The Phantom Thief of Heart! But Conan

Chapter 91 What kind of black technology did Tang Zejia use?

Why does the logo of Tang Ze and his wife appear in the impression space and on such a key partition door?

Tangze was speechless and stretched out his hand blankly, touching the arrow at the bottom.

The dark red arrows are not painted on the wall, but more like the texture that exists on the wall itself, and it feels exactly the same as the surrounding walls.

He touched it, touched it hard, and pressed it with both hands.

Seeing Tangze opening his hands and patting randomly on the wall like a gecko, Hoshikawa Hui walked up to him speechlessly: "What are you doing?"

"You can see these triangle handles. Isn't this my hallucination?" Tang Ze pointed to the wall.

"Of course." Xingchuan Hui confirmed and reached out to touch the red triangle.

Tang Ze was greatly shocked.

Impression space, it is the palace of the public, where the collective subconscious of mankind resides...

What exactly have Tangze and his wife studied? Are they engaged in thinking stamps? Otherwise, why could they leave traces here? !

No, maybe it's the other way around.

Maybe they had a glimpse of the existence of impression space. This symbol might be the product of their experiment...

This is a bit too awesome. Two researchers who are obviously ordinary people have "hacked" the collective subconscious to some extent through theoretical research and experiments...

No, I have to study the things my parents left behind when I go back...

Tangze subconsciously opened his "third eye" and scanned the space with his special vision.

A red line like a streamer appeared in his eyes. One end was swinging slowly not far in front of Tangze, and the other part penetrated deep into the wall, and he didn't know where it was connected.

What is this? Tang Ze stretched out his hand curiously, trying to catch the fluttering red thread.

There was a crisp sound of "pop", and the red scarf that was snug around Tang Ze's neck suddenly tightened, pulling Tang Ze to the ground and took a step forward. The red line suddenly disappeared into the scarf and disappeared.

Xingchuan Hui turned his head when he heard the movement and pointed to the scarf in surprise: "Huh? Has it become longer? I remember that it could only hang down to your back..."

Tang Ze pulled up the tail of the scarf and looked at it. Indeed, the piece of fabric had already hung down to Tang Ze's knees, and had grown by more than twenty centimeters out of thin air.

...What the hell, a greedy snake?

Tang Ze pulled the scarf and thought about it carefully for a while, but found nothing, so he could only put it down temporarily.

In fact, Tang Ze had only a vague idea of ​​what this scarf was.

It seemed to be controlled by Tang Ze's will, but he didn't see it actually flying or anything. Tang Ze fumbled for a long time, only thinking that maybe it was a prop like the hook lock added in the enhanced version of the game.

Now it looks like it may have other uses.

After walking around the wall three more times, Tangze knocked on the wall of unknown material and reluctantly took Hoshikawa Hui back to the car.

After investigating, but not fully investigating, it feels very uncomfortable to have this kind of secret being kicked in front of you, only to be kicked back.

If Tang Ze feels uncomfortable, then he wants to make others feel uncomfortable too.

After tilting his head and thinking for a while, Tang Ze smiled maliciously.

"Let's go Xingchuan, take the shortcut over there and go directly back to the entrance." Tangze pointed in a direction and smiled kindly, "You go home first, I'll be here soon."


I have admired him for a long time, hated him for a long time, and I can’t figure out whether he hates me as a person, or is he engaging in PUA to torture and control me... Mari Terahara, who has been troubled by this kind of trouble for a long time, discovered that the truth is that she has fallen in love with an awkward person. A childish ghost who doesn't understand human language.

Tired, destroy it, what musical talent, what love-hate entanglement, who you love.

After revealing her murder plan, Mari Terahara leaned on the sofa and looked at the colorful ceiling of the box, feeling very tired.

She kind of wanted to show off.

I don’t know why Kimura Tatsuya, who suddenly became full of emotion and developed tear ducts, started to cry again halfway through listening.

"Did I actually push you to this point?" He held his head, half of the hair that stood upright like a hedgehog had been rubbed down by him, "I'm such a bastard, a scumbag..."

After that, he hugged Mari's legs again and continued to cry on the dress that had been ruined by his tears.

There was a bloody youth drama going on here. Suzuki Sonoko and Mao Lilan looked like they were eating something fresh, staring at a few people intently, but Conan frowned after hearing what Mari Terahara said.

Kimura Tatsuya's abnormal personality change just now is very suspicious.

Kimura Tatsuya is really ugly. Even Conan, who met Conan for the first time, heard him mocking his teammates and managers more than once during the celebration banquet, calling them "useless things" and "delays." ", and the shouting and shouting of Mari Terahara was even more excessive. As a bystander, when Conan heard Mari Terahara talk about her idea of ​​killing Tatsuya Kimura, his first reaction was "it's reasonable."

As a result, this guy stood there in a daze for a while, then suddenly repented, apologized and confessed...

Originally, Conan might not have thought so much about it, but if this incident might progress to the level of a murder, then this sudden change in personality would make Conan couldn't help but think of many similar cases.

Targets who have received joker notice letters.

Conan's rich association ability quickly spread, and he soon realized that this might be a rare occasion where he was lucky enough to witness the joker's technique.

He clenched his fists a little excitedly, took out his mobile phone and quietly pressed the start button.

[Did you do it? Kimura Tatsuya? 】

After the email was sent, Conan's eyes shone, and he felt excited that he had temporarily outperformed his opponent. He put on a classic thinking posture, stroking his chin and running his mind rapidly.

Hengli stretched out a hand, and when Conan lowered his head to think, the CPU was running at high speed and he was distracted, he pulled the glasses off his face.

Conan was startled, raised his head with wide eyes, and met Mao Lilan's suspicious eyes.

"It's really like when I was a freshman." She whispered, "The singing is also very similar..."

There are many people who are tone-deaf, but she has only seen one person who can make a simple children's song out of tune like this.


Conan covered his cheeks in vain, shrank into the corner of the sofa, and said in a low voice without embarrassment, "What's wrong, Sister Xiaolan, I can't see clearly with you like this!"

Mao Lilan pondered with a serious face.

An elementary school student, and Shinichi... This is an outrageous association, but think about the night when Shinichi disappeared, she met Dr. Agasa and Conan at Shinichi's house. From that day on, Shinichi never appeared again...

With some uneasy speculation lingering in her mind, she couldn't help but want to ask directly: "What on earth are you..."


Conan's cell phone rang at this moment.

He quickly grabbed the phone, just to divert Mao Lilan's attention quickly. He didn't have time to take a look at the caller's number, so he answered the call directly: "Hello——"

"Hello, Conan?" A male voice that was extremely familiar to Conan came from the receiver.

——The voice of Kudo Shinichi.

I caught a cold after cooling down - my stomach hurts -

I can’t write it a bit. I have one more chapter to code QAQ and I’ll try to post it today.

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