anymore and explained to Harry.

"It's called this"!

Ron nodded and continued.


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