The personal sycophant of the villainous empress

Chapter 121 Xiao Yao defected and Su An became a demon

He clutched his chest and coughed painfully twice, then stood up.

If he hadn't broken through to the fetal breath realm, I'm afraid that palm just now would have killed half of his life.

Seeing the healing elixir beside him, he took the elixir bottle in his hand, and warmth surged out of his cold heart, "Senior Brother Wu~"

"The academy cannot stay any longer."

Xiao Yao took out a high-quality healing elixir from the storage ring and put it into his mouth. Although the teacher was killed by the evil thief, the teacher's storage ring was still in his hand.

In addition to various elixirs and techniques, there are also many treasures and miscellaneous items.

After all, this is the collection of a Venerable Yuanshen.

He took out an anonymity charm and a fire bottle from it, and made a certain determination, "Su An, just wait, I will come back!"

"It's not good, it's not good!"

"Xiao Yao stole the Skyfire and defected!"

The elders guarding the Xinye Red Lotus Pagoda hurriedly chased him out.

But when he looked again, Xiao Yao was nowhere to be seen.

The matter reached the ears of the old dean, who was so angry that he slapped the table away and called the demon cultivator a spy!

How could a monk who could not reach the highest level of Fetal Breath Realm steal the Heavenly Fire quietly? There must be someone behind him, probably those demonic cultivators. As expected, Xiao Yao was colluding with those demonic cultivators. How was the admissions review done?

Investigate strictly! Must be investigated strictly!

"Junior brother Xiao, you are actually involved with the demon cultivator." Senior brother Wu wiped his spear with a complex expression and a bit of fierceness in his eyes.

"Okay, Senior Brother Wu, stop thinking about a traitor. He must have been pretending before." The fat man patted Senior Brother Wu on the shoulder.

The other disciples despised Xiao Yao even more. The disciple who was the first to despise Xiao Yao yesterday said that he had foresight.

Naturally, I have more respect for Su An.

As for Su An, she was lying on the bed and didn't want to move.

Yesterday, more than 100,000 pills killed him. Pills are easy, but the key is the demon seed inside.

Although it is only the most basic demon species that has been weakened several times, there are too many of them produced.

The effect of these demon seeds is nothing more than making these disciples respect Su An more and more, and even gradually transform into a firm belief.

The Demon Suppressing Sect is not just an ordinary Holy Land sect, the sect also enshrines a Demon Suppressing Heavenly Lord.

Although the belief is not as widespread as that of the Western Desert Buddhist Sect, almost all members of the Demon Suppressing Sect are its followers.

Su An didn't know what the Demon-Suppressing Heavenly Lord was. According to Dashang's records, the Demon-Suppressing Heavenly Lord had never appeared on the scene, but that didn't stop him from keeping a secret, maybe he could use it in the future.

A few more days passed, and the demonic aura in the North became increasingly intense.

The demonic wind roared and dark clouds covered the sky.

Everyone knows that the secret realm of the Ancient Demon is about to be opened.

Stations of various sizes have been carved out on various peaks outside the secret realm, and they are occupied by people from different forces.

On a mountain peak near the secret realm, Su An also met two ancestors, as well as many members of the Black Bird Division, including many Pure Yang experts, and Xuan Jian was among them.

Except for Chengzu, an old acquaintance, another ancestor looked quite young. His black hair was tied high in a black jade crown, his skin was snow-white, and he looked like he was only twenty years old.

In terms of blood, this ancestor is Su Ruoxi's aunt, the eldest sister of the late emperor, and she has only broken through to the Yuanshen realm in recent years.

However, in the royal family, as long as you break through the soul, you will automatically be promoted to the ancestor.

After all, seniority is really difficult to calculate, so it is more appropriate for the ancestors to rank them based on their strength.

Strictly speaking, Su Ruoxi was much older than Su An, but it was Gong Yueru's identity that made them peers.

"Chengzu, Xuanzu." Su An greeted the two ancestors.

Xuanzu nodded slightly. There were many people in the clan, but they also valued Su An, a junior with top-notch talent and potential.

"Xiao An is here, come and sit here. The secret realm has not been solved yet, and it will take some time." Chengzu seemed quite enthusiastic, without any airs of the ancestor, which made Xuanzu look sideways.

Rather than caring highly, Chengzu directly valued Su An.

Not only does he have a good relationship with His Majesty, he is the adopted son of the Queen Mother, but he also helped a lot in the battle to annihilate the Tiandao Sect.

After going back, I checked and found out that Su An was still a descendant of his bloodline. Isn't it a coincidence?

"Isn't it possible to open the secret realm in advance?"

Su An was not polite and sat aside directly to chat with the two ancestors.

"It's difficult, and there are a lot of people coming, so there's no need to waste energy on it." Chengzu explained.

Compared with the calm situation on the mountain peak here, there are quite a lot of fights in other places.

Before the secret realm was opened, those people were fighting for position. Some small sects were not even qualified to enter.

"Blood Demon Sect, don't bully others too much!"

On a hilltop not far or near from the secret realm, two forces were confronting each other.

The person who said this was a sect in the North whose overall strength was similar to that of the Blood Demon Sect.

"Humph, I'm just bullying you!" the leader of the Blood Demon Sect yelled back.

"Leader, don't we need to help?" Behind the Blood Demon Sect, the Guardian Bird asked in a low voice next to Li Si's ear.

"No, we just agreed to explore the secret realm together. It doesn't mean that we need to control the outside of the secret realm." Li Si looked indifferent, and he was already sweating.

The secret was almost exposed several times in the past few days, but fortunately he responded in time.

I will be more careful when entering the secret realm later. It is better not to do anything if I can.

In addition to these places, there are two mountains with so much demonic power that no one dares to approach them.

This is where the Phaseless Demon Sect and the Wanhua Demon Sect, the leaders of the North Demon Sect, are stationed.

Both sects have masters of the soul who are the real rulers of the North. The master of the soul who previously explored the secret realm of the ancient demon was the master of the gods of the Wanhua Demon Sect.

Compared to the veteran Demon Lord, the Wuxiang Demon Lord, the Wanhua Demon Lord is a powerful demon who has risen in the past hundred years, but his strength cannot be underestimated.

In addition, there are also powerful auras faintly coming from several hills, which people dare not provoke.

Although the Ancient Demon Secret Realm is a legendary magical secret realm, it may involve secrets of the soul or even higher levels. Who doesn't want to get involved.

"Su An, you are here too."

Di Mengyao glanced at the surrounding peaks, "In my previous life, I was bullied by you in the Primordial Secret Realm. Don't let me find a chance this time!"

When the ancient demon secret realm opened in her previous life, she was still working as a casual cultivator and didn't know much about what happened here. She just heard that many people died.

"Mengyao, what are you thinking about?" A clear male voice sounded from behind.

The person who came was a tall and tall blond man with a pair of golden wings on his back. The difference from the human race could be seen at a glance.

Di Mengyao couldn't help but frowned and took a few steps away, "Jin Yu, call me Di Mengyao, we are not that familiar."

Jin Yu heard a flash of embarrassment in his eyes: "Meng Yao, don't be like this, you know my thoughts."

"Sorry, I don't know." Di Mengyao glanced at him coldly and turned to leave.

This Jin Yu is a genius of the Golden Crow Clan. In the Golden Crow Clan, pure-blooded people have the surname of Emperor, and their number is sparse, while mixed-blooded people have the surname of Jin, and they are more numerous.

Although Jin Yu is not a pure-blooded Golden Crow, his talent is extremely extraordinary and is stronger than most pure-bloods. Many supporters even advocate that Jin Yu has the appearance of a soul.

In the last life, this person was also wrapped around him like a dog-skin plaster, and then suddenly disappeared, and the clan was still searching for him.

Now that I think about it, I'm afraid Su An took her to make soup.

"Damn bitch!" Jin Yu's face turned completely gloomy as he watched Di Mengyao go away.

If several elders and ancestors in the clan hadn't asked him to have a good relationship with Di Mengyao and chase her, how could he have lowered his face and become a licking dog.

You must know that in the past, he has always been the hope of the Golden Crow clan, and he even had the idea of ​​inheriting the position of Demon Emperor as a hybrid.

"Hmph, so what if you are pure blood? I, Jin Yu, will definitely aspire to become the Yuan Shen in this life. When the time comes, you and your aunt will all wait for me!"

After this day's fighting, things outside the secret realm slowly calmed down.

The major forces have basically determined their own positions and are quietly waiting for the secret realm to open.

In the midst of great expectations, time passed, accompanied by a thud.

The demonic energy here has reached its peak. In this environment, the demon cultivator only feels physically comfortable and his combat power is three points stronger.

Su An felt extremely comfortable. If the environment hadn't allowed it, she would have really wanted to practice as much as she wanted.

And in the place where the demonic energy is the strongest, the space is distorted, violent fluctuations occur, and the churning demonic energy seems to turn the place into a dense purgatory.

In just an instant, many demon cultivators who had already prepared their attack rushed towards it.


Accompanied by a soft hum.

The demon cultivators at the front exploded into blood mist, and it was the master of the Demon Suppressing Sect who took action.

Then Chengzu and Xuanzu seemed to have made an agreement with the Demon Suppressing Sect Master.

The three souls exuded terrifying power and blocked the secret realm.

"Do you want to monopolize the secret realm!" A demon cultivator hid behind everyone and shouted at the three of them.

Xuanzu glanced at the demon cultivator.

The next moment, the demon cultivator turned into ashes.

This scene was so frightening that everyone did not dare to say anything and could only turn their attention to the remaining mountains.

"Jie Jie, Fellow Daoist Ling, you are fine!"

A strange voice sounded, it sounded like a man, a woman, an old man, a young man, and he couldn't tell where it came from.

"It's the Formless Demon Lord!"

Some demon cultivators shouted.

It was a figure wrapped in black mist, and the shape could not be seen clearly. If you look carefully, you can feel that the black mist changes into various shapes, including men, women, old and young.

This is the most mysterious demon cultivator in the North, the Formless Demon Lord.

He and the Demon Suppressing Sect Master are old enemies.

So far, no one has seen his true face, let alone his age and gender.

"Three fellow Taoists, the secret realm belongs to everyone, why don't you share it." Another figure stood up, an old Taoist with an immortal air. He looked kind-hearted and had a gentle face. Anyone who saw this image would be praised. Old fairy.

But everyone who knows this person is afraid, because this person is the Wanhua Demon Lord who wiped out many forces in a short period of time and established the Wanhua Demon Sect.

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